31 studies found in English from a total of 36726

Mediana Reading, Watching, Listening

Možic, Dejan (IRM Mediana)
The purpose of this research was to get the overall picture of slovenian media. With this empirical research we defined the slovenian media strategy. We gained the aims using quantative and qualitative evaluation with the selection of media diversity. The method helped us to achive the optimal coverage with target groups which showed the changes in media perception. Media...
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Reading Habits and Engagements of Students Survey

Adam, Frane (CTS)
Intention of research was to find out quantity and quality of student's social and human capital and their reading habits. Beside that questionnaire included questions related to motivation of students of cultural study for postgraduate study of cultural studies. Relevant authors of concepts of social and human capital are Pierre Bourdieu, James S. Coleman, Robert D....
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Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1992

Toš, Niko (Faculty of Social Sciences)
The survey begins with a detailed reporting on television programs and broadcasts following. The purpose is to analyse factors that affect style of media consumption. Next, follow general questions that are conceptualised around a theory of life style, about leisure time activities. Questions address different aspects of attendance to the media: sources of information,...
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Journalism in socialist Yugoslavia amd media imaginaries in audiences, 2019

Amon Prodnik, Jernej (Fakulteta za družbene vede)
The purpose of the study was to get to know, how individuals in their everyday context used the media in socialist Yugoslavia and how has this use contributed to the formation of collective imaginary in Yugoslav society. In order to do so, the main focus was to obtain firsthand information about how and what media did the interviewees use during this historical period, how...
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Journalism in socialist Yugoslavia and media imaginaries of audiences, 2020

Amon Prodnik, Jernej (Center za raziskovanje družbenega komuniciranja = Social Communication Research Centre, Fakulteta za družbene vede = Faculty of Social Sciences); Kaluža, Jernej (Center za raziskovanje družbenega komuniciranja = Social Communication Research Centre, Fakulteta za družbene vede = Faculty of Social Sciences)
The research focuses on how individuals living in socialist Yugoslavia used media in everyday context and how this use contributed to the formation of collective imaginaries in Yugoslav society. The main intention was to collect first-person information about how and which media interviewees used in this historic period, how they perceived journalists and journalistic...
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Journalism in socialist Yugoslavia and media imaginaries of audiences, 2021

Amon Prodnik, Jernej (Center za raziskovanje družbenega komuniciranja, Fakulteta za družbene vede, Univerza v Ljubljani); Kaluža, Jernej (Center za raziskovanje družbenega komuniciranja, Fakulteta za družbene vede, Univerza v Ljubljani)
The research focuses on how individuals living in socialist Yugoslavia used media in everyday context and how this use contributed to the formation of collective imaginaries in Yugoslavian society. The main intention was to collect first-person information about how and which media interviewees as members of audiences used in that historic period, how they perceived...
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Media history, 2020

Pušnik, Maruša (Fakulteta za družbene vede, Univerza v Ljubljani)
The purpose of the research is to investigate the use of radio in a historical perspective in Slovenia and especially its importance for the everyday life of people in the past. The research starts from the theoretical framework based on media and cultural studies. It studies radio as a medium that made radical changes in people's daily lives with its arrival in the 1920s...
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Migration in journalistic reporting, 2020

Pajnik, Mojca (Mirovni inštitut, Fakulteta za družbene vede); Sauer, Brigit (Universität Wien = Univerza na Dunaju); Thiele, Daniel (Universität Wien = Univerza na Dunaju)
The research examines the occurrence and reproduction of populist and affective communication in the interpretive genre of newspaper commentary of two selected daily newspapers in Slovenia, Delo and Slovenske novice, in the period of changes in migration and refugee legislation in Slovenia (period between 2015 and 2019). Using the method of framing, the researchers analyse...
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Mediana Multimedia

Vodopivec, Katja
Survey of the Slovene multimedia market (may 2002). Randomly selected respondents with a telephone connection in Slovenia Age: between 15 and 75. Telephone interviews based on the Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing. Research Data: TV watching, reading of newspapers, usage of internet, cinemagoing, and demographic variables.Survey of the Slovene multimedia market (may...
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Media literacy in Slovenia 2014

