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Leadership in the EU? The Self-Concept of German Political Elites (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. This dataset results from a web-based survey of German political elites. The survey examined the self-concept of German political elites with regard to a potential or actual leadership role in the European Union (EU). More precisely, the dataset provides information on whether and how respondents believe Germany should assume a leadership...
Survey of economic and business environment, business ethics and unofficial payments in Slovenia, 2002
Thematically, the survey focuses on the problem of business corruption, its causes and acceptance among top management of Slovenian big, medium and small businesses. Questions gather information from fields such as: bribe, ethics, public service, public experiences with corruption, surveillance, persecution and legislation that regulates this.Thematically, the survey focuses...
Finnish Working Life Barometer 2013
The annual survey studied employee opinion on the quality of working life in Finland. Main themes were changes at work, psychosocial working environment, job characteristics, pay systems, satisfaction with the job, workload and work pace, employment security, training and development, capacity to work, and bullying and discrimination at work. The year 2013 survey contained...
Finnish Local Government 2004: Office-Holders and Elected Officials 1999
The survey studied municipal elected officials' and office-holders' opinions on municipal services, the state-municipality relationship, alternative organising models, municipal decision-making practices, the possibilities of influencing for various operators, and the municipality's international activity. First, the respondents' work history, elected offices, and political...
Finnish Municipal Manager Survey 1996
The survey charted municipal managers' perceptions of their own jobs. The data were collected as part of the European UDITE Leadership Study aimed at local government Chief Executive Officers. The project includes fifteen countries: the Netherlands, Australia, Belgium, Spain, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Portugal, France, Sweden, Denmark and the United States....
Finnish Local Government 2004: Municipalities as Working Communities 2003
This is the third survey charting the quality of working conditions in municipal working communities. Degree of stress in respondents' job, changes in working pace, work load, wage level, nature of the job and career prospects were examined. Respondents were asked about job independence, degree of information on planned or decided changes in the work, support from the...
Self-management in Working Life 2020
This dataset consists of 17 writings on the respondents' experiences of self-management in working life. The participants worked in expert organisations. In the writing instructions, the respondents were asked to describe what self-management meant for them personally and how it showed in their work, as well as what factors in their life contributed to their working capacity...
Determinants of Occupational Status and Mobility in Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic, 1973-1974; Phase II Data
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of this survey was to ascertain answers to such questions as whether societies are becoming more or less equal, whether they are expanding or restricting opportunity for their citizens and whether they are offering the kinds of education that will enable nations to cope with the challenges of...
Deprivation, Work Experience and the Legitimation of Authority (DWELA), 1975
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.To examine the different ways in which individuals understand and explain the working of the structure of reward distribution.
(N.B. Potential users of this data set should note that this study was an exploratory feasibility study with a rather small number of respondents).Main...
Child Development Research Unit Longitudinal Study: Composite File Including Ages One, Four, Seven, Eleven and Sixteen, 1958-1978
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The aim of this longitudinal survey study was to investigate parent/child relationships in developmental sequence in order to understand the process of child-rearing as it happens in a fairly typical English urban community. To achieve a detailed picture of the child's behaviour in the home and its...
Women's Working Lives Survey, Northern Ireland, 1990
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This survey was designed to identify the various factors which determine whether or not women participate in paid work and how the unpaid work which women carry out in the home influences their lifetime involvement in the labour market. In addition it was intended that the survey would document the type...
Inventing Adulthoods, 1996-2006
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Inventing Adulthoods (IA) archive currently consists of qualitative interview transcripts for 30 young people interviewed up to six times. Transcripts for a further 20 young people will be included in the archive in the near future. Inventing Adulthoods is a qualitative longitudinal (QL) study that...
Political Participation in Britain, 1984-1985; National and Community Studies
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The research involved a series of linked surveys designed to examine the state of mass political participation in Britain. Data were collected from a national survey, a series of six community studies and within the community studies, surveys of elites. The latter are not included with this dataset,...
Wellbeing in Developing Countries: Community Profiles, 2003-2006
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.Wellbeing in Developing Countries is a series of studies which aim to develop a conceptual and methodological approach to understanding the social and cultural construction of wellbeing in developing countries. The Wellbeing in Developing Countries Research Group (WeD), based at the University of Bath,...
Accommodation to Change : Panel Study to Examine Attitude Change towards the EEC Before and After the Referendum, June 1975
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.To examine accommodation to a fait accompli by contrasting attitudes held in 1971 with those held in 1975 and, by examining what changes occurred in each instance once the decision had been taken.Main Topics:Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions
Two questionnaires were administered. A: 2 weeks before the June...
