274 studies found in English from a total of 36726

Finnish Working Life Barometer 2015

Statistics Finland. Interview and Survey Services; Ministry of Employment and the Economy
The annual survey studied employee opinion on the quality of working life in Finland. Main themes included organisation of work, development opportunities and flexibility, learning and training at work, wages, workplace bullying, capacity to work, and changes in working life. Questions in the barometer have mainly remained the same each year. For the 2015 collection round,...
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Jobs in the 1980s: Bridging the Gap Between People and Work (International Survey)

Shanks, Michael (London); Strümpel, Burkhard (Forschungsstelle Sozialökonomik der Arbeit, Freie Universität Berlin); Yankelovich, Daniel (Public Agenda Foundation, New York); (1 more)
The attitude of workers to work. Topics: by means of the same 32-item scale detailed characterizations of: a) one´s own activity and personal workplace, b) the ideal image of employment, c) the possibility of relief and more pleasant structuring of one´s own job and d) possibilities of more efficient job performance; description of change and the opportunities to...
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Jobs in the 1980s: Bridging the Gap Between People and Work (Germany: Job Market Policies and the Public)

Klipstein, Michael von (Forschungsstelle Sozialökonomik der Arbeit, Freie Universität Berlin); Noelle-Neumann, Elisabeth (Institut für Demoskopie, Allensbach ); Strümpel, Burkhard (Forschungsstelle Sozialökonomik der Arbeit, Freie Universität Berlin)
Attitude of the German population to work. Topics: The content of this study is identical to the questionnaire described in ZA Study No. 1346. Beyond this the following questions were posed in this investigation: assessment of wage equity for men and women in the Federal Republic; attitude to women´s work; grumpy in the morning; questions on economy and society; expected...
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The Social Situation of the Chemistry Worker

Fürstenberg, Friedrich (Hochschule für Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Linz )
Attitudes and company situation of chemistry workers. Topics: The data were collected in two separate interviews. The following questions were posed in the first interview: job satisfaction after Bullock (scale); extent to which informed about the production process or the end product produced; type of training at work; contacts with colleagues due to work; necessity of...
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Darmstadt Study (Workers)

Institut für Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung, Darmstadt
Attitude of workers to occupation, colleagues, superiors and the representatives of their interests. Topics: local residency; refugee; bombed out; social origins; detailed information on occupational career, type and headquarters of company, length of employment and earnings; time worked each week; arranging work; job satisfaction; working in occupation learned;...
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Shipyard Employee Survey 1992

Niemelä, Jukka (Turku School of Economics)
In the present survey, attitudes of the employees of two Finnish shipyards were studied. The survey focused on the employees' perceptions of the shipyard as an employer, on payment plans, and on the changes that have taken place in work organisation and contents. In addition, distinctive work characteristics, impediments in working conditions, co-operation between the...
Study description available in:ENFI
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Industrial Relations, Trust and Local Bargaining 1999

Ilmonen, Kaj (University of Jyväskylä. Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy); Jokivuori, Pertti (University of Jyväskylä. Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy); Juuti, Pauli (JTO School of Management); (1 more)
A survey of working life in 21 different workplaces. Staff views on local bargaining, workplace climate, labour relations, workplace relations and workplace change were studied. Respondents were asked about their status in employment, duties, contract type, working hours and payment systems. Changes in different features of work over the past three years were charted....
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Labour Conflict of the Nurses and the Media 2007-2008

Reunanen, Esa (University of Tampere. Department of Journalism and Mass Communication); Kunelius, Risto (University of Tampere. Department of Journalism and Mass Communication); Noppari, Elina (University of Tampere. Department of Journalism and Mass Communication)
The data consist of 23 face-to-face interviews studying the thoughts of Finnish elite power brokers on the media and its influence on their work. The example case in these interviews was the labour conflict and wages debate of Finnish nurses during 2006-2007. Before parliamentary elections, a major political party had promised nurses a 24% pay raise. A lively media debate...
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Temporary Agency Work in Health Care 2006: Interviews

Palukka, Hannele (University of Tampere. Department of Social Research); Tiilikka, Tiina (University of Tampere. Department of Social Research)
The data consist of the interviews of 11 physicians and 2 nurses conducted in 2006. The interviews charted the physicians' and nurses' attitudes towards temporary agency work in health care and their own status and activity. The body of the interview included 12 questions, out of which one was aimed only at physicians and another only at nurses. The interview topics focused...
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Temporary Agency Work in Health Care 2006

