375 studies found in English from a total of 36841
Learning curves 

ClickOFF, 2018

Brečko, Barbara (Center za družboslovno informatiko, Fakulteta za družbene vede, Univerza v Ljubljani); Bertok, Eva (Fakulteta za varnostne vede, Univerza v Mariboru)
The study is part of the ClickOFF! Let’s stop online violence against women and girls. Project ClickOFF! (CayberVAW - Cyber Violence and Harassment against Women and Girls) is a project that addresses cyberbullying and harassment as forms of violence against women, which reflect unequal power relations between women and men, and builds on existing national activities to...
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Slovene Public Opinion Survey 2002/2

Toš, Niko (Faculty of Social Sciences)
Survey is a part of European project, which is conducted simultaneously in 21 countries. The purpose of the project is to register social changes in time. Survey focuses on two main topics: comprehension and practice of citizenship and attitudes toward immigration. Questionnaire consists of six clusters of questions. The first, relatively short one, cluster contains...
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Slovenian Public Opinion 2010

Kurdija, Slavko (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences, Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre); Malnar, Brina (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences, Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre); Uhan, Samo (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences, Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre); (2 more)
Slovenian Public Opinion (SJM) 2010 is a survey, which was conducted as a part of the European Social Survey 2010 (ESS 2010). ESS is an academically-driven multi-country survey, which has been administered in over 30 countries to date. Its three aims are, firstly – to monitor and interpret changing public attitudes and values within Europe and to investigate how they...
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Monitoring the covid-19 epidemic: Sledilnik and slovenian data infrastructure, 2021

Kostanjevec, Jan (Center za raziskovanje družbenega komuniciranja, Fakulteta za družbene vede, Univerza v Ljubljani)
This study examines the development of a volunteer project, COVID-19 Sledilnik and the reasons for its establishment. The project began at the outbreak of the coronavirus SARS-Cov-2 epidemic in Slovenia and soon became an important part of the Slovenian data infrastructure for the professional as well as the general public. The study examines the interaction Sledilnik had...
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ISSP 2001: Social Networks II: Finnish Data

International Social Survey Programme (ISSP); Blom, Raimo (University of Tampere. Department of Sociology and Social Psychology); Melin, Harri (University of Tampere. Department of Sociology and Social Psychology); (1 more)
The national survey canvassed social networks of the Finns. The respondents were asked how often and in what manner they keep in touch with their parents, grown-up children or other relatives. The number of close friends, found through hobbies, organisational activities, the church or such, was also probed. The sex of the closest friend was asked, whether the friend is a...
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Power Structures of Finnish Society 2001

Ruostetsaari, Ilkka (University of Tampere. Department of Political Science and International Relations)
In this power structure survey, the Finnish power elite is under observation. The respondents were from the following sectors of society: politics, administration, business life, organisations, mass media, science and culture. The study focuses on institutional leadership positions and roles in the various sectors, not on the persons as such. There were 1,285 elite positions...
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Inhabitants' Welfare Survey: North Karelia 1998

Eronen, Anne (Finnish Federation for Social Welfare and Health (STKL)); Kinnunen, Petri (Finnish Federation for Social Welfare and Health (STKL))
The survey aimed at studying social welfare and opinions on welfare services in the region of North Karelia (Finland). Respondents evaluated their financial and housing situation, interpesonal relations, leisure opportunities, power to control their own life, and the accessibility of services. Respondents were asked whether certain developments were an advantage to Finland:...
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European Social Survey 2002: Finnish Data

Jowell, Roger (City University. Centre for Comparative Social Surveys); ESS Central Coordinating Team; Ervasti, Heikki (University of Turku. Department of Social Policy)
The survey studied several themes, including the use of media, social trust, political participation and interest, political trust, political orientation and commitment, satisfaction with own circumstances and certain public services, perceptions of own well-being, religious views, experiences of discrimination, and national and ethnic identity. These themes are recurring in...
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Women in Rural Finland 1993

Högbacka, Riitta (University of Helsinki. Institute for Rural Research and Training, Mikkeli)
The survey charted women's role and work in different types of rural areas. First, the respondents' economic activity and paid job were studied with questions about occupation, location of workplace, extra income and occasional work. Those who received their income from agriculture specified their farm's production lines and division of labour. Domestic work was queried on...
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PROMEQ: Health and Well-being of Immigrants 2017-2018

