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Monitor Hoger Beroepsonderwijs, HBO Monitor 1998
Labour market position of graduates from the various types of Higher Professional Education. Preliminary training / type of Higher Professional Education / working - and administrative experience / activities after graduation / experiences with entering the labour market / present labour market position / characteristics of present job / further education courses /...
Monitor Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs - WO-Monitor 2000
Survey of the destinations of university graduates/ graduates from teacher training courses of universitites included. Educational career / working experience / further education courses / occupational status / occupational career / transition from education to employment / evaluation of r.'s education / further training and contact with university / knowledge, skills,...
Registratie uitstroom en bestemming schoolverlaters 2004 - RUBS'04 - BVE Monitor
De BVE-Monitor is gericht op schoolverlaters van de beroepsopleidende leerweg (BOL) en de beroepsbegeleidende leerweg (BBL). Het onderzoek wordt uitgevoerd door het Researchcentrum voor Onderwijs en Arbeidsmarkt (ROA) van de Universiteit Maastricht. De financiering ligt bij OCW, SZW, LNV en de deelnemende onderwijsinstellingen. Met het onderzoek wordt de overgang van school...
Sociaal-culturele ontwikkelingen in Nijmegen 2002
Survey among the inhabitants of Nijmegen. Sex and age of respondent, whether respondent and-or respondent's parents were born in the Netherlands / duration of living in Nijmegen / occupation and occupational history / education / relationships(s) / religious matters / health matters / watching tv / reading books and newspapers / living situation when respondent was between...
Monitor Hoger Beroepsonderwijs, HBO Monitor 1997
Labour market position of graduates from the various types of Higher Professional Education. Preliminary training / type of Higher Professional Education / working - and administrative experience / activities after graduation / experiences with entering the labour market / present labour market position / characteristics of present job / further education courses /...
Monitor Hoger Beroepsonderwijs, HBO Monitor 1999
Labour market position of graduates from the various types of Higher Professional Education. Preliminary training / type of Higher Professional Education / working - and administrative experience / activities after graduation / experiences with entering the labour market / present labour market position / characteristics of present job / further education courses /...
Monitor Hoger Beroepsonderwijs, HBO Monitor 1995
Labour market position of graduates from the various types of Higher Professional Education. Preliminary training / type of Higher Professional Education / working - and administrative experience / activities after graduation / experiences with entering the labour market / present labour market position / characteristics of present job / further education courses /...
Huishoudens in Nederland 1995 - HIN'95
A survey of the composition, characteristics and internal organization of Dutch households, with particular emphasis on married and cohabiting couple relationships.Education and training / occupational careers / income and savings / family business / dating / relationship history / marriage and cohabitation / housing careers / fertility history / investments in children...
Social biographic and bibliographic data of beta scientific researchers, 1780-1900
In this dataset the importance of the rise of middle classes for the employment and productivity in the beta science is investigated. Included are personal data such as name, year of birth and death, occupation and countries of activity.
The Amsterdam Town Council, 1578-1795
This dataset is based on the (published) source 'De Vroedschap van Amsterdam 1578-1795' (The Town Council of Amsterdam) by J.E. Elias (1905). The aim of the project was to investigate the research possibilities of the historical data contained in this source. Only a part of the source has been digitised: the first 250 pages concerning 76 Amsterdam town councillors,...
Monitor Hoger Beroepsonderwijs, HBO Monitor 2003
Labour market position of graduates from the various types of Higher Professional Education. Characteristics of higher professional education in 2001/2002 / working - and administrative experience / further education / occupational status / experiences with unemployment / present job and profession / transition from education to present employment / quality of the college...
Monitor Hoger Beroepsonderwijs, HBO Monitor 1992
Labour market position of graduates from the various types of Higher Professional Education. Preliminary training / type of Higher Professional Education / work- and administrative experience / activities after graduation / experience with entering the labour market / present labour market position / characteristics of present job / further education courses / transition...
Sociaal-culturele ontwikkelingen in Nijmegen 2003
Survey among the inhabitants of Nijmegen.Age and sex of respondent, whether respondent and-or respondent's parents were born in the Netherlands / occupational status / history of r.'s occupational status / number of working hours / education / marital status / background variables of r.'s partner / religious affiliation and church attendance / r.'s opinion about car...
Sociaal-culturele ontwikkelingen in Nijmegen 2004
Grootschalig veldonderzoek onder de Nijmeegse bevolking, uitgevoerd door studenten sociologie en communicatiewetenschap van de Radboud Universiteit.