Rek, Mateja (Faculty of Media); Kovačič, Andrej (Faculty of Media); Milanovski Brumat, Kristina
Media literacy Slovenia 2014 aims to analyse media literacy in Slovenia. Quantitative research enables international comparison of media literacy indicators. The main focus is on media exposure, the usage of modern technologies, critical thinking and sharing information online.Media literacy Slovenia 2014 aims to analyse media literacy in Slovenia. Quantitative research...
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Media and Preschool Children in Slovenia, 2016

Rek, Mateja (Fakulteta za medije); Milanovski Brumat, Kristina
The purpose of the survey was to gather data on media exposure of preschool children and selected elements of educating preschool children about media, either in home environment or in kindergarten. The survey includes opinions of parents and kindergarten teachers of children aged 1 to 6 years about the impact of media on the mood, health, weight, speech development,...
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Media and Primary School Children (grade 1-6) in Slovenia, 2016

Rek, Mateja (Fakulteta za medije); Milanovski Brumat, Kristina
The purpose of the study was to gather data on media exposure of primary school children. The database includes opinions of parents of children from the 1st to the 6th grade of primary schools in Slovenia. Covered topics are: the use of media among primary school children and their parents, their exposure to media, media related activities, use of social networks and media...
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ClickOFF, 2018

Brečko, Barbara (Center za družboslovno informatiko, Fakulteta za družbene vede, Univerza v Ljubljani); Bertok, Eva (Fakulteta za varnostne vede, Univerza v Mariboru)
The study is part of the ClickOFF! Let’s stop online violence against women and girls. Project ClickOFF! (CayberVAW - Cyber Violence and Harassment against Women and Girls) is a project that addresses cyberbullying and harassment as forms of violence against women, which reflect unequal power relations between women and men, and builds on existing national activities to...
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Research on Internet in Slovenia

Vehovar, Vasja (Faculty of Social Sciences)
The survey of school institutions was conducted in June 1998. Most of the questions were from last two years surveys. In 1998 the questionnaire was expanded. Questions about opinions and estimation of purpose, possibilities of use, reasons for (smaller) use intensity, consequences that usage brings, fields of use and interests for electronic communication. It included...
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Research on Internet in Slovenia

Vehovar, Vasja (Faculty of Social Sciences)
This survey is performed annually on all schooling institutions (N=850) in Slovenia. It is performed by mail and it covers all the aspect of Internet communication technology usage in these institutions. To ensure continuity most of the questions in this year questionnaire are the same as in previous yeas. The RIS project has been monitoring the usage of the Internet in...
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Slovenian Pulse 9/2009

Makarovič, Matej (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica)
The study investigates perception of media freedom, openness to different views and satisfaction with Slovenian media. The perception of pressures on media, perception of media's preference for particular political options and trust in the individual media can be analysed related to the political party preferences and to some other topical questions.The study investigates...
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Slovenian Pulse 11/2011

Makarovič, Matej (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); Rončević, Borut (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); Tomšič, Matevž (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); (1 more)
The central theme this time is Slovenian media: an assessment of their freedom, satisfaction with and trust in them, as well as perception of their relationship to politics and parties. The current-political section of the survey this time shows how different results in terms of party preferences can be obtained by seemingly small difference in the way in which the question...
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Slovenian Pulse 9/2013

Makarovič, Matej (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); Rončević, Borut (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); Tomšič, Matevž (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); (2 more)
The central theme was Slovenian media: an assessment of their freedom, satisfaction and trust, as well as the perception of their relationship towards politics and political parties. The actual-politics part of the study covered political party preferences, support of government at that time, the extend of political staffing under Alenka Bratušek's government, naming Gašpar...
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Television and cultural activities 1967

Jezernik, Mišo (Institute of Sociology); Saksida, Stane (Institute of Sociology); Logar, Ivan (Institute of Sociology); (5 more)
Survey is a result of cooperation of researchers from Yugoslavia, Hungary, and Poland. It's purpose was to establish role of television in relation to other cultural activities. The goal of research team was threefold. First, to determine patterns of cultural habits of television owners and to discover whether these differ significantly from ones of non-owners. Next,...
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Research on Internet in Slovenia, 2001

Vehovar, Vasja (Faculty of Social Sciences)
The Web survey has two goals. First, Web surveys enabled detailed insight into characteristics, behaviour and attitudes of Internet users in Slovenia. Secondly, it serves as a tool for extensive methodological experiments regarding Web survey methodology. The contents and structure of the survey is similar to 1998 Web survey, although it is somewhat more complex and broader....
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Research on Internet in Slovenia, 2000/2001

