374 studies found in English from a total of 36716

Changing Nature of Being an Expatriate Finn Survey 2020

Hovi, Tuomas (Migration Institute of Finland); Tervonen, Miika (Migration Institute of Finland)
The study investigated Finnish expatriates' views of Finland and experiences of living abroad. Main topics of the survey included well-being, social networks, political participation, reasons for moving abroad, the services available for expatriate Finns, the effects of COVID-19 and Brexit on expatriate Finns, and the respondents' interest in moving back to Finland. The...
Study description available in:ENFI
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The National SOM Survey 1995

SOM Institute, University of Gothenburg
Since 1986 the research project ´Samhälle Opinion Massmedia´ (SOM) has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey of Swedish opinions. This is accordingly the tenth survey in this series. The questionnaire was divided into six subject fields: mass media; politics and society; energy, nuclear power and environment; Sweden and the rest of the world; leisure; and...
Study description available in:ENSV
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The National SOM Survey 1996

SOM Institute, University of Gothenburg
Since 1986 the research project ´Samhälle Opinion Massmedia´ (SOM) has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey of Swedish opinions. This is accordingly the eleventh survey in this series. The questionnaire was divided into six subject fields: mass media; politics and society; Sweden´s relations to the rest of the world; energy, nuclear power and environment; leisure;...
Study description available in:ENSV
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The National SOM Survey 1997

SOM Institute, University of Gothenburg
Since 1986 the research project ´Samhälle Opinion Massmedia´ (SOM) has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey of Swedish opinions. This is accordingly the twelfth survey in this series. The questionnaire was divided into six subject fields: mass media; politics and society; Sweden´s relations to the rest of the world; energy, nuclear power and environment; leisure,...
Study description available in:ENSV
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The National SOM Survey 1998

SOM Institute, University of Gothenburg
Since 1986 the SOM-institute has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey of Swedish opinions. This is accordingly the thirteenth survey in this series. The SOM-institute is a collaboration between three departments at Göteborg University: the Institute for Journalism and Mass Communication, the Department of Political Science, and the School of Public Administration....
Study description available in:ENSV
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The National SOM Survey 2000

SOM Institute, University of Gothenburg
National SOM 2000 is the fifteenth survey in this series. One of the questionnaires mainly deals with questions on politics, economy and working life, while the other mainly deals with media, culture and health. One third of the questions asked in the two questionnaires are common for both samples, for example questions about media habits, political attitudes, leisure...
Study description available in:ENSV
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VALU 2002 - SVT exit poll survey parliamentary election 2002

Hernborn, Hans (Sveriges Television); Holmberg, Sören (Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg); Thedéen, Torbjörn (Division of Safety Research, Royal Institute of Technology); (1 more)
This exit poll survey (VALU, an abbreviation for vallokalsundersökning) was carried out in connection with the parliamentary election on September 15, 2002. In VALU, voters leaving polling stations are asked by public service broadcaster Sveriges Television (SVT) to fill in a questionnaire and put it anonymously in a sealed box. After collecting and processing the...
Study description available in:ENSV
Data access:Restricted
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The National SOM Survey 2002

SOM Institute, University of Gothenburg
Since 1986 the SOM-institute has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey of Swedish opinions. This is accordingly the seventeenth survey in this series. The SOM-institute is a collaboration between three departments at Göteborg University: the Institute for Journalism and Mass Communication, the Department of Political Science, and the School of Public Administration....
Study description available in:ENSV
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ISSP 2003 - National identity II: Sweden

Edlund, Jonas (Department of Sociology, Umeå University); Svallfors, Stefan (Department of Sociology, Umeå University)
This is the Swedish part of the 2003 'International Social Survey Program' (ISSP), and it is the second time ISSP focuses on national identity. The questions on national consciousness and national identity include: Identification with the town, the city, the region, the nation and with the respective continent; most important characteristics for national identity;...
Study description available in:ENSV
Data access:Open
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VALU 2003 - SVT exit poll survey EMU-election 2003

Holmberg, Sören (Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg); Thedéen, Torbjörn (Division of Safety Research, Royal Institute of Technology); Hernborn, Hans (Sveriges Television); (1 more)
September 14, 2003 was the date for the referendum on Sweden´s possible participation in the third stage of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). The question that all those entitled to vote had to answer was: ´Do you think Sweden should introduce the euro as its currency?´ In connection with the referendum an exit poll survey was carried out. In VALU - Swedish exit poll...
Study description available in:ENSV
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VALU 2004 - SVT exit poll survey European parliament election 2004

