321 studies found in English from a total of 37402

Attitudes Towards Corruption 2003

Thematically, the survey focuses on the problem of corruption, its causes and acceptance among Slovenian citizens. Questions gather information from fields such as: public service, public experiences with corruption, surveillance, persecution and legislation that regulates this. The questionnaire consists of three parts. While the first considers corruption, the second part...
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Attitudes Towards Corruption 2004

Thematically, the survey focuses on the problem of corruption, its causes and acceptance among Slovenian citizens. Questions gather information from fields such as: public service, public experiences with corruption, surveillance, persecution and legislation that regulates this. The questionnaire is consists of three parts. While the first considers corruption, the second...
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Attitudes Towards Corruption 2006

Thematically, the survey focuses on the problem of corruption, its causes and acceptance among Slovenian citizens. Most questions relate to fields such as corruption expansion, experiences with corruption and anti-corruption effort. Besides demography, the rest of the questionnaire contains political party preferences and referendum on abolishment of Commission for the...
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Attitudes Towards Corruption 2007

Thematically, the survey focuses on the problem of corruption, its causes and acceptance among Slovenian citizens. Most questions relate to fields such as corruption expansion, experiences with corruption and anti-corruption effort. Besides demography, the rest of the questionnaire contains political party preferences and referendum on abolishment of Commission for the...
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Spatial and environmental values, 2004

Hočevar, Marjan (Center za prostorsko sociologijo, Fakulteta za družbene vede, Univerza v Ljubljani)
The study was carried out as part of the research project CRP - “Slovenia's competitiveness 2001-2006” by the Centre for Spatial Sociology (CSS) of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana. The main purpose of the study was to determine how the population of Slovenia perceives the environment and the space in which they live and the processes within. It was...
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Attitudes towards SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination, 2020

Petravić, Luka (Medicinska fakulteta, Univerza v Mariboru); Arh, Rok (Medicinska fakulteta, Univerza v Mariboru); Gabrovec, Tina (Medicinska fakulteta, Univerza v Mariboru); (6 more)
In December 2020, the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine was first approved in the Western world. However, the effectiveness of national vaccination plans depends on the willingness of the population to get vaccinated. Previous research on vaccine hesitancy has shown various factors that influence the decision to vaccinate such as gender, age, education, socioeconomic status, profession,...
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Slovene Public Opinion Survey 2000/1

Toš, Niko (Faculty of Social Sciences)
The questionnaire consists of eight clusters of questions. The first cluster contains questions on personal happiness, quality of life, and standard of living of interviewee and his family, on her/his attitude towards different groups of people, and trust of people and institutions. In the second cluster, there are questions on the role of the state, and the assessment of...
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Slovene Public Opinion Survey 2002/1

Toš, Niko (Faculty of Social Sciences)
Purpose of the survey is to establish factors that influence relations toward European Union and NATO, and it is third repetition of the survey on this subject. Questionnaire consists of eight clusters of questions. The first cluster contains questions on general living conditions in Slovenia, interviewee household's material well being, its financial situation, and on...
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Slovenian Public Opinion 2019/2

Hafner-Fink, Mitja (Center za raziskovanje javnega mnenja in množičnih komunikacij, Fakulteta za družbene vede, Univerza v Ljubljani); Kurdija, Slavko (Center za raziskovanje javnega mnenja in množičnih komunikacij, Fakulteta za družbene vede, Univerza v Ljubljani); Klement, Podnar (Center za proučevanje organizacij in človeških virov, Fakulteta za družbene vede, Univerza v Ljubljani); (1 more)
Slovenian public opinion 2019/2 includes 6 thematic blocks covering national and international surveys: (1) Satisfaction assessment, (2) Attitudes towards inequality (ISSP), (3) Mirror of public opinion, (4) Work - family, (5) Quality of life and work, and (6) Demography. The survey is based on a representative sample (realized sample N = 1164) of the population of the...
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Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1989

Toš, Niko (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sociology, Political Science and Journalism); Klinar, Peter (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sociology, Political Science and Journalism); Markič, Boštjan (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sociology, Political Science and Journalism); (3 more)
The purpose of present SJM survey is to evaluate the proposal of the new Slovene constitution, how informed people are with, and what opinions do they have about the relations with the federal constitution and the topics such as private property, elections and humane rights. These data, replicating portions of ISSP85 and repeating in ISSP96 (see also ADP - IDNo: ISSPSJ89 and...
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Slovenian Pulse 4/2009

