93 studies found in English from a total of 36710

Values in Crisis Austria (SUF edition)

Aschauer, Wolfgang (University of Salzburg); Seymer, Alexander (University of Salzburg); Prandner, Dimitri (University of Linz); (4 more)
Full edition for scientific use. The COVID-19 pandemic offers unique opportunity - a natural experiment indeed - to study how people’s moral values change during times of crises. In the face of lacking evidence, we cannot take it for granted that the stability of values observed in normal times continues throughout the Corona crisis. This dataset represents the Austrian data...
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Values in Crisis Austria – Wave 1 and Wave 2 combined (SUF edition)

Aschauer, Wolfgang (University of Salzburg); Seymer, Alexander (University of Salzburg); Ulrich, Martin (University of Salzburg); (6 more)
Full edition for scientific use. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to various Online-Panel studies to study the social effects of the crisis. The Values in Crisis study stands out in three central aspects. First, it offers a differentiated perspective to study how basic values of Austrian citizens change during times of crises. Second, the VIC study is a global survey project...
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Democracy and Local Governance

Makarovič, Jan (Faculty of Social Sciences)
The study attempted a comparative examination of the impact of leaders' values on social change and development at the community level. There is an individual file for each respondent, and, in addition, a community file was constructed to describe each community. The community file describes the social and economic aspects of the community using aggregate data. It also...
Study description available in:ENSL
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Tenth anniversary of independent state

Batagelj, Zenel (CATI, Marketing, Media and Social Research & Consulting, d.o.o.)
Goal of this survey was to find out whether or not did new independent state in its ten years of existence fulfill expectations of interviewed individuals and on which spheres should state work concentrate in the future.Goal of this survey was to find out whether or not did new independent state in its ten years of existence fulfill expectations of interviewed individuals...
Study description available in:ENSL
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Slovene Public Opinion Survey 2002/2

Toš, Niko (Faculty of Social Sciences)
Survey is a part of European project, which is conducted simultaneously in 21 countries. The purpose of the project is to register social changes in time. Survey focuses on two main topics: comprehension and practice of citizenship and attitudes toward immigration. Questionnaire consists of six clusters of questions. The first, relatively short one, cluster contains...
Study description available in:ENSL
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Harmonizing and synthesizing partnership histories from different research data infrastructures: A model project for linking research data from various infrastructure (HaSpaD).

Schulz, Sonja ( GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften); Weiß, Bernd ( GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften); Sterl, Sebastian ( GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften); (3 more)
English: The HaSpaD project harmonizes and pools longitudinal data for the analysis of partnership biographies from nine German survey programs. These are in detail: The German Family Panel (pairfam), Data file Version 12.0.0 ALLBUS/GGSS 1980-2016 (Kumulierte Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrage der Sozialwissenschaften / Cumulated German General Social Survey 1980-2016) ...
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Harmonizing and synthesizing partnership histories from different research data infrastructures: A model project for linking research data from various infrastructure (HaSpaD).

Schulz, Sonja ( GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften); Weiß, Bernd ( GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften); Sterl, Sebastian ( GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften); (3 more)
English: The HaSpaD project harmonizes and pools longitudinal data for the analysis of partnership biographies from nine German survey programs. These are in detail: The German Family Panel (pairfam), Data file Version 12.0.0 ALLBUS/GGSS 1980-2016 (Kumulierte Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrage der Sozialwissenschaften / Cumulated German General Social Survey 1980-2016) ...
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Harmonizing and synthesizing partnership histories from different research data infrastructures: A model project for linking research data from various infrastructure (HaSpaD).

Schulz, Sonja ( GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften); Weiß, Bernd ( GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften); Sterl, Sebastian ( GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften); (3 more)
English: The HaSpaD project harmonizes and pools longitudinal data for the analysis of partnership biographies from nine German survey programs. These are in detail: The German Family Panel (pairfam), Data file Version 12.0.0 ALLBUS/GGSS 1980-2016 (Kumulierte Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrage der Sozialwissenschaften / Cumulated German General Social Survey 1980-2016) ...
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Code/Syntax: Vegetarians in Germany. Prevalence estimates, social profile, dynamic features, and short-term effects on subjective health

Hartmann, Jörg ( Universität Leipzig)
Data: SOEP v37, 2020, doi:10.5684/soep.core.v37eu Abstract of the referenced publication: Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, this article examines (1) the prevalence of vegetarians in Germany, (2) their social profile, and (3) dynamic features and short-term effects on subjective health of a vegetarian diet. As in many other Western countries, the prevalence...
Study description available in:DEEN
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Finnish Values and Everyday Life 2005

