235 studies found in English from a total of 36717
Medicine, Health and Life Sciences 

Menopauze en perimenopauze 1972

Zeylmans, J.G. (primary investigator)
Relation to parents in youth / sexual education / reasons to work / leisure activities / sexual relationship to husband / sexual experiences / attitude to sex / attitude to the pill / anti-conception / experiences with first menstruation / attitude to aging / problems for middle aged women / attitude to menopause / fear of physical inconveniences / information about...
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Doorstroming in de intramurale zwakzinnigenzorg 1969

Brekelmans, C., Vermeulen, A., Poppel, J. van, Katholieke Hogeschool Tilburg * Tilburg, Instituut voor sociaal-wetenschappelijk onderzoek, IVA * Tilburg (primary investigator)
Description of population of institutions for mentally handicapped: age, sex, place of birth, kind of handicap, age of admission to institution, type of institution, multiple handicapped, degree of being handicapped / same data for those who left or entered an institute between '59 and '69. Background variables: basic characteristics/ place of birth/ residence/...
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Dataset belonging to "Mechanisms of Change in a Go/No-Go Training Game for Young Adult Smokers"

H. Scholten (Radboud University); M. Luijten (Radboud University); A. Poppelaars (Radboud University); (2 more)
Objective: Smoking is a major cause of worldwide morbidity and mortality. Evidence-based intervention programs to help young adults quit smoking are largely lacking; identifying targets for intervention is therefore critical. A candidate target is inhibitory control, with previous studies on Go/No-Go trainings showing behavior change in the food and alcohol domain. The...
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Abraham Lenertsz Vrolingh: Der Matroosen Ghesontheydt, ofte De goede Dispositie der Zee-varende ende alle andere Lieden (1663)

Stichting Vrijwilligersnetwerk Nederlandse Taal (©), SVNT; N. van der Sijs
Der Matroosen Ghesontheydt, ofte De goede Dispositie der Zee-varende ende alle andere Lieden: Waer in ghehandelt wordt, nevens andere sieckten, den Matroosen ghemeen ende oock alle menschen: Vanden aerdt, nature en eyghenschap des Scheur-buycks: anders Schimmelsieckte ghenaemt. Van haer name, oorspronck, wesen ende Curae. Door Abraham Lenertsz Vrolingh, Chirurgijn tot...
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Thuislozenzorg ... voor wie ? 1975

P.H.J.M. Heydendael; A. Vissers; G. Boekhorst-De Grip; (2 more)
Social psychological inquiry of homeless men in institutions. Scale items for activities in home, integration in home, evaluation of home / loneliness / zest for life / social contacts / boredom / perceived health condition / attitude towards women / social anxiety / level of aspiration / social character / alienation / dogmatism / evaluation leisure time / disengagement /...
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GDL Ethnic Group Database

JPJM Smits (Global Data Lab,)
The GDL Ethnic Group Database presents socio-economic, health, gender and demographic development indicators at the level of 367 ethnic groups within 71 low and middle income countries. The indicators are created by aggregating data from household surveys to the ethnic group level.Date: 2019-11-15
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GDL Area database 3.0.0

J.P.J.M. Smits (Global Data Lab, Radboud University)
The GDL Area Database (www.globaldatalab.org/areadata) presents socioeconomic, health, and demographic development indicators at the level of sub-national areas (provinces, states, prefectures, and the like) within low and middle income countries to the global community. The indicators are created by aggregating data from household survey datasets.
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Beveiligde microbestanden CBS en over de toegang tot CBS data

Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek - CBS
Beveiligde micro-bestanden van het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek - CBS, zijn bestanden die zodanig bewerkt zijn dat herkenning van individuen en huishoudens uitgesloten is. De beveiligde microbestanden kunnen kosteloos uit EASY gedownload worden. Regelmatig komen nieuwe versies beschikbaar.
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CroMe interview with Vera Winter

Documenta - Center for Dealing with the Past, Zagreb
The female interviewee was born in 1923 in Bosnia. She was 18 years old when WWII started. During the war, she was captured and kept in an Ustashe prison in Petrinjska street. In 1947 she graduated as an economist and immediately found a job. But soon she was ordered to work for the Ministry in Belgrade, and in 1950 she was arrested because she was considered to have...
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Mantelzorg, informele hulpverlening 2007 en 2008

Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
Onderzoek naar het verlenen van informele hulp aan zieken, hulpbehoevenden, gehandicapten in het eigen huishouden, of aan familie, buren, vrienden.Dit betreft een beveiligd microbestand van het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek-CBS. Beveiligde micro-bestanden zijn bestanden die zodanig bewerkt zijn dat herkenning van individuen en huishoudens uitgesloten is.
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FAIR: Facts and Implementations

P.J.C. Aerts (Netherlands eScience Center)
Workshop organised by ePLAN, locally hosted by the Netherlands eScience center. Workshop topic: FAIR: Facts and Implementations
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Dataset corresponding to "Investigation of the stability of human freezing-like responses to social threat from mid to late adolescence"