Makarovič, Matej (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica)
The study focuses on perception of person's own material conditions and satisfaction with it relatively to evaluation of material conditions of Slovenia in general, assessment of Slovenian society class structure on the basis of self-classification in social classes. Perception of economic crisis with its fears and suspense can be analysed related to the distribution of...
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Slovenian Pulse 4/2012

Makarovič, Matej (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); Rončević, Borut (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); Tomšič, Matevž (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); (1 more)
The study focuses on perception of person's own material conditions and satisfaction with it relatively to evaluation of material conditions of Slovenia in general, assessment of Slovenian society class structure on the basis of self-classification in social classes. Perception of economic crisis with its fears and suspense can be analysed related to the distribution of...
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Slovenian Pulse 4/2013

Makarovič, Matej (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); Rončević, Borut (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); Tomšič, Matevž (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); (2 more)
The set of questions about the welfare in Slovenia investigates how the inhabitants of Slovenia experience current economic conditions: how they perceive their material standard of living, in what conditions they live, in what conditions Slovenians live in general, if conditions have improved or deteriorated and what the future will bring. The set of actual questions...
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Citizens of Eindhoven Survey 1996 november - VSO

Gemeente Eindhoven
Perception of Eindhoven / exposure to local paper 'Eindhoven Actief' / participation in sports / Eindhoven Environment Prize / Centre for the Arts / municipal activities / sports promotion / cultural activities / exposure to culture / computer use / use of teletext. Background variables: basic characteristics/ housing situation/ household characteristics/...
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Amsterdamse omnibus-enquête IV 1984

Cornelisse-Claassen, T.M., Gemeente Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Bestuursinformatie, afd. onderzoek en statistiek (primary investigator)
To improve efficiency in performance of municipal departments Intention to move: preferred location and type of residence / receipt of one time benefit for the poorest people / sources of income, standing charges / experience with municipal inquiry procedures in neighbourhood / making use of health services, medical complaints, in particular allergies / cockroaches in...
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Onderzoek Toekomstverwachtingen 2004 - TOS2004

Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (primary investigator)
Future expectations of the Dutch population for the year 2020. Expectations with regard to national and global developments, leisure time, politics and democracy, ethnic minorities and migration to and from the Netherlands, labourmarket, living situation, work and childcare, safety and crime, education, diseases and health care, social security, use of computers and the...
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A Composite Study of Xenophobia 1998

Wallace, Claire (Institute for Advanced Studies); Münz, Reiner (Humboldt University of Berlin); Lebhart, Gustav (Austrian Academy of Sciences: Vienna Institute of Demography)
No abstract available
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AUTNES Manual Content Analysis of the Media Coverage 2013: Actors and Issues Add-on (SUF edition)

Gründl, Johann (University of Vienna); Oberluggauer, Patricia (University of Vienna); Eberl, Jakob-Moritz (University of Vienna); (3 more)
Full edition for scientific use. This study adds to the existing manual content analysis on the media coverage of the 2013 Austrian national election. It emphasizes political actors, issues, and their evaluation. 8998 contributions from 14 print and TV media (selected according to various criteria in order to represent the Austrian media landscape as accurately as possible)...
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AUTNES TV Debates Panel Study 2013 (SUF edition)

Kritzinger, Sylvia (University of Vienna); Johann, David (University of Vienna); Glantschnigg, Christian (University of Vienna); (5 more)
Full edition for scientific use. This dataset contains political preferences of Austrian citizens eligible to vote at the national parliamentary election on 29.9.2013 (age 16 and older). Participants were surveyed in the period 16.8. – 7.10.2013 through an interactive online questionnaire (CAWI). Three waves were conducted before the election; a fourth wave captures opinions...
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Finnish Opinions on the Iraq War, March 2003

Advisory Board for Defence Information (ABDI)
The survey studied Finnish attitudes towards the war against Iraq. The allied forces led by the United States had attacked Iraq a few days prior to the data collection. Respondents were asked whether they approve of the attack on Iraq and whether they had been able to obtain a reliable picture of the war from the media. Views were probed on the likely consequences of the...
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AUTNES Online Panel Study 2017-2024 (SUF edition)