Puohiniemi, Martti (Limor Oy)
The survey charted Finnish everyday life, values, attitudes, and current phenomena. First, the respondents were asked about their hobbies and leisure habits. The respondents' values were examined with the 57-item Schwarz Value Survey (SVS). Next, the respondents were asked how they felt about 100 current issues, such as the European Union, refugee reception, equality,...
Study description available in:ENFI
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Barometer for Swedish-speaking Finns B8/2021

Finnish Research Infrastructure for Public Opinion (FIRIPO); Lindell, Marina (Åbo Akademi University. Social Science Research Institute)
The survey charted the identity of Swedish-speaking Finns and their opinions on politics and society. The survey also included questions on party affiliations, electoral behaviour, social trust, future prospects, health and well-being. The data was collected as part of the Citizen Panel of Swedish-speaking Finns (Barometern), which is part of The Finnish Research...
Study description available in:ENFI
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EVA Survey on Finnish Values and Attitudes 1990

Centre for Finnish Business and Policy Studies (EVA); Yhdyskuntatutkimus
The values and attitudes of the Finns in 1990 were studied in the survey. On the basis of various propositions the respondents were asked about their attitude towards internationalisation in general, and its effects in Finland on trade and other forms of co-operation with different regions, on chances of success of various Finnish fields of production, on European...
Study description available in:ENFI
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Religion and Religiousness in Russia 1999

Kääriäinen, Kimmo (Church Research Institute); Andreenkov, Vladimir (The Russian Academy of Sciences)
The survey studied the concepts of religion, morals and values in Russia in the end of the 1990s. The respondents were asked how important in life they consider work, family, friends or acquaintances, leisure, politics and religion. They were also asked what kind of people they would not have as their neighbours. Furthermore, they were asked to estimate whether people helped...
Study description available in:ENFI
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Religion and Religiousness in Russia 1996

Kääriäinen, Kimmo (Church Research Institute); Andreenkov, Vladimir (The Russian Academy of Sciences)
The survey studied the concepts of religion, morals, and values in Russia in the middle of the 1990s. The respondents were asked how important in life they consider work, family, friends or acquaintances, leisure, politics, and religion. They were also asked what kind of people they would not have as their neighbours. Furthermore, they were asked to estimate whether people...
Study description available in:ENFI
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EVA Survey on Finnish Values and Attitudes 2014

Finnish Business and Policy Forum (EVA)
The main themes of the survey were social change and the need for transformation in society, equality and inequality, and the European Union. First, the respondents were asked to what extent they agreed with a number of statements relating to, for instance, political parties and the political system, science and technology, employment, economic growth, changes in society,...
Study description available in:ENFI
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EVA Survey on Finnish Values and Attitudes Autumn 2018

Finnish Business and Policy Forum (EVA)
The survey charted the values and attitudes of Finnish people. The main themes of the autumn 2018 survey included social services reformation, immigration, trust in different actors in Finnish society, recent societal changes, security and Finland's foreign policy. First, the respondents were presented with attitudinal statements regarding different spheres of society, for...
Study description available in:ENFI
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Sociobarometer 2002

Finnish Federation for Social Welfare and Health (STKL)
The survey charted expert opinion on the welfare of Finnish citizens and the present state of welfare services. Respondents were managers or management groups of municipal social services, health centres, employment offices, social and health organizations or local offices of the Social Insurance Institution. Respondents evaluated the welfare of various population groups and...
Study description available in:ENFI
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Gender, Education and Career Choice: Data 1983-1991

Nummenmaa, Anna Raija (University of Joensuu. Faculty of Education)
The data are part of a research project "Education, gender and life course" funded by the Ministry of Labour of Finland. The original study was conducted in 1983 and follow-up studies in 1987, 1991 and 1994. The dataset archived at the FSD contains the responses of those students who participated at least twice in the studies of 1983, 1987 and 1991. Variables q1-q42 are from...
Study description available in:ENFI
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Attitudes to Economy and Social Security 1994

Ervasti, Heikki (University of Turku. Department of Social Policy); Kangas, Olli (University of Turku. Department of Social Policy)
The survey studied Finnish economic policy, perceptions of the public and private sectors, working conditions, social class, and fairness of wages, income distribution and taxation. Respondents were asked to evaluate services and merchandise provided by the private sector and the public sector. Respondents compared the strengths and weaknesses of both sectors as employers...
Study description available in:ENFI
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Values in Crisis Survey (second wave)

