23 studies found in English from a total of 37402

Prayer Study 1998

Church Research Institute
The Prayer Study surveyed prayer habits and beliefs associated with praying in Finland. The respondents were asked how often they prayed for health, life-companion, world peace, God's grace, among others. In addition, the frequency of praying for different people and things (e.g. relatives, the unemployed, nature, decision-makers, other churches) was studied. Types of prayer...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Restricted
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Life Values 1997

Church Research Institute
The survey studied the respondents' values. Views were probed on tax avoidance, death penalty, suicide, homosexuality, abortion, social security benefits, nepotism, euthanasia, control over own life, immigrants, voluntary work, and political parties. The respondents were also asked on what basis they decide what is right and what is wrong. A number of questions dealt with...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Restricted
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Gallup Ecclesiastica 2019

Church Research Institute
The survey studied religiosity and church membership in Finland as well as people's participation in parish activities. Questions also charted personal faith, spiritual matters, attitudes towards religious communities, and family. The respondents were first asked about helping others, donating money to charity, and the meaning of their own work. Questions surveyed why the...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Restricted
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British Social Attitudes Survey, 1991

Social and Community Planning Research
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.BackgroundThe British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey series began in 1983. The series is designed to produce annual measures of attitudinal movements to complement large-scale government surveys that deal largely with facts and behaviour patterns, and the data on party political attitudes...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Northern Ireland Social Attitudes Survey, 1991

Social and Community Planning Research
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Northern Ireland Social Attitudes (NISA) survey series began in 1989, and was conducted every year in which the British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey was fielded until 1996. Supported initially by the Nuffield Foundation, the Central Community Relations Unit (CCRU) and the Policy Planning Research...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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British Social Attitudes Survey, 1983-1991; Cumulative File

Social and Community Planning Research
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.BackgroundThe British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey series began in 1983. The series is designed to produce annual measures of attitudinal movements to complement large-scale government surveys that deal largely with facts and behaviour patterns, and the data on party political attitudes...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Digest of Welsh Historical Statistics : Religion, 1669-1974

Queen's University of Belfast, Centre for Data Digitisation and Analysis; University of Essex, History Data Service; National Assembly for Wales, Statistical Directorate; (1 more)
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This machine-readable version of John Williams' <i>Digest of Welsh Historical Statistics</i> is the result of a collaboration between the Statistical Directorate of the National Assembly for Wales, the History Data Service and the Centre for Data Digitisation and Analysis at Queen's University...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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British Social Attitudes Survey, 1998

Social and Community Planning Research
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.BackgroundThe British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey series began in 1983. The series is designed to produce annual measures of attitudinal movements to complement large-scale government surveys that deal largely with facts and behaviour patterns, and the data on party political attitudes...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Social-Psychological Predictors of Support for Terrorism, 2009-2011

Spears, R., Cardiff University, School of Psychology; Tausch, N., University of St Andrews, School of Psychology
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.Using a social-psychological approach that views terrorism as a violent manifestation of intergroup behaviour, this project aims to identify contextual and psychological predictors of support for (and opposition to) political violence among British Muslims. This mixed-methods research was conducted in...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Northern Ireland Social Attitudes Survey, 1989-1991; Cumulative File

Social and Community Planning Research
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Northern Ireland Social Attitudes (NISA) survey series began in 1989, and was conducted every year in which the British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey was fielded until 1996. Supported initially by the Nuffield Foundation, the Central Community Relations Unit (CCRU) and the Policy Planning Research...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Values in Norway, 1982

Valen, H., University of Oslo, Department of Political Science; Listhaug, O., University of Trondheim, Department of Sociology
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The aim of this project was to describe and analyse the value systems in the Norwegian population and to provide data for comparisons of values between nations.
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Conventional Religion and Common Religion in Leeds, 1982

Krarup, H. E., University of Leeds, Department of Sociology; Toon, R. J., University of Leeds, Department of Sociology; Towler, R. C., University of Leeds, Department of Sociology
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The aim of this study was to investigate the religious practice, experience and belief in the northern industrial city of Leeds. Particular emphasis was placed on the religiousness which falls outside the normal scope of Christian denominations, including `common religion', and this was studied both in...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Inventing Adulthoods, 1996-2006