Vehovar, Vasja (Faculty of Social Sciences)
This survey is performed annually on all schooling institutions in Slovenia. It is performed by mail and it covers all the aspect of Internet communication technology usage in these institutions. To ensure continuity most of the questions in this year questionnaire are the same as in previous yeas. The RIS project has been monitoring the usage of the Internet in School...
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The Role of Mass Media in Serbian-Croatian Conflict

Malešič, Marjan (Faculty of Social Sciences)
Z raziskovalno nalogo je projektna skupina preko analize množičnih medijev skušala prispevati k razumevanju srbsko-hrvaškega konflikta, zlasti pa poudariti pomen psihološkega faktorja v vojskovanju. Iskali so glavne indikatorje izkrivljene podobe v vojnem konfliktu, katere namen je ohraniti idealizirano podobo strani v konfliktu pred bralci. Poudarek je na identifikaciji...
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Slovenian Pulse 9/2010

Makarovič, Matej (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); Rončević, Borut (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); Tomšič, Matevž (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); (1 more)
The survey covers media and local elections topics. It reveals the satisfaction of Slovenian residents with Slovenian media, how people assessed their freedom, openness for expressing different views and their attitude towards left and right political options. Trust in different media was also measured and the topic was particularly relevant in the light of the proposed new...
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Slovenian Pulse 9/2012

Makarovič, Matej (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); Rončević, Borut (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); Tomšič, Matevž (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); (1 more)
The central theme of this Slovenian pulse was Slovenian media: an assessment of their freedom, satisfaction and trust, as well as their relationship to politics and parties. As a regular practice until then, the government support and the effect of the prevailing events on the balance of power between political parties were measured.The central theme of this Slovenian pulse...
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Slovenian Pulse 7/2014

Makarovič, Matej (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); Rončević, Borut (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); Tomšič, Matevž (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); (3 more)
The central theme was Slovenian media: an assessment of their freedom, satisfaction and trust in them, as well as their relationship with politics and political parties. As a regular practice until then, the political preferences and the effect of the prevailing events on the balance of power between political parties were measured.The central theme was Slovenian media: an...
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Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1989

Toš, Niko (Faculty of Sociology, Political Science and Journalism)
The survey contains part of the questions form BBC media survey about media habits. An emphasis is on listening of foreign radio and TV programs in comparison to domestic national or local programmes. To this a bloc of questions is added, dealing with newspaper readership and home media equipment. Separately a part of a questions asks about awareness of symptoms of cancer...
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Media history, 2019

Pušnik, Maruša (Fakulteta za družbene vede, Univerza v Ljubljani)
The purpose of the study was to get to know the use of the media - Walkman, from a historical perspective, and its importance in everyday life in the past, stemming from theoretical starting point of media and cultural studies. Today’s "dead" medium, lived its golden years in the 1980s and 1990s. The aim was to reconstruct its meaning, role and uses in society in the past....
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Survey on mass communications in Slovenia (MKS) 1962

Vreg, France (University of Ljubljana)
Survey on mass communications in Slovenia (MKS) extends in an area of media and communication studies. Questionnaire begins with a large section of demographic questions. These are followed by questions regarding newspapers and magazines: which newspapers and magazines do respondents read, which headlines are of their greatest interest, when they usually read newspapers, and...
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Media and secondary school students in Slovenia 2016

Rek, Mateja (Faculty of Media); Milanovski Brumat, Kristina
As modern technologies have great impact on the lives of adolescents, conceptually and methodologically diverse academic research in this field should be promoted also in Slovenia. The analysis of current situation is of great importance as the exposure to modern media is increasing and real long-term effects of this exposure are unpredictable. The purpose of the survey was...
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Media and seniors (65 and above), 2018

Rek, Mateja (Fakulteta za medije); Kovačič, Andrej (Fakulteta za medije); Milanovski Brumat, Kristina
The purpose of the study was to gather data on media behaviour of elderly people, 65 years old or more. The goal was to determine their ability of critical evaluation of information, given by the media and their exposure to media. Covered topics are: the daily use of media, media related activities, use of social networks, internet and smart phones. 322 respondents...
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