H.C.M. Niermann (Radboud University); B.C. Figner (Radboud University); A. Tyborowska (Radboud University); (2 more)
The data set contains preprocessed body sway (in mm) and heart rate (in beats-per-minute) data at ages 14 and 17, as well as raw data of life events (assessed at ages 2.5, 5, and 17), state anxiety (assessed at ages 14 and 17), participants’ height (at age 17), and attachment (assessed at 15-months of age). This data was used for analyses in the research described in the...
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TRansitions Into Active Living - wave 1 2021

H. Bekhuis (Radboud University)
The data was collected for the TRIAL: TRansitions Into Active Living study funded by NWO (grant no.: NWA.1160.18.249). The original aim of the this study was to examine the influence of the life transitions ‘starting to work’ and ‘becoming a parent’ on physical activities and sports.In wave 1 (this codebook) we established a baseline of sports and daily physical activities...
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Psychopathy and lifetime experiences of depression

JW Jochem Willemsen (Ghent university)
Background: Previous studies have investigated an association between psychopathy and depression as part of the broader study of comorbidity between psychopathy and Axis I psychopathology, or as part of validity tests for psychopathy. These study methods have, however, been limited, for example by exclusive use of questionnaires, or categorical measures of depression, and by...
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Tracking Adolescents' Individual Lives Survey ( TRAILS ) T3 Population Cohort

J. Ormel (University Medical Center Groningen); F.C. Verhulst (Erasmus Medical Center)
The overall objective of the study is to contribute to the understanding of the determinants of adolescents’ mental (ill-)health and social development during adolescence and young adulthood, as well as the mechanisms underlying the associations between determinants and these outcomes. A particular aim is to focus on the interplay between individual characteristics and...
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PersID - II: Communication

Stina Degerstedt, Royal Library Sweden (author); Adrian Price, Copenhagen University (author); Esa-Pekka Keskitalo, National Library Finland (author); (3 more)
This report is one of five reports with the outcomes of the PersID project commissioned by Knowledge Exchange and SURFfoundation. PersID addresses technical, functional and policy aspects of a persistent identifier infrastructure.Date Submitted: 2011-04-26
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Kwalitatieve analyse: kunst én kunde

J.C. Evers (Erasmus University Rotterdam/Evers Research & training)
De dataset bestaat uit drie onderdelen:I: bijlagen bij de hoofdstukken uit deel I van het boek.II: bijlagen bij de hoofdstukken uit deel II van het boek, bestaande uit ATLAS.ti bestanden, verslagen van sparringbijeenkomsten of analyseproducten in Excel van de respectievelijke auteurs.III: een beschrijving van de 17 databronnen die gebruikt zijn door de auteurs aan deel II...
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Stephanus Blankaart: Den Neder-Landschen Herbarius ofte Kruid-boek (1698)

Stichting Vrijwilligersnetwerk Nederlandse Taal (©), SVNT; N. van der Sijs
Den Neder-Landschen Herbarius ofte Kruid-boek der voornaamste Kruiden, tot de Medicyne, Spys-bereidingen en Konst-werken dienstig. Handelende van zommige hier te Lande wassende Boomen, Kruiden, Heesters, Mossen, enz. Met koopere Platen verciert. Door Steph. Blankaart, P. et Med. D. en Practizyn tot Amsterdam. t' Amsterdam, by Jan ten Hoorn, Boekverkooper over 't Oude Heere...
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Onderzoek Jeugd en Opgroeien - OJO 2011

Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS)
Het Onderzoek Jeugd en Opgroeien - OJO 2011 betreft een onderzoek dat in 2010/2011 in een samenwerkingsproject wordt uitgevoerd door het Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (SCP) en het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS). Doel van het onderzoek is om een raming- en verdeelmodel voor de jeugdzorg in Nederland te ontwikkelen. Het ramingmodel dient voor de planning van de...
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Sociologie en tandheelkunde 1976

Tijmstra, Tj., Rijksuniversiteit Groningen * Groningen, Sociologisch instituut, vakgroep medische sociologie, Gezondheidsorganisatie TNO * Utrecht, Werkgroep tand- en mondziekten (primary investigator)
Investigation of the relation between socio-cultural variables and dental health. Opinions on dental care, dental health / opinions on, contacts with dentist / dental health-knowledge / influence parents on dental care / toothbrushing frequency / eating habits / consumption of sweets, candy / influence of parents on eating sweets / opinion on effects of eating sweets on...
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Roken, drinken en cannabisgebruik onder scholieren van 10-18 jaar, 1984

Wal, H.J. van der, Stichting Wetenschappelijk onderzoek Alcohol en Drugs, SWOAD * Amsterdam (primary investigator)
Use of tobacco, alcohol and cannabis among pupils in primary and secondary schools amount of pocket money per week / next to school having additional job like newspaperservice, working in supermarket / earnings / amount of money to spend per week / drinking alcohol, frequency of drinking alcohol / nr. of drinks at one time / last time drinking alcohol / what kind of alcohol...
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Gezondheid van mensen in de derde levensfase 1986 : Een onderzoek naar lichamelijke en psychische aspecten