Kankaanpää, Reeta (University of Eastern Finland); Veszteg, Csilla (University of Eastern Finland); Ahonen, Tiina (University of Eastern Finland); (7 more)
The survey charted immigrants' social participation, mental and physical well-being, use of social and health services, experiences of discrimination, and attitudes towards work. The data consist of two surveys aimed at immigrants, which were conducted in English: a baseline survey conducted at the beginning of the research (variable id q) and a follow-up survey conducted...
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PROMEQ: Health and Well-being of People Aged 65 and Over 2017-2018

Rissanen, Sari (University of Eastern Finland. Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies); Kannasoja, Sirpa (University of Jyväskylä); Ristolainen, Hanna (University of Eastern Finland); (9 more)
The survey charted the social participation, mental and physical well-being, use of social and health services, and satisfaction with life of Finnish people aged over 65. The data were collected as part of the Inclusive Promotion of Health and Wellbeing (PROMEQ 2016-2019) research project, which studied population groups that need special support. The aim of the PROMEQ...
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Digitalisation of Everyday Life in Finland 2017-2018

Sivonen, Jukka (University of Turku); Koivula, Aki (University of Turku); Saarinen, Arttu (University of Turku)
The survey charted the use of digital devices, social media, and online services in Finland. Main themes of the survey also included societal values, civic participation, social relationships, and well-being. Media use was investigated with questions on how often the respondents did certain things (e.g. use the internet, listen to radio programs or podcasts, write on...
Study description available in:ENFI
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Mental Resilience of Finnish People I 2020

Church Research Institute
The survey charted the concerns and feelings of security and safety of people living in Finland during the coronavirus crisis. This first part of the survey was conducted in April 2020, when the coronavirus restrictions were at their strictest. The survey was repeated in May 2020, when the partial loosening of COVID restrictions had been announced. The May 2020 survey data...
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Finnish Welfare Survey 2017

Laihiala, Tuomo (Tampere University. Faculty of Social Sciences); Saari, Juho (Tampere University. Faculty of Social Sciences); Uusitalo, Hannu
This survey is a partial repeat of Erik Allardt's internationally renowned 1972 welfare survey (FSD1017). The survey charted various dimensions of welfare in Finland: living standards, loyalties, experiences of self-realisation, alienation, happiness and dissatisfaction. This repeat of the 1972 survey was funded by a Finnish Cultural Foundation grant from the Paavo Koskinen...
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Finnish Values and Everyday Life 1991

Puohiniemi, Martti (University of Helsinki. Department of Social Psychology)
The survey charted Finnish values and attitudes. The respondents' values were examined with the 56-item Schwarz Value Survey (SVS). The SVS includes two lists of value items containing life-guiding principles and life-guiding practices. The first contains items that describe potentially desirable end-states in noun form and the second includes items that describe potentially...
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Dutch Facebook Survey: wave 1 v1.0

B Hofstra (Utrecht University); R Corten (Utrecht University); F van Tubergen (Utrecht University; King Abdulaziz University)
The files of this dataset are no longer available. A revised version has been published at: https://doi.org/10.17026/dans-235-tba9The main goal of the DFS data collection project is to map the online friendship networks of Dutch adolescents. Specifically, the Facebook networks of Dutch adolescents participating in the offline CILS4EU and CILSNL data collection are mapped....
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Leefvormen en sociale netwerken van ouderen 1992-1995 : Netwerkstudie

T.G. van Tilburg (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Sociaal-culturele Wetenschappen (primary investigator))
This study is part of the programme Living arrangements and social networks of older adults ( Leefvormen en sociale netwerken van ouderen - LSN - ), containing the network data of this programme. The survey data are stored as a separate study as P1296. The programme was developed on request of the Netherlands Programme for Research on Aging ( Nederlands...
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E. Jaspers (Utrecht University); F. van Tubergen (Utrecht University)
The current panel describes and explains the life-courses of immigrant and native young adults in the Netherlands. The survey covers three central themes: (A) progress in school and in the labour market, (B) the development of norms, values, lifestyle and attitudes, (C) changes in social networks and social participation. This panel is a continuation of the 3-wave panel...
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Sampling personal network structures 1994 : Statistical inference in ego-graphs