Holmberg, Sören (Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg); Hernborn, Hans (Sveriges Television); Näsman, Per (Division of Safety Research, Royal Institute of Technology)
This exit poll survey was carried out in connection with the election to the European parliament on June 13, 2004. In VALU - Swedish exit poll surveys - voters leaving polling stations are asked by public service broadcaster Sveriges Television (SVT) to fill in a questionnaire and put it anonymously in a sealed box. After collecting and processing the responses, Sveriges...
Study description available in:ENSV
Data access:Restricted
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The National SOM Survey 2003

SOM Institute, University of Gothenburg
Since 1986 the SOM-institute has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey of Swedish opinions. This is accordingly the eighteenth survey in this series. The SOM-institute is a collaboration between three departments at Göteborg University: the Institute for Journalism and Mass Communication, the Department of Political Science, and the School of Public Administration....
Study description available in:ENSV
Data access:Restricted
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The National SOM Survey 2004

SOM Institute, University of Gothenburg
Since 1986 the SOM-institute has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey of Swedish opinions. This is accordingly the nineteenth survey in this series. The SOM-institute is a collaboration between three departments at Göteborg University: the Institute for Journalism and Mass Communication, the Department of Political Science, and the School of Public Administration....
Study description available in:ENSV
Data access:Restricted
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The Regional Western Sweden SOM Survey 2004

SOM Institute, University of Gothenburg
Western SOM has been conducted yearly since 1992, but was initially limited to residents of Gothenburg and its surrounding municipalities. In 1998, the survey was extended to include the entire Västra Götaland County plus the municipality of Kungsbacka. The purpose of the regional surveys is to enable SOM researchers to study attitudes and behaviour linked to local and...
Study description available in:ENSV
Data access:Restricted
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The National SOM Survey 2006

SOM Institute, University of Gothenburg
Since 1986 the SOM-institute has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey of Swedish opinions. This is accordingly the twentyfirst survey in this series. The SOM-institute is a collaboration between three departments at Göteborg University: the Institute for Journalism and Mass Communication, the Department of Political Science, and the School of Public Administration....
Study description available in:ENSV
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The Regional Skåne SOM Survey 2006

SOM Institute, University of Gothenburg
This is the third SOM survey carried out in the Skåne region. Like Southern SOM 2004, the 2006 survey was carried out in the whole Skåne region. The questionnaire consists of nine coherent parts: news and daily papers; politics and society; society and service; media and society; holdings of technology and internet; traffic; activities and leisure habits; working life; and...
Study description available in:ENSV
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Geographical Mobility of Two Cohorts of Teachers, 1972; Stayers

Duggan, E. P., University of Keele, Centre of Social Science Research; Mapes, R. E., University of Keele, Statistical Research Unit
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.In 1967, data and information were obtained on cohorts of teachers in six County Boroughs relating to reasons for choosing to work in one geographical area rather than another. This study is a follow-up to the 1967 study.Main Topics: Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions Number of years in previous school,...
Study description available in:EN
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Indiana Political, Social and Economic Data by Counties, 1865-1976

Husbands, C., London School of Economics and Political Science, Department of Sociology
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of this study is to collect political, social and economic data for each of the ninety-two counties of the American state of Indiana. Most such data are for the twentieth century but a few variables relate to dates between the end of the Civil War in 1865 and 1900.Main Topics:Please note: this...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Reading Marriage Survey, 1974

Coleman, D. A., University of Oxford, Department of Social and Administrative Studies
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.To describe and analyse geographical and social aspects of marital choice in modern Britain and to investigate their likely genetical import. Marital choice is important biologically because partners with remote origins tend to be genetically more different than those with close origins. Proximity of...
Study description available in:EN
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British Election Study, February 1974, October 1974, June 1975, May 1979; Panel Survey

Sarlvik, B., British Election Study; Robertson, D. R., British Election Study; Crewe, I. M., University of Essex, Department of Government
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. British Election Study, 1974-1983 (BES): The BES was started as a research project at the University of Essex in 1974, to continue the series started by Butler and Stokes. The BES conducted interview surveys following the general elections of February 1974, October 1974 and May 1979. This series...
Study description available in:EN
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Social Implications of the Introduction of a Large Scale Industry into a Sparsely Populated Area, 1970 and 1973; Residents

