64 studies found in English from a total of 37402

Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1994/4

Toš, Niko (Faculty of Social Sciences)
The emphasis of the study is on replication of standard SJM topics: evaluation of the socioeconomic and political situation; trust in institutions; Slovenian Politbarometer; left-right placement of political parties and self; party preference; attitudes towards European integration; political efficacy; ISSP 1995 (National Identity) module. Special emphasis is given on work...
Study description available in:ENSL
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Slovenian Pulse 2/2010

Makarovič, Matej (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica)
The study investigates perception of basic human characteristics of Slovenian nation and affiliation to different groups. Perception of importance of some historical events and historical figures for Slovenian nation can be analysed related to the political party preferences and to some other topical questions.The study investigates perception of basic human characteristics...
Study description available in:EN
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Slovenian Pulse 2/2013

Makarovič, Matej (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); Rončević, Borut (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); Tomšič, Matevž (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); (2 more)
The set of questions about the Slovenian identity investigated the feel of belonging of Slovenian inhabitants to their nation, region, family, profession, political beliefs, as well as which personal characteristics are perceived as typical Slovenian. The set of actual questions was designed to establish if respondents support any changes in how parliamentary elections are...
Study description available in:ENSL
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Slovenian Pulse 2/2014

Makarovič, Matej (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); Rončević, Borut (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); Tomšič, Matevž (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); (3 more)
The study investigated the level of agreement with statements about pride and support of Slovenia, immigrants and Slovenian achievements. The second part of the questionnaire focused on the actual political situation, specifically on the support of the government at that time, which political party people would have voted for, the opinion on the convicted in Patria case,...
Study description available in:ENSL
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The role of Italian media contents in forming transcultural identities in the area of Slovenian Istria, 2015

Zadel, Maja (University of Primorska, Science and Research Centre Koper)
The research focuses on national and cultural identity, self-definition, transculturality and cultural hybridity of Slovenian border residents (mainly in relation to Italianness) and media consumption in a historical perspective. The aim of the research was to find out what role did the Italian media content play in shaping the cultural identity of the inhabitants of...
Study description available in:EN
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Sociale positie en voorzieningengebruik van allochtonen 1998 - SPVA 1998

Martens, E.P. , Erasmus Universiteit, ISEO, Tesser, P. , Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (primary investigator)
This longitudinal survey concentrates on the socio-economic and socio-cultural position of the four largest ethnic minority groups in the Netherlands: Turks, Moroccans, Surinamese and Antillians/Arubans. It can also give insight in the differences between those groups, and a comparison in time. This study covers a wide range of topics. Education: in Netherlands or abroad,...
Study description available in:EN
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Microcensus Ad-Hoc-Module 'Labour market situation of migrants and their immediate descendants' 2014 (SUF edition)

Statistics Austria (Statistik Austria)
Full edition for scientific use. In addition to the core variables of the Microcensus Labour Force Survey (LFS), the LFS also has so-called ad-hoc-modules (AHM) that can vary from year to year. The EU-LFS ad-hoc-module 2014 on ‘Labour market situation of migrants and their immediate descendants’ is divided into two submodules: background of the target population, obstacles...
Study description available in:EN
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Koper area study

Mlinar, Zdravko (Fakulteta za družbene vede)
Survey is a part of bigger research on trends of development of Koper community. Author's intention is to research the tolerance threshold and general sensation among high school students in Koper. By doing this, survey presents preliminary phase for research in year 1998 and at the same time contributes to problem of awareness and possibilities to control social and spatial...
Study description available in:ENSL
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Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1994/4

Toš, Niko (Faculty of Social Sciences)
The emphasis of the study is on replication of standard SJM topics: evaluation of the socioeconomic and political situation; trust in institutions; Slovenian Politbarometer; left-right placement of political parties and self; party preference; attitudes towards European integration; political efficacy; ISSP 1995 (National Identity) module. Special emphasis is given on work...
Study description available in:ENSL
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Slovenian Pulse 2/2010

Makarovič, Matej (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica)
The study investigates perception of basic human characteristics of Slovenian nation and affiliation to different groups. Perception of importance of some historical events and historical figures for Slovenian nation can be analysed related to the political party preferences and to some other topical questions.
Study description available in:ENSL
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Slovenian Pulse 2/2012

Makarovič, Matej (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); Rončević, Borut (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); Tomšič, Matevž (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); (1 more)
The study investigates Slovenian identity and a perception of basic human characteristics of Slovenian nation and affiliation to different groups or roles. The respondents were asked about the importance of some historical events and historical figures for Slovenian nation. They also gave an opinion on which words best describe Slovenian people among the following:...
Study description available in:ENSL
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Slovenian Pulse 2/2014

Makarovič, Matej (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); Rončević, Borut (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); Tomšič, Matevž (School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica); (3 more)
The study investigated the level of agreement with statements about pride and support of Slovenia, immigrants and Slovenian achievements. The second part of the questionnaire focused on the actual political situation, specifically on the support of the government at that time, which political party people would have voted for, the opinion on the convicted in Patria case,...
Study description available in:ENSL
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The role of Italian media contents in forming transcultural identities in the area of Slovenian Istria, 2015

Zadel, Maja (University of Primorska, Science and Research Centre Koper)
The research focuses on national and cultural identity, self-definition, transculturality and cultural hybridity of Slovenian border residents (mainly in relation to Italianness) and media consumption in a historical perspective. The aim of the research was to find out what role did the Italian media content play in shaping the cultural identity of the inhabitants of...
Study description available in:ENSL
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Koper area study

