26 studies found in English from a total of 36841
Research finance 

Portfolio Evaluation: FWF International Programmes (SUF edition)

Degelsegger-Marquéz, Alexander (Centre for Social Innovation); Kroop, Sylvana (Centre for Social Innovation); Wagner, Isabella (Centre for Social Innovation); (5 more)
Full edition for scientific use. The present evaluation focuses on the international programme portfolio of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). We assess the appropriateness of the portfolio as well as of its design and management. In addition, we trace evidence for the impact of the international programmes. The evaluation provides results that are relevant for FWF’s strategic...
Study description available in:EN
Access study

Research Group Mission and Collaboration in Portugal, Austria and Finland 2012-2013

Nokkala, Terhi (University of Jyväskylä. Finnish Institute for Educational Research); Diogo, Sara (University of Jyväskylä. Finnish Institute for Educational Research)
The data contain interview notes and transcripts of interviews of research group members in a certain field of study from three different countries; Finland, Austria and Portugal. All the interviewed research groups belonged to the same field of study, but in different organisational contexts. Some of the interviews are individual interviews and some are group interviews of...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Accessibility and reuse of research data - a study of the attitudes among professors and graduate students, 2009

Swedish National Data Service
A survey conducted by SND regarding researchers' attitudes towards open access to and reuse of research data.
Study description available in:ENSV
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Learned Societies in Finland 2018

Late, Elina (Tampere University); Korkeamäki, Laura (Tampere University); Pölönen, Janne (Federation of Finnish Learned Societies); (2 more)
The survey charted the activities of learned societies in Finland. The data were collected as part of a joint project by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies and Tampere University, which aimed to investigate the activities of learned societies and make them more widely known. First, some background information was collected on the learned societies. The respondents...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Evaluation of Strategic Research Programmes 2015-2021: Survey for Stakeholders 2022

Research Council of Finland. Division of Strategic Research
The survey examined the achieved and expected societal impact of the research programmes funded by the Strategic Research Council (SRC) in 2015-2021. The Strategic Research Council is an independent body established within the Research Council of Finland. The survey charted the societal interaction of the research programmes and the significance of the programmes' research...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Restricted
Access study

British Social Attitudes Survey, 1990

Social and Community Planning Research
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.BackgroundThe British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey series began in 1983. The series is designed to produce annual measures of attitudinal movements to complement large-scale government surveys that deal largely with facts and behaviour patterns, and the data on party political attitudes...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

British Social Attitudes Survey, 1983-1991; Cumulative File

Social and Community Planning Research
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.BackgroundThe British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey series began in 1983. The series is designed to produce annual measures of attitudinal movements to complement large-scale government surveys that deal largely with facts and behaviour patterns, and the data on party political attitudes...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

British Social Attitudes Survey, 1987

Social and Community Planning Research
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.BackgroundThe British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey series began in 1983. The series is designed to produce annual measures of attitudinal movements to complement large-scale government surveys that deal largely with facts and behaviour patterns, and the data on party political attitudes...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

British Social Attitudes Survey, 1983-1989

Social and Community Planning Research
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.BackgroundThe British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey series began in 1983. The series is designed to produce annual measures of attitudinal movements to complement large-scale government surveys that deal largely with facts and behaviour patterns, and the data on party political attitudes...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Wellcome Trust Monitor 1, 2009

Wellcome Trust; National Centre for Social Research
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Wellcome Trust Monitor is a unique survey of UK adults' (and in some waves, young people's) views around science and biomedical research. The findings are representative of the UK population and provide fresh and significant insights to inform science communication practice and how research priorities...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Open
Access study

Northern Ireland Social Attitudes Survey, 1989-1991; Cumulative File

Social and Community Planning Research
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Northern Ireland Social Attitudes (NISA) survey series began in 1989, and was conducted every year in which the British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey was fielded until 1996. Supported initially by the Nuffield Foundation, the Central Community Relations Unit (CCRU) and the Policy Planning Research...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Survey of Postgraduates Funded by the Research Councils, 1997

Social and Community Planning Research
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.SCPR was commissioned by the Research Councils to carry out a survey of former postgraduates who were funded by the Research Councils and whose funding ended in the academic years 1987/8 and 1988/9. The aim of the survey was to supplement data, routinely collected by the Research Councils, on first...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

OECD Main Science and Technology Indicators, 1981-2019

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Main Science and Technology Indicators database contains 151 main data series selected from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Scientific and Technological Indicators database for 30 OECD member countries and nine non-member countries. The majority of these series...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Open
Access study

Structure and Process of Initial Teacher Education Within Universities in England and Wales, 1980

Reid, K., University of Leicester, School of Education; Bernbaum, G., University of Leicester, School of Education; Patrick, H., University of Leicester, School of Education
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.A study of the Postgraduate Certificate in Education course in universities in England and Wales. These data are from the staff survey only.Main Topics:Variables Education lecturers' backgrounds, teaching and administrative responsibilities, research and publications, view on various aspects of teacher...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