M. Spreen (RU Groningen, ICS)
In social network studies there is a growing demand for (practical) sampling designs. This demand stems from actual network research which is more and more concerned with studies of large network structures. Unlike studies of small and wellbounded entire networks where the tools of social network analysis (SNA) can be applied, studies of large networks give several...
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E. Jaspers (Utrecht University); F. van Tubergen (Utrecht University); M. Kalmijn (Utrecht University)
The current panel describes and explains the life-courses of immigrant and native young adults in the Netherlands. The survey covers three central themes: (A) progress in school and in the labour market, (B) the development of norms, values, lifestyle and attitudes, (C) changes in social networks and social participation. This panel is the first of a 3-wave panel study...
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E. Jaspers (Utrecht University); F. van Tubergen (Utrecht University); M. Kalmijn (University of Amsterdam)
The current panel describes and explains the life-courses of immigrant and native young adults in the Netherlands. The survey covers three central themes: (A) progress in school and in the labour market, (B) the development of norms, values, lifestyle and attitudes, (C) changes in social networks and social participation. This panel is the second of a 3-wave panel study...
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E. Jaspers (Utrecht University); F. van Tubergen (Utrecht University)
The current panel describes and explains the life-courses of immigrant and native young adults in the Netherlands. The survey covers three central themes: (A) progress in school and in the labour market, (B) the development of norms, values, lifestyle and attitudes, (C) changes in social networks and social participation. This panel is a continuation of the 3-wave panel...
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Dutch Facebook Survey: wave 1 v1.1

B Hofstra (Utrecht University); R Corten (Utrecht University); F van Tubergen (Utrecht University; King Abdulaziz University)
The main goal of the DFS data collection project is to map the online friendship networks of Dutch adolescents. Specifically, the Facebook networks of Dutch adolescents participating in the offline CILS4EU and CILSNL data collection are mapped. Facebook is an American social networking site (SNS) where users create an online profile, provide personal information on this...
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E. Jaspers (Utrecht University); F. van Tubergen (Utrecht University)
The current panel describes and explains the life-courses of immigrant and native young adults in the Netherlands. The survey covers three central themes: (A) progress in school and in the labour market, (B) the development of norms, values, lifestyle and attitudes, (C) changes in social networks and social participation. This panel is a continuation of the 3-wave panel...
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Netherlands Kinship Panel Study - Wave 1 - 2002-2004: A Multi-Actor, Multi-Method Panel Study on Solidarity in Family Relationships

P.A. Dykstra (NIDI); M. Kalmijn (Tilburg University - Sociologie); G.C.M. Knijn (Utrecht University - FSS); (3 more)
The Netherlands Kinship Panel Study (NKPS) involves the development of a database that allows the examination of family and kinship in the Netherlands from a dynamic multi-actor perspective. The increasingly complex nature of contemporary family relationships has posed society and policymakers with a series of new and challenging questions, but the lack of institutional and...
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FIMAS - Labour Market Integration of Refugees in Austria. Dataset of wave 1 (2016/2017). Project FIMAS. (SUF edition)

Hosner, Roland (International Centre for Migration Policy Development - ICMPD); Vana, Irina (Centre for Social Innovation - ZSI)
Full edition for scientific use. The survey on integration of refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection in Austria, which was conducted as part of the FIMAS project, provides a dataset for the analysis of labour market integration in Austria. The survey covers around 1200 refugees in five Austrian federal provinces. The survey was conducted using personal...
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Vriendschappen en andere persoonlijke relaties 1990

P.A. Dykstra (Nederlands interdisciplinair demografisch instituut, NIDI * Den Haag (primary investigator))
The meaning of friendship.Composition of r.'s family / health complaints or obstacles in r.'s social life / most important aspects of contacts with people / availability of adequate contacts / importance of different contacts: with partner, friends, parents etc. / enumeration of persons important to r. / wish for more contacts / wish to improve existing contacts, efforts...
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Interlocks In The Netherlands 1960-1980

F.N. Stokman; J. van der Knoop
This dataset contains information on interlocking directorates in the Netherlands of the period 1960-1980. The main interest of the creators was the stability of these interlocks. They started with the list of 200 largest production companies and 50 largest financial companies. For various reasons, they reduced the list to 55 production companies and 15 financial companies....
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Governance Structures In Industrial Corporations 1993

B.L. Icke; R.J. Mokken; H. Schijf
Icke et al. focused on governance structures in industrial corporations in the Netherlands. They collected data about 97 Dutch industrial and commercial corporations for the year 1993. These 97 corporations were part of the 100 largest Dutch corporations, ranked by assets. Icke et al. primarily focused on biographical data of executive directors of these 97 corporations....
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E. Jaspers (Utrecht University); F. van Tubergen (Utrecht University)
The current panel describes and explains the life-courses of immigrant and native young adults in the Netherlands. The survey covers three central themes: (A) progress in school and in the labour market, (B) the development of norms, values, lifestyle and attitudes, (C) changes in social networks and social participation. This panel is a continuation of the 3-wave panel...
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