Demertzis, Nicolas (National Centre for Social Research)
The COVID-19 crisis is manifold and poses major health, economic and social challenges for current societies. Long-term monitoring of central values and attitudes of citizens in times of crises help to grasp current social and political tensions. Taking this ambition to the global scale and providing comparable data across nations is the main aim of the Values in Crisis...
Study description available in:EN
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Values in Crisis Survey (first wave)

Demertzis, Nicolas (National Centre for Social Research)
The COVID-19 crisis is manifold and poses major health, economic and social challenges for current societies. Long-term monitoring of central values and attitudes of citizens in times of crises help to grasp current social and political tensions. Taking this ambition to the global scale and providing comparable data across nations is the main aim of the Values in Crisis...
Study description available in:EN
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Into the 80s : New Society Survey, 1979

New Society (Periodical)
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.To explore social attitudes in Britain at the end of the 1970's and expectations of life in the next decade.Main Topics:Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions Whether Britain is a reasonably good place to live in, whether changes in the past ten years have been for the worse or for the better, expectations for...
Study description available in:EN
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Now! Religion Survey, 1979

Marplan Limited
Main Topics:Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions A)Clergy Most important job clergy has, main value of having a religious faith, whether believes in life after death and in what form, proportion of people from own parish meets during year and most usual place. Agreement/disagreement with several statements concerning church and religion, for which causes money should be raised....
Study description available in:EN
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British Election Study, May 1979; Cross-Section Survey

Sarlvik, B., British Election Study; Crewe, I. M., University of Essex, Department of Government; Robertson, D. R., British Election Study
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. Main Topics:Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions Vote in general election, other party thought of, vote in local elections, vote in October 1974, February 1974, and 1970. Direction and strength of party identification, level of negative identification. Marks out of ten for parties and leading...
Study description available in:EN
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Welsh Election Study, 1979

Madgwick, P. J., University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, Department of Political Science; Balsom, D., University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, Department of Political Science
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of this study was to investigate specific Welsh dimensions within the general field of voting behaviour and partisanship in British politics. In addition, data was collected on exclusively Welsh issues such as the Welsh language, devolution, and aspects of national identity. This study was...
Study description available in:EN
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British Election Study, February 1974, October 1974, June 1975, May 1979; Panel Survey

Sarlvik, B., British Election Study; Robertson, D. R., British Election Study; Crewe, I. M., University of Essex, Department of Government
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. British Election Study, 1974-1983 (BES): The BES was started as a research project at the University of Essex in 1974, to continue the series started by Butler and Stokes. The BES conducted interview surveys following the general elections of February 1974, October 1974 and May 1979. This series...
Study description available in:EN
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Social History of Alcohol in East Africa, 1850-1998

Willis, J., University of Cambridge, Centre of African Studies
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The main aims of this project were: To re-examine the historical patterns of change in the making and drinking of alcohol in East Africa, and to use this history of change as a tool for studying wider debates concerning control of resources within the household, and for exploring ideas of what constitutes...
Study description available in:EN
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Health and Lifestyle Survey: Seven-Year Follow-Up, 1991-1992

Cox, B. D., University of Cambridge, School of Clinical Medicine
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.Following a number of feasibility studies and pilot surveys carried out in 1978, the first Health and Lifestyle Survey (HALS1) (held at the UKDA under SN 2218), funded by the Health Promotion Research Trust, was carried out in 1984-1985 on a random sample of the population of England, Scotland and Wales....
Study description available in:EN
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Urban Regeneration, Mental Health and Quality of Life in Wythenshawe, South Manchester, 1998-2001

Rogers, A., National Primary Care Research and Development Centre; Huxley, P. J., King's College London, Institute of Psychiatry, Health Services Research Department; Robson, B., University of Manchester, Department of Geography; (1 more)
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The aim of this study was to achieve a better understanding of: the role played by urban regeneration in altering the degree and distribution of socio-economic variations in mental health; the impact of socio-economic changes on people with differential vulnerability to the development of common mental...
Study description available in:EN
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Affluent Worker in the Class Structure, 1961-1962: Special Licence Access

Goldthorpe, J. H., University of Oxford, Nuffield College; Lockwood, D., University of Essex, Department of Sociology
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.A selected sample of this study, listed under SN 6512: Affluent Worker in the Class Structure, 1961-1962, is available via the UK Data Service Qualibank, an online tool for browsing, searching and citing the content of selected qualitative data collections held at the UK Data Service. The 'Affluent...
Study description available in:EN
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