4 studies found in English from a total of 36841

Recreatief gebruik van bos- en natuurgebieden in Brabant en Limburg 1988

R.H.M. Peltzer (Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen WUR * Wageningen, Instituut voor bos- en natuuronderzoek)
Visiting forests and nature reserves for recreational purposes Frequency and destination of holidays and short holidays / leisure outdoor activities in the Netherlands / having one or more dogs / other activities like visiting relatives and friends, going to the beach, visiting forests and other nature reserves, and sporting events / frequency of visits to forests and nature...
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Jongeren in Friesland (1993)

M.P.M. de Goede (Universiteit Utrecht (UU)); L.G. Jansma (Fryske Academy (FA)); J.A.C. Ophem (Wageningen University and Research (WUR)); (1 more)
Onderzoek in opdracht van de Provincie Friesland om inzicht te krijgen in het doen en laten van de Friese jongeren met betrekking tot werk en werkloosheid, leef- en woonomgeving, binding aan Friesland en beheersing van het Fries, omgaan met geld en besteding van de vrije tijd, enz. Door middel van een telefonische enquête zijn in mei en juni 1993 de antwoorden van 707...
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Stadspeiling Venlo 1996 - VSO : Woon- en leefklimaat

Schoeber, J., Gemeente Venlo * Venlo (primary investigator)
Survey among inhabitants of Venlo housing and living conditions Appreciate living in Venlo atmosphere, safety, infrastructure, housing, work environment, mentality, social contacts/ Agree to statements like: good variety in housing, difficult getting specific housing, city has beautiful buildings, many recreational facilities, clean, safe, prefer living outside city....
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Youth Worship in Protestant Contexts. A Practical Theology Theory of Participation of Adolescents

P.M. Sonnenberg (Protestant Theological University)
The area of interest in this practical theological research is the field of youth worship in Protestant contexts in the late modern society of the 21st century in the Netherlands. The central research question is: How do adolescents participate in youth worship gatherings?To answer this question we investigate in what adolescents participate, how they express themselves and...
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