McGrellis, S., London South Bank University, Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences; Holland, J., London South Bank University, Families and Social Capital Research Group; Thomson, R., London South Bank University, Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences; (2 more)
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Inventing Adulthoods (IA) archive currently consists of qualitative interview transcripts for 30 young people interviewed up to six times. Transcripts for a further 20 young people will be included in the archive in the near future. Inventing Adulthoods is a qualitative longitudinal (QL) study that...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Faithful judgements interviews: the role of religion in laypeople's ethical evaluations of new reproductive and genetic technologies

Scully, J, University of Newcastle
A total of 18 interviews with people who self-identify as religious, from Christian and Muslim faith groups, who have had personal experience of deciding whether or not to use one of the new reproductive and genetic technologies. The interviews explore the narrative of their experience, their faith lives, the impact of the experience on their faith and relationship with...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Quaker Questionnaire, 1990

Dandelion, B. P., Brighton Polytechnic, Faculty of Education
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.To survey the variety of contemporary British Quaker belief.Main Topics:Variables Attraction to Quakerism; details of first engagement; views on seeking new members; processes of integration and membership; religious upbringing; religious beliefs - views on traditional Christian thinking; God; prayer;...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Sociological Study of British Chaplains to Higher Education, 1974

Wright, M. M., University College, Cardiff, Department of Sociology
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of this study was to collect data regarding occupational attitudes, beliefs, behaviours, career patterns and demographic characteristics of chaplains to higher education.Main Topics:Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions a) Postal questionnaire Pietism, denominational support, ecumenicism, parish,...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Open
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Reaching and Keeping Teenagers : 15-19 Year Olds, 1992

Brierley, P. W., Bible Society
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The 1989 English Church Census (SN:2842) found there had been a drastic drop in those, aged 15-19, attending the English church in the 1980's. The aim was to discover why they had left and what, if anything, could be done about it. A key finding was the importance of having people in church who...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Religion and the Finns 2006

International Social Survey Programme (ISSP); Blom, Raimo (University of Tampere. Department of Sociology and Social Psychology); Melin, Harri (University of Turku. Department of Sociology)
The survey charts the religiosity of the Finns, their attitudes on religion, and their views on different religions and denominations. The dataset is the Finnish pre-test data for the ISSP 2008 survey. First, the respondents were asked whether they thought all religious groups should have equal rights, whether religion influences politics too much, whether people who are...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Restricted
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Questionnaire on Religious Belief, 1990-1991

Dandelion, B. P., Brighton Polytechnic, Faculty of Education
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.To contrast the ideas of four non-Quaker religious groups and one non-Quaker non-religious group with the wide variety of religous interpretation found within contemporary Quakerism, using the <i>Quaker Questionnaire</i>.Main Topics:Variables Belief in God; descriptions of God; attitudes to...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Catholic Priest in the United States : a Study of Active and Resigned Priests, 1969-1970

National Opinion Research Center (Chicago)
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.To describe and analyse the life and ministry of Roman Catholic priests in the United States.Main Topics:Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions A)Active Priests Opinion of seminary training, frequency of dating girls before and during seminary training, satisfaction with present assignment, opinion of the...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey, 2004

Devine, P., Queen's University of Belfast, Centre for Social Research; Dowds, L., Queen's University of Belfast, Centre for Social Research
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey (NILT) series began in 1998, and was the successor to the previous Northern Ireland Social Attitudes series, which was discontinued in 1996.The main aims of the NILT series are: to monitor public attitudes towards social policy and political issues in Northern...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Reaching and Keeping Tweenagers : 10-14 Year Olds, 2002

Brierley, P. W., Bible Society
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The 1998 English Church Attendance Survey (SN:4394) found there had been a drastic drop in those, aged under 15, attending the English church in the 1990's. The aim was to discover why they had left and what, if anything, could be done about it. A key finding was the lack of 'fun' in church, the influence...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Transnational Practices in Local Settings: Experiences of Local Citizenship Among Bangladesh-Origin Muslims in London and Birmingham, 2018–2020

Redclift, V, University College London; Zajacova, K, University College London
Transnational practices in local settings: Experiences of local citizenship among Bangladesh-origin Muslims in London and Birmingham is a project funded by the ESRC, investigating the relationship between local and transnational citizenship experiences among Bangladesh-origin Muslims in the diaspora in London (Tower Hamlets and Luton) and Birmingham. The access to education,...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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