Palukka, Hannele (University of Tampere. Department of Sociology and Social Psychology); Tiilikka, Tiina (University of Tampere. Department of Sociology and Social Psychology)
The survey focused on temporary agency workers in the health care sector in Finland. The main themes were the characteristics of temporary work, working conditions, autonomy at work, work atmosphere, and the impact of young children to work situation. The respondents (doctors and nurses) were asked how many months it took them to find their first job after graduation,...
Study description available in:ENFI
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Finnish Working Life Barometer 2007

Ministry of Labour; Statistics Finland
The annual survey studied employee opinion on the quality of working life in Finland. Main themes were psychosocial working environment, job characteristics, pay systems, job satisfaction, employment security, training and development, capacity to work, and bullying and discrimination at work. First, the respondents were asked how many years they had worked for the employer...
Study description available in:ENFI
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Finnish Working Life Barometer 1992

Ministry of Labour; Statistics Finland
The survey studied employee opinion on the quality of working life in Finland. This is the first survey in the Finnish Working Life Barometer series. First, the respondents were asked how many years/months they had worked for the employer they were working for at the time, the number of persons at the workplace, what kind of changes there had been in staff numbers, working...
Study description available in:ENFI
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Finnish Working Life Barometer 1993

Ministry of Labour; Statistics Finland
The annual survey studied employee opinion on the quality of working life in Finland. First, the respondents were asked how many years/months they had worked for the employer they were working for at the time, number of persons at the workplace, and what kind of changes there had been in staff numbers, working hours and contracts during the past 12 months, and whether people...
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Finnish Working Life Barometer 1996

Ministry of Labour; Statistics Finland
The survey studied employee opinion on the quality of working life in Finland. Main themes were job characteristics, work environment, conflicts at the workplace, influence over decisions, working hours, pay systems and job security. The year 1996 survey contained new questions on job skills requirements and the recently established 'job alternative' leave system. First, the...
Study description available in:ENFI
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Finnish Working Life Barometer 1995

Ministry of Labour; Statistics Finland
The survey studied employee opinion on the quality of working life in Finland. Main themes were job characteristics, work environment, conflicts at the workplace, influence over decisions, working hours, wages, employment security and equality. The year 1995 survey contained new questions on team work and employee ideas for improvement. First, the respondents were asked how...
Study description available in:ENFI
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Finnish Working Life Barometer 1997

Ministry of Labour; Statistics Finland
The survey studied employee opinion on the quality of working life in Finland. Main themes were job characteristics, work environment, conflicts at the workplace, influence over decisions, working hours, wages, employment security and equality. The year 1997 survey contained new questions on discrimination. First, the respondents were asked about the number of years they had...
Study description available in:ENFI
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Finnish Working Life Barometer 1998

Ministry of Labour; Statistics Finland
The survey studied employee opinion on the quality of working life in Finland. Main themes were job characteristics, work environment, conflicts at the workplace, influence over decisions, working hours, wages, employment security and equality. The year 1998 survey contained new questions on capacity to work and occupational health and safety. First, the respondents were...
Study description available in:ENFI
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Finnish Working Life Barometer 2000

Ministry of Labour; Statistics Finland
The annual survey studied employee opinion on the quality of working life in Finland. Main themes were job characteristics, work environment, conflicts at the workplace, influence over decisions, working hours, wages, employment security and equality. The year 2000 survey contained new questions on discrimination, capacity to work, and immigrant co-workers. First, the...
Study description available in:ENFI
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Finnish Working Life Barometer 2002

Ministry of Labour; Statistics Finland
The annual survey studied employee opinion on the quality of working life in Finland. Main themes were psychosocial working environment, job characteristics, pay systems, satisfaction with the job, employment security, training and development, capacity to work, and bullying and discrimination at work. The year 2002 survey contained new questions on flexible working time and...
Study description available in:ENFI
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Finnish Working Life Barometer 2001

Ministry of Labour; Statistics Finland
The annual survey studied employee opinion on the quality of working life in Finland. Main themes were psychosocial working environment, job characteristics, pay systems, satisfaction with the job, employment security, training and development, capacity to work, and bullying and discrimination at work. First, the respondents were asked how many years they had worked for the...
Study description available in:ENFI
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Finnish Working Life Barometer 2006

Ministry of Labour; Statistics Finland
The annual survey studied employee opinion on the quality of working life in Finland. Main themes were psychosocial working environment, job characteristics, pay systems, job satisfaction, employment security, training and development, capacity to work, and bullying and discrimination at work. First, the respondents were asked how many years they had worked for the employer...
Study description available in:ENFI
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Finnish Working Life Barometer 2005

