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Study of Older Unemployed Professional and Executive Employees, 1969
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of this study was to collect information about a group of unemployed men aged 40 plus, who were in professional and executive occupations, in order to describe their situation using biographical information. To attempt to relate length of unemployment to such factors as anxiety, intelligence,...
Working Class in the Labour Market, 1970-1971
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The data are part of a comprehensive study of the labour market for manual workers, which relates together the objective job structure and the workers subjective experience.Main Topics:Variables
Opportunities for job choice in terms of skill demands, job allocation processes, differences between and...
Aircraft Noise and Prevalence of Psychiatric Disorders, 1977
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The aim of this study was to determine, as part of a larger research programme, whether or not there are reliable associations between aircraft noise exposure and several indications of psychiatric morbidity and distress.Main Topics:Variables
(I) Awareness and attitudes to aircraft noise
British Social Attitudes Survey, 1998
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.BackgroundThe British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey series began in 1983. The series is designed to produce annual measures of attitudinal movements to complement large-scale government surveys that deal largely with facts and behaviour patterns, and the data on party political attitudes...
Learning and Training at Work, 2002
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The 'Learning and Training at Work' surveys, which commenced in 1999, are an annual series of employer surveys that investigate the provision of learning and training at work. The surveys also investigate awareness of, and involvement with, a number of existing and new training and development...
Government Communications Headquarters Hansard Parliamentary Debates, 1980-2017
These datasets are derived from a Hansard dataset created by Evan Odell (2021) (website). We filtered this large database to keep only those speeches containing the word “GCHQ”. Then we manually curated the database to include the whole debates associated with particular speeches. Finally, we we selected only those debates where GCHQ appears in the top 10% quantile of...
Socio-Economic Effects of the Tied Cottage System in British Agriculture: Farmers Survey, 1974
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The aims of this study were to: identify the range of factors operating in the tied cottage system and the way these interact; to obtain first-hand information from farmers and farm workers about the satisfactory and unsatisfactory features of the system; to assess the value of the tied cottage in both...
Socio-Economic Effects of the Tied Cottage System in British Agriculture: Farm Workers Survey, 1974
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The aims of this study were to: identify the range of factors operating in the tied cottage system and the way these interact; to obtain first-hand information from farmers and farm workers about the satisfactory and unsatisfactory features of the system; to assess the value of the tied cottage in both...
Intelligence and Social Mobility : a Study of Mensa Members, 1975-1976
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.To examine trends to upward social mobility among a specially selected group of people with above average intelligence.Main Topics:Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions
Reasons for joining Mensa, whether membership of Mensa raised occupational ambitions, job preference.
Questionnaires were also completed by...
Functionele en schoolse leesvaardigheid 1992-1994
Study aimed at measuring literacy-levels and testing the relationship between functional literacy and school-based literacy. Reading ability tests / general knowledge tests / understanding texts / cognitive ability / verbal reasoning / spatial intelligence / vocabulary / out of school reading. Background variables: basic characteristics/ education
Veteranen Instituut, IPNV, interview 1000
De geïnterviewde vertelt over zijn vier uitzendingen naar Voormalig Joegoslavië. De eerste twee uitzendingen betroffen Inzet luchtwapen, operation deny flight, de andere twee waren in het kader van SFOR. De geïnterviewde vertelt over zijn militaire opleiding. Hij werd officier en vervulde een inlichtingenfunctie. De geïnterviewde vertelt over zijn werkzaamheden in Napels op...
Parental Home and School (Social Class, Intelligence and School Success)
Child-raising style, school success and social structure.
Topics: The data set contains four different survey parts:
1. Schoolchildren: intelligence test (PSB after Horn); Frankfurt
vocabulary test (WSP 5-6 after Anger/Bargmann/Hylla).
2. School grades and in part occupation of father were obtained from
the class registers.
3. From the school records it was later...
Database of Selected British Gallup Opinion Polls, 1958-1991
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The <i>Database of Selected British Gallup Opinion Polls</i> is a sample product, developed at The Data Archive by the Opinion Polls Unit, which illustrates how the texts and data might be used. The aim was to produce an information system which could be used by non-specialists in the field...
Young People's Involvement in Sport, March 1993 - October 1994
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of this study was to establish the level and nature of young people's involvement with sport.Main Topics:The main topics covered by this study are levels of sports participation relating to gender, age and community background. It also covered individual differences and intrinsic motivations...
Destined for Success? Educational Biographies of Academically Able Pupils, 1981-1997
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This is a mixed methods data collection.
This project made use of a sample drawn for an earlier research project to explore the different ways in which 'academically able' students attending different types of secondary school at age 11 in the mid 1980s realised and experienced their subsequent...