Carter, M. P., University of Aberdeen, Department of Sociology; Gaskin, M., University of Aberdeen, Department of Sociology; Varwell, A., University of Aberdeen, Department of Sociology
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of this study was to compile a census-style enumeration of the Invergordon area before and after the establishment of an aluminium smelter, to plot changes in total population, age and sex structure, occupation and migration.Main Topics:Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions The survey was...
Study description available in:EN
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Attitudes towards Devolution, 1970

Social and Community Planning Research
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The aim of this survey was to study public opinion and attitudes in the subject area of 'Participation', 'Nationalism' and 'Devolution'. The survey was carried out on behalf of the Royal Commission on the Constitution (Kilbrandon Commission). For the second edition (September 2014), data and...
Study description available in:EN
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Political Change in Britain, 1963-1970; Merged File

Butler, D., University of Oxford, Nuffield College
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The study was designed to investigate political change in Great Britain using a panel technique. The main areas of investigation were the party system, campaign issues, and social class. Information on the political background of the respondent as well as extensive demographic data were also collected....
Study description available in:EN
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Great Britain Historical Database: Census Data : Migration Statistics, 1851-1951

Southall, H. R., University of Portsmouth, School of the Environment, Geography and Geosciences
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Great Britain Historical Database has been assembled as part of the ongoing Great Britain Historical GIS Project. The project aims to trace the emergence of the north-south divide in Britain and to provide a synoptic view of the human geography of Britain at sub-county scales. Further information...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Open
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Longitudinal Study of Residential Histories, 1750-1994

Turnbull, J., Lancaster University, Department of Geography; Pooley, C. G., Lancaster University, Department of Geography
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The aims and objectives of this study were: 1. The collection of a large sample of original high-quality longitudinal data on individual migration in the past which can be used to provide both methodological and conceptual insights into the migration process 2. The development of a network of contacts...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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British Election Study, February 1974; Cross-Section Survey

Alt, J., British Election Study; Sarlvik, B., British Election Study; Crewe, I. M., University of Essex, Department of Government
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. Main Topics:Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions Attention to television and newspapers, perceived bias in newspapers, perceived difference between political parties. Opinion of Conservative and Labour parties. Attitude to election and strength of political opinion and interest. Knowledge, perception...
Study description available in:EN
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Ethnic Population Projections for the United Kingdom and Local Areas, 2001-2051

Wohland, P., University of Leeds, School of Geography; Norman, P., University of Leeds, School of Geography; Boden, P., University of Leeds, School of Geography; (1 more)
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The aims of this project were to:understand the demographic changes that United Kingdom local ethnic populations are presently experiencing and are likely to experience in the remainder of the 21st century understand the impact that international migration is having on the size and ethnic composition of...
Study description available in:EN
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Ethnic Group Components of Demographic Change: Births, Deaths and Net Migration for Wards and Local Authorities of Great Britain, 1991-2001

Finney, N., University of Manchester, Cathie Marsh Centre for Census and Survey Research; Simpson, L., University of Manchester, Cathie Marsh Centre for Census and Survey Research
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This study provides estimates of births, deaths and net-migration, by ethnic group, for each electoral ward (England and Wales) and local authority area (England, Wales and Scotland), for the period July 1st, 1991 –June 30th, 2001. The study uses the eight-category classification of ethnic group: White,...
Study description available in:EN
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Images of the World in the Year 2000; India, 1968

Singh, S. S., Ghandian Institute of Studies (Varanasi, India), Department of Psychology and Education; Chatterjee, B. B., Ghandian Institute of Studies (Varanasi, India), Department of Psychology and Education
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This inquiry into the views of the year 2000 held by the younger generation took place under the auspices of the European Coordination Centre for Research and Documentation in the Social Sciences, established at Vienna, which was founded by UNESCO and which is a division of the International Social...
Study description available in:EN
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Young Lives: an International Study of Childhood Poverty: Round 3, 2009

Boyden, J., University of Oxford, Queen Elizabeth House
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Young Lives survey is an innovative long-term project investigating the changing nature of childhood poverty in four developing countries. The study is being conducted in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam and has tracked the lives of 12,000 children over a 20-year period, through 5 (in-person) survey...
Study description available in:EN
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