Monitor Hoger Beroepsonderwijs, HBO Monitor 2001
Labour market position of graduates from the various types of Higher Professional Education. Graduates from Colleges of Higher Agricultural Education and Elementary School Teacher Training Colleges received a separate questionnaire. Preliminary training / type of Higher Professional Education / working - and administrative experience / activities after graduation /...
Registratie uitstroom en bestemming schoolverlaters 1992 - RUBS'92 - BVE Monitor
Survey concerning the destinations of graduated and non-graduated school-leavers entering further education and the labour market. Educational career / occupational status / further education / characteristics of present job / transition from education to present employment / evaluation of curriculum / job-seeking behaviour / background characteristics of respondent....
Monitor Hoger Beroepsonderwijs, HBO Monitor 1993
Labour market position of graduates from the various types of Higher Professional Education. Preliminary training / type of Higher Professional Education / working - and administrative experience / activities after graduation / experiences with entering the labour market / present labour market position / characteristics of present job / further education courses /...
Monitor Hoger Beroepsonderwijs, HBO Monitor 2002
Labour market position of graduates from the various types of Higher Professional Education. Characteristics of higher professional education in 2000/2001 / working - and administrative experience / further education / occupational status / experiences with unemployment / present job and profession / transition from education to present employment / quality of the...
Monitor Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs - WO-Monitor 2006
Survey of the destinations of university graduates, graduates from teacher training courses of universitites included. Educational career / working experience / further education courses / occupational status / occupational career / details about present job / transition from education to employment / evaluation of r.'s education / further training and contact with...
Registratie uitstroom en bestemming schoolverlaters 2002 - RUBS'02 - BVE Monitor
Survey concerning the destinations of graduated and non-graduated school-leavers entering further education and the labour market. Educational career / occupational status / further education / characteristics of present job / transition from education to present employment / evaluation of curriculum / job-seeking behaviour / background characteristics of respondent. See...
Sociaal-culturele ontwikkelingen in Nijmegen 2005
Grootschalig veldonderzoek onder de Nijmeegse bevolking, uitgevoerd door studenten sociologie en communicatiewetenschap van de Radboud Universiteit.
Fulton Commission Investigation into the Civil Service, 1967
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.To provide a sociological portrait of the Civil Service and to integrate other enquiries submitted to the Fulton Committee into particular aspects of recruitment into the Civil Service.
Determinants of Occupational Status and Mobility in Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic, 1973-1974; Phase II Data
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of this survey was to ascertain answers to such questions as whether societies are becoming more or less equal, whether they are expanding or restricting opportunity for their citizens and whether they are offering the kinds of education that will enable nations to cope with the challenges of...
Employee Participation in the British Steel Corporation, 1970
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The aim of this study was to provide an account of the employee/director experiment in the nationalised steel industry.Main Topics:Attitudinal/Behavioural
a) Attitude towards work: most liked/disliked aspects of place of work; importance of working in a team; amount of flexibility and scope for personal...
Financial Expectations, February 1976
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.These are a series of surveys containing questions asked of a monthly representative sample of 1000 adults about their financial well-being and expectations by the British Market Research Bureau.Main Topics: The questions asked in the surveys, based on those developed by Katona and others at Michigan...
Financial Expectations, April 1976
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.These are a series of surveys containing questions asked of a monthly representative sample of 1000 adults about their financial well-being and expectations by the British Market Research Bureau.Main Topics: The questions asked in the surveys, based on those developed by Katona and others at Michigan...
Financial Expectations, May 1976
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.These are a series of surveys containing questions asked of a monthly representative sample of 1000 adults about their financial well-being and expectations by the British Market Research Bureau.Main Topics: The questions asked in the surveys, based on those developed by Katona and others at Michigan...
Financial Expectations, June 1976
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.These are a series of surveys containing questions asked of a monthly representative sample of 1000 adults about their financial well-being and expectations by the British Market Research Bureau.Main Topics: The questions asked in the surveys, based on those developed by Katona and others at Michigan...
Financial Expectations, August 1976
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.These are a series of surveys containing questions asked of a monthly representative sample of 1000 adults about their financial well-being and expectations by the British Market Research Bureau.Main Topics: The questions asked in the surveys, based on those developed by Katona and others at Michigan...
Financial Expectations, October 1976
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.These are a series of surveys containing questions asked of a monthly representative sample of 1000 adults about their financial well-being and expectations by the British Market Research Bureau.Main Topics: The questions asked in the surveys, based on those developed by Katona and others at Michigan...