Partheymüller, Julia (University of Vienna); Aichholzer, Julian (University of Vienna); Kritzinger, Sylvia (University of Vienna); (6 more)
Full edition for scientific use. The AUTNES Online Panel Study 2017–2024 is a multi-wave panel survey that covers the Austrian National Parliamentary Elections held in October 2017, September 2019, and September 2024. This survey is part of the Austrian National Election Study (AUTNES).
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REMINDER: Online-Panel Study on Migration and Mobility Attitudes 2017-2018 (SUF edition)

Meltzer, Christine (Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz); Eberl, Jakob-Moritz (University of Vienna); Theorin, Nora (University of Gothenburg); (6 more)
Full edition for scientific use. The principle of free movement allows citizens of the European Union (EU) to cross EU borders to live, work, or travel in other EU member states. It is one of the “four freedoms”, and a fundamental principle of the EU. However, since the so-called “refugee movements” in 2015, free movement within Europe and migration into the EU are fiercely...
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Casinos Austria; Text Commentary 1996

GfK Austria (Dr. Fessel + GFK Institut für Marktforschung)
Topic: Casinos Austria
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Polarization in public opinion: Combining social surveys and big data analyses of Twitter (SUF Edition)

Hadler, Markus (University of Graz); Klösch, Beate (University of Graz); Lex, Elisabeth (Graz University of Technology); (1 more)
Full edition for scientific use. Our research aims to measure polarization in public opinion, combining two state-of-the-art approaches in measuring opinion - survey research and big data analytics of social media. We focus on the topic of polarization of opinions on COVID-19 and climate change and identify if and how polarization - a shift towards more extreme positions -...
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Attitudes towards Russia: Monitoring of Public Opinion in Ukraine (2008-2022)

Paniotto, Volodymyr (Kyiv International Institute of Sociology); Sakhno, Julia (Kyiv International Institute of Sociology); Zhmurko, Olga (Sociologický ústav Akademie věd)
Since 2008, KIIS has been tracking public opinion in Ukraine regarding Russia by asking the question 'What is your general attitude towards Russia now?' with a 4-point scale from 'very good' to 'very bad.' To gain a deeper understanding of the situation, every few years the surveys also included additional questions about attitudes towards Russians (residents of Russia) and...
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Werklozen 1974 : Moeilijkheden bij ( her- )intreding

Koopmans, E., Buchem, A.L.J. van, Schepers, Th., Wezel, J.A.M. van, Katholieke Hogeschool Tilburg * Tilburg, Instituut voor sociaal-wetenschappelijk onderzoek, IVA * Tilburg (primary investigator)
Unemployed: details on job history and unemployment history / preferences for working situation and job / chances and actions taken for finding a job / functioning of employment bureau / actions to be taken by government and industrial circles against unemployment / opinions on employers / attitude on working, not working / application experience. Employment mediators...
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Omnibus survey Nieuwegein 2000 - VSO

Groen, M. de, Bosten, J.E.W.L. (primary investigator)
Survey among the inhabitants of Nieuwegein. Social engagement / social environment, networks / environmental issues / transport / Nieuwegein Radio Background variables: basic characteristics/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ education
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Leefbaarheidsmonitor 1996 Den Haag - VSO

Wensveen, P., Verdurmen, J., Oudijk, C.H., Centrum voor Onderzoek en Statistiek, COS * Rotterdam (primary investigator)
Satisfaction with neighbourhood / separate collection of waste: glass, paper, chemicals, food etc. / satisfaction with cleansing department and some special municipal projects to improve the quality of life / perception of crime in neighbourhood / inconveniences by drug abuse / satisfaction with dwelling, propensity to remove / feelings of unsafety / experience with...
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Omnibus-enquete Westfriesland 1994 - VSO

Berge, P.L. van den, Hoekstra, J., Hoerchner, P., Lodde-Tolenaar, M.J., Lukey, W.F., Sociaal-wetenschappelijk Bureau Samenwerkingsorgaan West-Friesland * Hoorn (primary investigator)
Travel to-from work / looking for ( other ) job, experiences with employment exchange / experience with, assessment of the regional hospital 'Westfries Gasthuis' / willingness to work at hospital Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ place of work/ occupation/employment/ education/ religion
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