Ministry of Labour; Statistics Finland
The annual survey studied employee opinion on the quality of working life in Finland. Main themes were psychosocial working environment, job characteristics, pay systems, job satisfaction, employment security, training and development, capacity to work, and bullying and discrimination at work. The year 2005 survey contained amended and new questions on pay systems. First,...
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Moral Orientations and Leadership Style

Matiaske, Wenzel (Berlin)
Value stands and leadership style of executives in companies. Topics: Attitude to political commitment and achievement orientation; national pride; desire for equal rights and social recognition; conformity; sense of duty; desire for accomplishment; emotionality; willingness to adapt; power orientation; sociability; striving for security; tolerance; hedonism; desire for a...
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Technology and Work Organization in Mechanical Engineering (NIFA-Panel: 1st Wave 1991)

Widmaier, Ulrich (Sonderforschungsbereich 187, Teilprojekt Z-2, Ruhr-Universität Bochum ); Ehlich, Hartmut (Sonderforschungsbereich 187, Teilprojekt Z-2, Ruhr-Universität Bochum); Lehner, F. (Sonderforschungsbereich 187, Teilprojekt Z-2, Ruhr-Universität Bochum); (2 more)
Company profile, use of computer-aided technologies, personnel structure and qualification in mechanical engineering production. Topics: Use of computer-aided technologies in production and management; most important reasons for not using computer-aided technologies; use of NC/CNC machines; network of computer-aided components and systems of different company functional...
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Technology and Work Organization in Mechanical Engineering (NIFA-Panel: 3rd Wave 1993)

Widmaier, Ulrich (Sonderforschungsbereich 187, Teilprojekt Z-2, Ruhr-Universität Bochum ); Ehlich, Hartmut (Sonderforschungsbereich 187, Teilprojekt Z-2, Ruhr-Universität Bochum); Lehner, F. (Sonderforschungsbereich 187, Teilprojekt Z-2, Ruhr-Universität Bochum); (2 more)
Company profile, product structure, use of technology in the company, qualification, personnel structure, production structure. Use of computer-aided technologies and conventional technologies in mechanical engineering, work organization in production. Topics: Company profile: individual company; cooperation with other companies; proportion of distributed processing in...
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Social Survey of the Union of Executives

Scheuch, Erwin K. (Universität Köln); Scheuch, Ute K. (Köln)
Questions on social and occupational situation of executives. Topics: Preferred main focus of association work of the ULA {Union of Executives}; age at start of occupation; frequency of change of employer; moving due to one´s occupation; work abroad; self-assessment of knowledge of a foreign language; area of business affiliation of company; current position and position...
Study description available in:DEEN
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Technology and Work Organization in Mechanical Engineering (NIFA Panel: 6th Wave 1996)

Widmaier, Ulrich (Ruhr-Universität Bochum); Ehlich, Hartmut (Ruhr-Universität Bochum); Treinen, Heiner (Ruhr-Universität Bochum); (1 more)
Company profile, product structure, use of technology in the company, qualification, personnel structure, production structure, work organization in production among small and medium-sized companies in the area of mechanical engineering. Topics: company profile: individual company; areas of cooperation with other companies; proportion of tensile processing in product...
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Bochum Works Council Survey

Müller-Jentsch, Walther (Ruhr-Universität Bochum ); Malanowski, Norbert (Ruhr-Universität Bochum); Seitz, Beate (Ruhr-Universität Bochum); (1 more)
Description of company and characterization of the job of the works council from the view of works council members. Topics: 1. general company information: structure of the company (concern affiliation, independence, owner company); company age; existence of quality circles; profit-center organization of company; proportion of trainees and proportion of employees; proportion...
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Monitoring Russia 1996

VCIOM Moskau, Russland
Voting behavior, political system and economic reforms. Topics: Watching news programs and reading newspaper; mood in the last few days; family´s current material situation; economic situation of town/region and country; general situation; market reforms; opinion on Yeltsin, Duma, Prime Minister and government; political situation; life satisfaction; expected improvements...
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Politbarometer West 2003 (Cumulated Data Set, incl. Flash)

Berger, Manfred (Forschungsgruppe Wahlen, Mannheim ); Jung, Matthias (Forschungsgruppe Wahlen, Mannheim); Roth, Dieter (Forschungsgruppe Wahlen, Mannheim)
The Politbarometer has been conducted since 1977 on an almost monthly basis by the Forschungsgruppe Wahlen on behalf of the Second German Television (ZDF). Since 1990, this database has also been available for the new German states. The survey focuses on the opinions and attitudes of the voting-age population in the Federal Republic on current political issues, parties,...
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