Bosma, A.A.M., Corven, J. van, Alem, V. van (primary investigator)
Epidemiological investigation into the health of people between 65 and 75 years in the Dutch municipality of Eindhoven in support of the municipal policy towards the elderly. The questionnaire was made up of a combination of existing measuring instruments: BIOPRO (Diekstra/Hosman-1983)/ Loneliness scale (De Jong-Gierveld/Kamphuis-1983)/ Muenchener Alcohol Test...
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Verwijzing naar de data van: SHARE - Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe

Mannheim Research Institute for the Economics of Aging
The Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) is a multidisciplinary and cross-national panel database of micro data on health, socio-economic status and social and family networks of more than 30,000 individuals aged 50 or over. Eleven countries have contributed data to the 2004 SHARE baseline study. They are a balanced representation of the various regions...
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Pharmacopoea Roterodamensis Galeno-Chymica, of Rotterdamsche Galenische en Chymische Apotheek (1709)

Stichting Vrijwilligersnetwerk Nederlandse Taal (©), SVNT; N. van der Sijs
Pharmacopoea Roterodamensis Galeno-Chymica, of Rotterdamsche Galenische en Chymische Apotheek. Te Rotterdam, By Barent Bos, En De Wed: van Elias Yvans. 1709. Met Previlegie.
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CroMe interview with Slavko Komar

Documenta - Center for Dealing with the Past, Zagreb
Slavko Komar was born in Gospić, Croatia in 1918. He went to school in Zagreb, where he got a law degree. In 1937 he became a member of Young Communist League of Yugoslavia. He participated in many political actions during World War II. Because of his activities he was forced to go underground. On august 4th 1941 he led one of the biggest actions against the Ustashe regime...
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Getuigen Verhalen, KNMG - Arts in de bezettingsjaren, interview 03

KNMG (Koninklijke Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot bevordering der Geneeskunst), Medisch Contact
De geinterviewde liep zijn coschappen gedurende de Tweede Wereldoorlog o.a. in het marinehospitaal te Den Helder, in het praktikantenhuis te Utrecht en te Rotterdam. Tijdens de bezetting was hij waarnemer in Vlijmen en Maasdriel, werkte als assistent in de St. Maartenskliniek en in Eindhoven zette hij een bloedbank op. Hij haalde zijn examen in ’41.00:41:17 en 00:46:04...
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Health and family in an agricultural community 1971

S. Rypma (Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen WUR * Wageningen, Afd. sociologie en sociografie)
Family situation / occupation of husband / marriage / financial relationship between husband and wife / personal worries and problems and mutual perception of these between husband and wife / socio-cultural behaviour and relationship / opinions on relations with children / family and friends / opinions on sexual behaviour / extra-marital sexual permissiveness / mutual...
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Jacobus Bontius/Gulielmus Piso en Georgius Markgraef, eds.: Oost- en West-Indische Warande (1694)

Stichting Vrijwilligersnetwerk Nederlandse Taal (©), SVNT; N. van der Sijs
Oost- en West-Indische Warande. Vervattende aldaar de Leef- en genees-konst. Met een verhaal van de Speceryen, Boom- en Aard-gewassen, Dieren &c. in Oost- en West Indien voorvallende. Door Jacobus Bontius, Gulielmus Piso, en Georgius Markgraef, Doctoren in de Medicijne. Hier nevens is bygevoegt De nieuw verbeterde Chirurgijns Scheep-kist. T’ Amsterdam, By Jan ten Hoorn,...
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Sociale impact van fysieke afstand op kwetsbare populaties tijdens COVID-19 (2020): herhaalde interviews met mensen met ernstige psychische aandoeningen en professionals

D.H. de Vries (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
Deze dataset is gecollecteerd in het kader van het ZonMw gefinancierde project “Sociale impact van fysieke afstand op kwetsbare populaties tijdens COVID-19” in 2020 (projectnummer 10150062010007). In dit project onderzochten we de effecten van sociale isolatie op kwetsbare groepen in Nederland ten tijde van ‘de lockdown’ periode (van 15 maart 2020 tot 23 mei 2020) en de...
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Jacobus Sceperus (Jac. de Schepper): Bacchus. Den Ouden, en Huydendaegschen Droncke-Man (1665)

Stichting Vrijwilligersnetwerk Nederlandse Taal (©), SVNT; N. van der Sijs
Bacchus. Den Ouden, en Huydendaegschen Droncke-Man: Ontdeckt uyt de Heydensche Historien; Onderricht uyt de Heylige Schriften, Door Jacobus Sceperus, Amsteld: Praedicant in Goudâ. Tot Gouda, Gedruckt by Frans Hoola, Boeck-drucker en Boeckverkooper, op den hoeck van de korte Groenendael, aen de Brugge. 1665.
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