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Demography in the province of Holland, 17th-19th centuries
This dataset contains several files which have in common that they contain data on the historical demography of cities or regions in the Dutch province of Holland between the late seventeenth century and mid nineteenth century. These data mostly come from migration registers or census registers.
The Accounts of the 'Society of The Hague', 1587-1802
This dataset contains information on the bureaucratization of local government of The Hague in the period 1588-1797. It studies the accounts of the 'Sociƫteit van 's-Gravenhage'. This society was the result of collaboration of important governmentbodies as the 'Hoge Raad' (Supreme Court), the ' Hof van Holland' (the Court), the 'Rekenkamer der Grafelijkheidsdomeinen' (the...
Terugdringing niet-gebruik Bijzondere Bijstand chronisch zieken, gehandicapten en ouderen met zorgbehoefte (czho) - 2004
Survey among municipalities in the Netherlands in order to obtain information about driving back non-use of special income support (Bijzondere Bijstand) for chronic patients, handicapped - and elderly persons. Policy driving back non-use of special income support (Bijzondere Bijstand) / demarcation target group / removal of barriers via target group policy / removal of...
Stadspeiling Venlo 2000 - VSO
Survey among inhabitants of Venlo Satisfaction with municipal services / cleaning of the city / quality of the city centre / facilities for cyclists / environmental issues Background variables: basic characteristics/ housing situation/ occupation/employment/ education
Burgeronderzoek Heerlen 1997 - VSO
Survey among the inhabitants of the city of Heerlen Opinion about the city / evaluation of municipal service / municipal public relations / local policy / municipal taxes / shopping facilities / going out / environmental issues Background variables: basic characteristics/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education
Integrated construction and environmental management systems in informal settlements in South Africa 2016-2020
This data covers Phases 1, 3 and 4 of the ISULabaNtu project. The project collected interview, focus group and survey data as well as photographs and participatory workshops. This collection represents a complete data compilation from across the project's duration and its different phases during which data was collected. Data from Phase 2 is available from a separate...