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Neuroadaptive Bayesian Optimisation to Predict an Individual Infant's Brain Response Towards Faces Resembling Parent or Stranger, 2022
This proof-of-principle study extends the novel experimental approach of Neuroadaptive Bayesian Optimisation (NBO) to infant EEG data to study individual infants' engagement with social stimuli. In particular, the Negative central event-related potential component was optimised across a range of familiar and nonfamiliar faces. Previous group-level research suggested an...
Mental, Neurological, and Substance Abuse Disorders in Guyana's Jails, 1825-2022
The objective of MNS Disorders in Guyana's Jails, 1825 to the Present Day was to develop a historicized analytical approach that addresses a critical but almost entirely neglected aspect of prison systems in the Global South: the definition, extent, experience, and treatment of MNS disorders among inmates and the people who work with them. The project consolidates a previous...
Neuroadaptive Bayesian Optimisation to Identify which Combination of Gaze and Emotion in the Parent Face Maximises Attention in the Individual Infant, 2023-2024
Infants’ motivation to engage with the social world depends on the interplay between individual brain’s characteristics and previous exposure to social cues such as the parent’s smile or eye contact. Different hypotheses about why specific combinations of emotional expressions and gaze direction engage children have been tested with group-level approaches rather than...
Exploring the Contribution of Case Study Research to the Evidence Base for Occupational Therapy: A Scoping Review, 2016-2021
Background: Case study research is generating interest to evaluate complex interventions. However, it is not clear how this is being utilized by occupational therapists or how feasible it is to contribute to the evidence base. This scoping review explores the range and characteristics of case study research within occupational therapy. It examines how case study research is...
Understanding and Assisting Difficulties with Everyday Spatial Navigation, 2018-2022
The collection consists of demographic and quantitative data associated with ESRC award ES/P011632/1 (referred to as ExSpaND - Exploring SPAtial Naviational Difference). Typical participants (N=115) and patients with hydrocephalus (N=33) completed a battery of tasks that measured: navigational behaviour in real-world environments; behaviour in laboratory tasks designed to...