Ideologies in Social Inquiry Reports, 1974
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of this study was to identify probation officers' ideologies of crime and to describe the aims and factors which are associated with the different recommendations probation officers make in their social inquiry reports.Main Topics:Variables
a) Structured Questionnaire
Probation officers' role...
Learning and Training at Work, 2001
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The 'Learning and Training at Work' surveys, which commenced in 1999, are an annual series of employer surveys that investigate the provision of learning and training at work. The surveys also investigate awareness of, and involvement with, a number of existing and new training and development...
Mass Media and Social Attitudes, 1971
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of the British mass media in influencing the attitudes and beliefs of white British people regarding coloured people.Main Topics:Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions
Perception and opinion of coloured people, attitudes to immigrants, contact with coloured...
Community Relations Survey : Some of My Best Friends Are ...., 18 January - 19 February, 1975
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This survey aims to examine the public's attitude to race relations in BritainMain Topics:Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions
Whether ever lived elsewhere in Great Britain, whether lived abroad for more than a year, main problems facing community, problems most in need of improvement (e.g. vandalism,...
Factors Affecting the Choice of Courses Which Reflect a Scientific or Technological Bias, 1971-1973
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.An intensive study of factors influencing secondary school pupils in their choice of school subjects and of possible careers; in particular, it was intended to discover how far crucial subject decisions made at about the age of 13 affect the rest of their schooling and ultimate choice of higher education...
Holistic Security in a Fragmented Governance Structure, 1998-2003
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This study contains two datasets which provide a complete overview of all European Union (EU) Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) and Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) joint actions between 1998-2003. Two datasets have been constructed using the electronic portal to EU law, EUR-Lex, to consult online...
Social engagement, emotional intelligence and loneliness among school-children
High Emotional Intelligence (EI) is associated with prosocial behavior. This claim is based on self-reports or reports of behaviour assessed by others: there is as yet no objective study that tells us what the interactions of low EI individuals are actually like.
The absence of these kinds of data means that intervention strategies designed to help school children develop EI...
Families of Teenagers with Down's Syndrome: Parent, Child and Sibling Adaptation, 1991
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This study is one of a series involving the Manchester Down's Syndrome Cohort. The present study relates to earlier work with the Cohort (see Figure 1 in accompanying documentation). In particular, measures used in the Family Adaptation Study in 1986-87 formed the basis of the present study, thus...
Timelines of Expert Knowledge Claims and Government Responses Related to Three Cases of Foreign Affairs Surprises, 2010-2014
The dataset includes 7 timelines covering three cases of foreign affairs surprises - Arab Uprisings, ISIS/Daesh, and Ukraine/Russia - and how these were perceived by three politics: the UK, Germany and the EU. It covers key milestone or turning points in the threat evolution, knowledge claims by experts from media, think-tanks and NGOs and government responses over a time...
A behavioural dataset for studying individual differences in language skills 2019
This resource contains data from 112 Dutch adults (18-29 years of age) who completed the Individual Differences in Language Skills test battery that included 33 behavioural tests assessing language skills and domain-general cognitive skills likely involved in language tasks. The battery included tests measuring linguistic experience (e.g. vocabulary size, prescriptive...
Attitudes Towards Emotional Artificial Intelligence Use: Transcripts of Citizen Workshops Collected Using an Innovative Narrative Approach, 2021
The data were collected during citizen workshops, conducted online via Zoom, exploring attitudes towards emotional artificial intelligence use (EAI). EAI is the use of affective computing and AI techniques to try to sense and interact with human emotional life, ranging from monitoring emotions through biometric data to more active interventions.
10 sets of participants...
Ontwikkelingen van individuele verschillen in leesvaardigheid 1991-1994
Differences in literacy related to individual differences. P1295a is the data file about pupils with imputation for the missing data, P1295b is the same file without imputation and P1295c is the data file about schools. P1295a and P1295b: school number / phonics, sound-word analysis / non verbal Intelligence Quotient ( IQ ) / letter recognition, word recognition / passive...
Brabant cohort - derived student file
The data contains a derived and cleaned file with selected variables from the "Brabantse zesdeklassers, 1952-2010" file prepared by Mars Cramer and Mirjam van Praag, Persistent identifier: urn:nbn:nl:ui:13-z1p-xu6The data contains information on a cohort of Dutch students who were in the final grade of primary school in 1952 in the province of Noord-Brabant. These students...
Factors of attainment of education, 1973
The research includes data on the social origin and family environment of the students, on their school success, extracurricular activities, interests, professional wishes and educational aspirations, inclusion in further education and success in continuing education, as well as results on tests of abilities (intelligence and creativity) and personality tests. In addition,...
Life Course 1971-2002
This longitudinal study covered the impact of ability (intelligence), social background and educational achievement on a person's life course (life history). In the early 1970s, the Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities (ITPA) was used to test the verbal intelligence of Finnish children aged 3-9. The test included 12 subtests which measured decoding, processing and...