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SYRI Czech Presidential Election Panel Survey 2023
The Czech Presidential Election Panel Survey 2023 (CPEPS 2023) is a questionnaire-based survey in which a selected sample of voters in the Czech Republic was repeatedly interviewed during the presidential election campaign and shortly after the election. The aim of the survey was to map political attitudes, party and candidate preferences, and political actions in the...
De Stemming 2020
De Stemming 2020 (DS2020) is an online survey amongst a sample of N=2,040 respondents that live in the Flemish region of Belgium. The survey was developed by Jonas Lefevere and Stefaan Walgrave on the request of the Flemish public broadcaster (VRT) and the newspaper De Standaard, to analyse Flemish public opinion one year after the 2019 general elections in Belgium....
De Stemming 2022
De Stemming 2022 (DS2022) is an online survey amongst a sample of N=2,064 respondents that live in the Flemish region of Belgium. The survey was developed by Jonas Lefevere and Stefaan Walgrave on the request of the Flemish public broadcaster (VRT) and the newspaper De Standaard, to analyse Flemish public opinion. Consequently, the topics covered in the survey concerned...
RepResent Cross Sectional Survey Fall 2021
This data deposit contains cross sectional survey data, organised by the FWO/FNRS Excellence of Science Consortium RepResent (Representation and Democratic Resentment) in Fall 2021 amongst adult citizens in Belgium's two largest regions (Flanders and Wallonia). The RepResent project aims to understand how three forms of representations - substantive, procedural and symbolic...
digilog@bw—Dynamics of Participation in the Era of Digitalisation
The study, funded by the Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg, is carried out jointly by GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, and the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES) as part of the digilog@bw project. Digilog investigates the effects of digitalization on individuals and the society from an...
De Stemming 2023
De Stemming 2023 (DS2023) is an online survey amongst a representative quota sample of N=2,092 respondents that live in the Flemish region of Belgium. As with previous iterations of the survey in 2020, 2021 and 2022, the survey was developed by Jonas Lefevere and Stefaan Walgrave on the request of the Flemish public broadcaster (VRT) and the newspaper De Standaard, to...
De Stemming 2024
De Stemming 2024 (DS2024) is an online survey conducted among a sample of N=2,030 adult (18 years and older) residents of the Flemish Region in Belgium. The survey was developed by Jonas Lefevere and Stefaan Walgrave at the request of VRT NWS and De Standaard, with the aim of analyzing Flemish public opinion. Topics covered in the survey include respondents' political...
Replication data (with rounded standardized macro variables) for "Multiple roots of the populist radical right: support for the Dutch PVV in cities and the countryside"
This dataset contains replication data for Eelco Harteveld, Wouter van der Brug, Sarah de Lange, and Tom van der Meer, "Multiple roots of the populist radical right: support for the Dutch PVV in cities and the countryside", European Journal of Political Research. For privacy reasons, the neighbourhood ("wijk") level variables have been (1) rounded to one decimal and...
De Stemming 2021
De Stemming 2021 (DS2021) is an online survey amongst a sample of N=2,082 respondents that live in the Flemish region of Belgium. The survey was developed by Jonas Lefevere and Stefaan Walgrave on the request of the Flemish public broadcaster (VRT) and the newspaper De Standaard, to analyse Flemish public opinion two years after the 2019 general elections in Belgium....
RepResent Longitudinal survey 2019 - 2021
This deposit contains the final, merged dataset containing the full RepResent Longitudinal survey data. The panel study consists of a pre- and post-electoral wave around the elections of May 26, 2019, a third wave about one year later (April 2020), and a final fourth wave. In the first, pre-electoral wave respondents were questioned between April 5 and May 21, 2019 (99% was...
COMPASS ist ein von infratest dimap im März 2020 initiiertes, befragungsbasiertes längsschnittliches Indikatorensystem zum Monitoring von Betroffenheit, Einstellungen und Akzeptanz von politischen Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der Covid-19-Pandemie in Deutschland. Empirisches Fundament der Studie ist eine tägliche Online-Erhebung in der bei Bundestagswahlen wahlberechtigten...
digilog@bw—Dynamics of Participation in the Era of Digitalisation. Cross-section May-June 2022
The study, funded by the Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg, is carried out jointly by GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, and the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES) as part of the digilog@bw project. Digilog investigates the effects of digitalization on individuals and the society from an interdisciplinary...
digilog@bw—Dynamics of Participation in the Era of Digitalisation. Use of digital media, political preferences and attitudes. Experiment
The study, funded by the Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg, is carried out jointly by GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, and the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES) as part of the digilog@bw project. Digilog investigates the effects of digitalization on individuals and the society from an interdisciplinary...
Discursive strategies of political parties in German federalism during Covid-19
The data were collected in the research project "Political cohesion under conditions of fiscal scarcity - German federalism in the time of COVID-19" (funded by VolkswagenStiftung). The data collection consists of two datasets. The first dataset, labeled as "CovDebate", encompasses a total of 3,117 parliamentary proceedings related to Covid-19 that were debated in the German...