Mlinar, Zdravko (Fakulteta za družbene vede)
Survey is a part of bigger research on trends of development of Koper community. Author's intention is to research the tolerance threshold and general sensation among high school students in Koper. By doing this, survey presents preliminary phase for research in year 1998 and at the same time contributes to problem of awareness and possibilities to control social and spatial...
Study description available in:ENSL
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Postmemory of Family Separation 2021

Turjanmaa, Elina (University of Oulu)
The survey explores the mental wellbeing of descendants of Ingric people who have experienced forced emigration, ethnic persecution and family separation in Finland today. The data focuses on the descendants' family relationships and their connection to their Ingric background, as well as on wartime experiences. First, the survey asked about the respondent's family...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Restricted
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The Narratives of Finland: Exhibition Creator Interviews 2021-2022

Viita-aho, Mari 0000-0002-3796-5004 (University of Helsinki); Kortti, Jukka 0000-0003-0086-4143 (University of Helsinki)
The data consists of interviews with the creators of the Narratives of Finland exhibition at the National Museum of Finland. The data was collected as part of a study that examined how images of Finnishness have been constructed in official and unofficial historical culture. The interviews explore the perspectives of the creators of the Finnish National Museum's Narratives...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Restricted
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1981 Census: Aggregate Data; Great Britain

General Register Office (Scotland), Census Branch; Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, Census Division
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The aggregate data produced as outputs from censuses in Great Britain provide information on a wide range of demographic and socio-economic characteristics. They are predominantly a collection of aggregated or summary counts of the numbers of people or households resident in specific geographical areas...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Open
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Scottish Minorities Survey, 2003-2004

Hussain, A. M., University of Glasgow, Department of Politics; Miller, W. L., University of Strathclyde, Department of Politics
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The main aim of this project was to see how well post-devolution Scotland is succeeding in accommodating both nationalism and multiculturalism at the same time. A further and more specific objective was to increase understanding of ethnic minority perspectives on post-devolution Scotland. The study...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Negative Option and Inertia Selling among Holders of Credit Agreements, 1991

NOP Market Research Limited
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.Among holders of credit agreements (retail store cards, loans/h.p., mail order credit, credit cards): to establish the prevalence of negative option and inertia selling. to determine the extent to which these practices result in a consumer paying for a service they do not want to determine the outcome of...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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MORI General Election Data, 1992 : Omnibus Polls, 20-24 March, 1992

Gosschalk, B., MORI; Worcester, R. M., MORI
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.To provide Election Campaign information.
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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MORI General Election Data, 1992 : Polls for the Times, March - April, 1992

Gosschalk, B., MORI; Worcester, R. M., MORI
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.To provide Election Campaign information.
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Employment Choices for Mothers of Pre-School Children, 1998-2000

Houston, D. M., University of Kent at Canterbury, Department of Psychology
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This project examined the psychological processes and demographic variables which predict the decisions women make about returning to work after they have their first child. A cohort survey of 413 women was carried out - questionnaire surveys were conducted in pregnancy and at six and 12 months...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Kids' Life and Times Survey, 2011

Devine, P., Queen's University of Belfast, Centre for Social Research
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Kids' Life and Times Survey (KLT) began in 2008 and is conducted by Access Research Knowledge (ARK) which runs the Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey (NILT) and the Young Life and Times Survey (YLT). The KLT is a survey of Primary year 7 (P7) children in Northern Ireland which is carried out...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Health Survey for England, 2007

University College London, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health; National Centre for Social Research
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Health Survey for England (HSE) is a series of surveys designed to monitor trends in the nation's health.  It was commissioned by NHS Digital and carried out by the Joint Health Surveys Unit of the National Centre for Social Research and the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Wisconsin Political, Social and Economic Data by Counties, 1886-1976

Husbands, C., London School of Economics and Political Science, Department of Sociology
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of this study is to collect political, economic and social data for each of the seventy-two counties of the American state of Wisconsin relating to different times between 1886 and 1976 inclusive.Main Topics:Please note: this study does not include information on named individuals and would...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Indiana Political, Social and Economic Data by Counties, 1865-1976

Husbands, C., London School of Economics and Political Science, Department of Sociology
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of this study is to collect political, social and economic data for each of the ninety-two counties of the American state of Indiana. Most such data are for the twentieth century but a few variables relate to dates between the end of the Civil War in 1865 and 1900.Main Topics:Please note: this...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Reading Marriage Survey, 1974

Coleman, D. A., University of Oxford, Department of Social and Administrative Studies
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.To describe and analyse geographical and social aspects of marital choice in modern Britain and to investigate their likely genetical import. Marital choice is important biologically because partners with remote origins tend to be genetically more different than those with close origins. Proximity of...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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ABC Exit Poll, 1980

Blydenburgh, J., ABC News
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.To collect information on voters and voting on the day of the Presidential Election, 1980.
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Police and People in London : a Survey of Londoners, 1981

Smith, D. J., Political and Economic Planning
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.To describe the extent and nature of contact with the police among a representative sample of Londoners aged 15 and over and to examine their views about the police and policing in relation to their actual experience. To examine separately the experience of young people aged 15-24 and members of ethnic...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Counter-Urbanisation : an Analysis of Recent Migration from England to Northern Scotland, 1983

Caird, J. B., University of Dundee, Department of Geography; Jones, H., University of Dundee, Department of Geography
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.To identify the level, composition, spatial pattern and motivational basis of recent migration from England to the Highlands and Islands of Scotland.Main Topics:Variables i) Demographic and socio-economic characteristics of non-Scottish households. ii) Motivations for in-migration.
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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