GENDERACTIONplus benchmarking gender equality policies in Research and Innovation. Research funding organisation policies for gender equality in Research and Innovation

Tenglerová, Hana (National Contact Centre for Gender and Science, Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences); Linková, Marcela (National Contact Centre for Gender and Science, Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences)
The overall goal of GENDERACTIONplus is to contribute to advancing gender equality in the European Research Area through capacity building, policy exchange and coordination, as well as the provision of strategic policy advice. Through these activities the project contributes to supporting gender equality policy coordination and integration in the new ERA. The project focuses...
Study description available in:EN
Access study

Learned Societies in Europe 2019

Late, Elina (Tampere University); Pölönen, Janne (Federation of Finnish Learned Societies); Ochsner, Michael (The Swiss Centre of Expertise in the Social Sciences); (6 more)
The survey charted the activities of European learned societies in social sciences and humanities. The data were collected as part of a joint project by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies and Tampere University, which aimed to investigate the activities of learned societies and make them more widely known. First, some background information was collected on the...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Open Science and Research Coordination Self-Assessment 2018-2021: Interviews 2021

The National Open Science and Research Coordination (The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies)
The dataset consists of interviews that were part of a self-evaluation conducted by the secretariat for the National Open Science and Research Coordination. The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies and the expert bodies hosted by it, members of the National Open Science and Research Coordination's expert panels, steering group and working groups, and the Ministry of...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Doctoral Student Survey 2015

Aalto University Doctoral Student Association
The data charted the position, well-being and working experiences of doctoral students at Finnish universities. First, the respondents were asked about the funding of their studies as well as employment outside and at the university, how far they were in their studies, and what factors affected their studies negatively or positively. Their average weekly working time and...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Evaluation of Strategic Research Programmes 2015-2021: Self-assessment Survey for Consortia Members 2022

Research Council of Finland. Division of Strategic Research
The survey examined the achieved and expected scientific and societal impact of the research programmes funded by the Strategic Research Council (SRC) in 2015-2021. The Strategic Research Council is an independent body established within the Research Council of Finland. The funded strategic research programmes are a Climate-Neutral and Resource-Scarce Finland (PIHI),...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Government Funding of Academic and Related Research, 1975-1987

Martin, B. R., University of Sussex, Science Policy Research Unit; Irvine, J., University of Sussex, Science Policy Research Unit; Isard, P., University of Sussex, Science Policy Research Unit
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The aim of this study was to provide internationally comparable data on government funding of academic and related research in six countries (United Kingdom, France, West Germany, Netherlands, United States and Japan). This study comprises 52 individual tables containing the results from the data; the ...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

British Social Attitudes Survey, 1989

Social and Community Planning Research
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.BackgroundThe British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey series began in 1983. The series is designed to produce annual measures of attitudinal movements to complement large-scale government surveys that deal largely with facts and behaviour patterns, and the data on party political attitudes...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Northern Ireland Social Attitudes Survey, 1989

Social and Community Planning Research
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Northern Ireland Social Attitudes (NISA) survey series began in 1989, and was conducted every year in which the British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey was fielded until 1996. Supported initially by the Nuffield Foundation, the Central Community Relations Unit (CCRU) and the Policy Planning Research...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Organisation of Social Science Research in the United Kingdom, 1972; Units

Social Science Research Council, Survey Unit
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.To investigate the organization of social science research in the United KingdomMain Topics: Variables Numbers and type of staff currently attached to Dept/Unit, whether employed full or part-time and by whom salaried, whether Dept/Unit has included any staff engaged on social science research in last two...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Organisation of Social Science Research in the United Kingdom, 1972; Teaching Departments

Social Science Research Council, Survey Unit
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.To investigate the organization of social science research in the United KingdomMain Topics: Variables Numbers and type of staff currently attached to Dept/Unit, whether employed full or part-time and by whom salaried, whether Dept/Unit has included any staff engaged on social science research in last two...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Brain Drain Debate in the United Kingdom, c.1950-1970

Balmer, B., University College London, Department of Science and Technology Studies; Godwin, M., University College London, Department of Science and Technology Studies; Gregory, J., University College London, Department of Science and Technology Studies
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This qualitative project sought to provide an analysis of the 'brain drain' debate of the 1950s and 1960s as a social phenomenon. The term 'brain drain' was adopted in the 1960s in the context of concerns the United Kingdom was losing skilled scientific and engineering personnel to other countries....
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Public Understanding of Science, 1988

Thomas, G., University of Oxford, Kellogg College; Durant, J., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT Museum; Evans, G., University of Oxford, Nuffield College
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.Public Understanding of Science, 1988 was the first national survey of the British public's understanding of and attitudes towards science and technology. The general aim of this survey was to find out what ordinary people feel or think about science. Before this survey, very little was known about this...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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