Distributed Leadership and the social practices of school organisation in England
This project aimed to focus in on the analysis of how professional identities are constructed through practice. This was done by undertaking research in five case study schools over a year in three stages: (1) an overview of the leadership structure and processes through interviews with key people; (2) an examination of the decision making and professional practice processes...
Attitudes of Students at the London School of Economics, 1991-1992
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.To conduct a course exercise that collects questionnaire-based information each year from a sample of students at the London School of Economics. The studies focus on background characteristics relevant to a student population, on attitudes to selected political and social issues, and on participation in...
Leadership for literacy 2016-2017
This compilation of "Leadership for Literacy" data provides both quantitative and qualitative data gathered from learners, teachers and school leaders/managers in township and rural schools in South Africa. These data were gathered as part of the mixed methods study “Understanding resilience and exceptionalism in high-functioning township and rural primary schools in South...
Primary Assessment Curriculum and Experience II, 1993-1994
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.<i>Background to the PACE study</i>
The PACE (Primary Assessment, Curriculum and Experience) project aimed to study the impact on English primary schools of the introduction, following the 1988 Education Reform Act, of the National Curriculum and its associated assessment procedures. ...
Primary Assessment Curriculum and Experience III, 1995-1996
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.<i>Background to the PACE study</i>
The PACE (Primary Assessment, Curriculum and Experience) project aimed to study the impact on English primary schools of the introduction, following the 1988 Education Reform Act, of the National Curriculum and its associated assessment procedures. ...
Disputes in the Charitable Sector in England and Wales, 1979-2002
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.Disputes can be very costly to charities. They may lose staff, income and their reputation. Further, any cases that end up in court can undermine the legitimacy of the sector as a whole, especially in the light of public concerns over charities’ administration costs. This research investigates disputes...
Public Attitudes to Parliament (State of the Nation), 1972
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of this study was to assess public attitudes to Parliament and to Members of Parliament.Main Topics:Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions
Respondents were asked for information about newspaper readership and interests, television viewing and interest, favoured subjects for discussion with family...
Baseline and Midline Follow-Up Data for Leadership Promotion Interventions in Bangladeshi Garment Sector, 2019–2021
The Early Career Intervention (ECI) project builds on earlier work by the team aiming to increase the share of female supervisors on sewing floor production lines in Bangladesh’s ready-made garment sector. ECI began as a pilot with three factories. The research team asked each of the three factories to nominate up to 50 sewing machine operators for training, with an equal....
MORI Party Conference Poll, 1977
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.To investigate public opinion about politics before the British political party conferences in 1977.Main Topics:Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions
Current voting intention and voting history; rating of job performance on 0 to 5 scale for Government, parties, party leaders, civil service, industry, the...
Interviews with UK School Staff during the COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020
19 interview transcripts (verbatim) from UK education staff in various regions, settings and roles (leadership, teachers and teaching assistants) including those working from home or in school during the early lockdown period.
The interview schedule aimed to address the following research questions: 1) What changes have school staff experienced as a result of the COVID-19...
Leaders as role models and ‘belief managers’ in social dilemmas 2012-2015
We investigate the link between leadership, beliefs and pro-social behavior in social dilemmas. This link is interesting because field evidence suggests that people's behavior in domains like charitable giving, tax evasion, corporate culture and corruption is influenced by leaders (CEOs, politicians) and beliefs about others’ behavior. Our framework is a repeated...
Mediation of Green Supply Chain Management in the Relationship Between Green Transformational Leadership and the Firm’s Reputation: The Role of Individual Green Values, 2020
The purpose of this study was to examine the mediating effect of green supply chain management on the relationship between green transformational leadership and firm reputation, as well as to assess the moderating role of individual green values on the relationship between green management supply chain and the firm’s reputation. A partial least squares structural equation...
International Research Integrity Survey, 2021
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The International Research Integrity Survey (IRIS) is a large, cross-national survey of researchers in all EU member states and selected OECD countries on the topic of research integrity. The survey was fielded online in 2021 with a sample frame derived from the ISI Web of Science citation index. ...
Teacher Supply, Shortages and Working Conditions in England: NFER Senior Leader Survey, 2019-2021
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.NFER surveyed nationally-representative samples of senior leaders with responsibility for staffing in autumn 2020 and autumn 2021. The aim of the surveys was to gather information about senior leaders’ experience of teacher recruitment, retention and what actions, if any, they had taken to manage...
FSCB Annual Survey of Culture, 2016-2022
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Financial Services Culture Board (FSCB) was a not-for-profit membership body open to regulated financial services firms with operations in the UK. It existed to help raise standards of behaviour and competence in UK financial services organisations for the benefit of customers, clients and society as...