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Replication Data for: The effect of advance letters on survey participation: The case of Ireland and the European Social Survey
This study examined the effects of advance letters on individual participation in the 2018 round of the European Social Survey in Ireland. As participation rates in household surveys have been in decline in many countries, understanding the impact of engagement strategies, such as prior contact, are crucial for fieldwork planning and overall quality of data collection. Based...
Studying the trajectories and mediators of old-age problematic alcohol use and the agency of older persons
The study sought insight into the experiences and perspectives of older persons on ageing, alcohol use, treatment, and recovery from an alcohol problem, as well as their understanding of what healthy ageing entails. The study, hence, focused on the subjective experiences of older persons, for an understanding of the challenges and strengths they face in relation to alcohol...
Places of Togetherness
Europe has never been homogenous and is increasingly becoming more culturally, ethnically, and religiously diverse over the last century. The diversification of European cities can be an opportunity for increased tolerance and bilateral exchange or might lead to conflict and fear. Understanding how our urban neighborhoods and their public spaces facilitate tolerance, rather...
Consumption, Lifestyle and Identity: Reading the New Men's Lifestyle Magazines, 1985-1997
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This data collection comprises the interview material for the study 'Consumption, lifestyle and identity: reading the new men's lifestyle magazines', and includes focus group and individual interview transcripts. The study aimed to explore the new generation of men's lifestyle magazines, which emerged...
Gender Difference, Anxiety and the Fear of Crime, 1995
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This research focused on crime and its relation to risk of victimisation and the suggestion that high-risk groups, in particular, young men, report lower fear than low-risk groups, in particular, older women.
The notion of anxiety as a mediating influence in the relationship between risk of victimisation...
Policing, Cultural Change and 'Structures of Feeling' in Post-War England, 1945-1999
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This study is available via the UK Data Service Qualibank, an online tool for browsing, searching and citing the content of selected qualitative data collections held at the UK Data Service.
This research investigated public and professional understandings of policing in relation to English social...
Pioneers of Social Research, 1996-2018
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This is a qualitative data collection. The Pioneers of Social Research collection includes the full interview transcripts, interview summaries, edited thematic highlights, short biographies and links to audio extracts from detailed life story interviews conducted with some fifty pioneers of social...
OPCS Omnibus Survey, January 1996
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (formerly known as the ONS Opinions Survey or Omnibus) is an omnibus survey that began in 1990, collecting data on a range of subjects commissioned by both the ONS internally and external clients (limited to other government departments, charities, non-profit...
Dynamic Variability in Speech: a Forensic Phonetic Study of British English, 2006-2007
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This is a qualitative data collection.
The aim of the DyViS database is to provide a database of 100 speakers of similar age and with the same accent, primarily with a view to studying variation in personal voice characteristics untrammelled by accent variation. Such a resource has applications in...
Social Fund Survey, 1991
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The aims of the study were to enable the Department of Social Security (DSS) to assess the extent to which the social fund is achieving its objectives, principally that help is being targeted on the areas of greatest need; to establish whether there are areas of need which ought to be met by the social...
The Illiberal Turn? News Consumption, Polarization and Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe, 2019-2020
The Illiberal Turn project aims to carry out the first-ever systematic, comparative study of news consumption and political polarization in Central and Eastern Europe, at a key point in time when the region is undergoing dramatic changes. The project employs comparative study of news consumption and political attitudes, using a novel multi-method analytical framework that...
Interviews with Members of the Boards of Local Enterprise Partnerships and Related Stakeholders, 2019-2021
51 interviews were conducted with Board members of Local Enterprise Partnerships and related stakeholders in 8 LEPs in England about their views about the role of LEPS, and policies on productivity, inclusivity and sustainability. They were asked about what devolution to regions might look like, some of the barriers to devolution and three potential barriers:...
Listening to the Zoo Project Dataset, 2017-2021
This dataset comprises data gathered during a number of different work packages in the Listening to the Zoo project.The context of the research
Every year 700 million people visit zoological gardens worldwide, with more than 30 million of these visits taking place in the UK. Apart from the significant economic role they play as tourist attractions, many zoos also aim to...
Understanding Society: Interviewer Survey, 2014
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Understanding Society: Interviewer Survey 2014 data file is the output of a research project that collected information from interviewers who worked on the Understanding Society data collection for Great Britain in the first round of interviews, which took place over the course of the years 2009 and...
The Promise of Science: Deliberating on Biomedicine, Health and Democracy in the Ugandan Parliament, 2016-2017
Interview data emerging from the ESRC project: The Promise of Science: Deliberating on biomedicine, health and democracy in the Ugandan parliament.
Twenty nine transcripts of interviews with research support staff working in the administrative arm of the parliament.The proposed research explores science and democracy through the lens of scientific capacity building in...
Organisations, staff support and the dynamics and quality of social work practice: a qualitative longitudinal study of childprotection work 2017-2018
This was an ethnographic study of social work organisations, how social workers and service users interact in child protection practice and the experiences of service users. Ethnographic data in the form of observations of social workers in their organisations and transcripts of observations of interactions between social workers and service users. Transcripts of interviews...
Smart eco-cities for a green economy: a comparative study of Europe and China 2013-2018
The data deposited as part of this project includes data from research on UK smart city case studies in the form of reports and interview transcripts, as well as notes of what data was used in which project publication outputs. Data from a small qualitative survey of UK smart city activity in the form of policy reports is also included. The collection includes data from...
Antibiotic prescribing for acute medical patients: A qualitative study in Sri Lanka, South Africa and the United Kingdom 2017-2018
This study used a qualitative interview design in Sri Lanka, South Africa and the UK. Semi-structured interviews were conducted between 2017 and 2018. The topic guide contained 17 questions about antibiotic prescribing decisions with a focus on broad spectrum antibiotics (BSA) versus narrow spectrum antibiotics (NSA) prescriptions and participants’ risk perceptions of...
Oceanic Exchanges: Tracing Global Information Networks in Historical Newspaper Repositories, 1840-1914
13 semi-structured interviews were conducted with librarians, archivists and digital content managers who work in in public institutions and commercial companies in Europe, North America and Australasia. Interviews were conducted between February and December 2018 in accordance with ethics procedures at Loughborough University (29 January 2018) and University College London...
Transforming the Pedagogy of STEM Subjects in Ethiopia, 2015-2018
The data collection represents teachers' knowledge of physics concepts pre- and post-engagement with a training programme in dialogic teaching. Some student data were also collected. Data were collected in teacher education colleges in various locations around Ethiopia.This study intends to investigate how pedagogy for STEM subjects in a low income, developing nation,...
Optimising Local Government Procurement During COVID-19 and Beyond: Lessons From the Crisis, 2020-2022
These data were generated as part of a fifteen month ESRC-funded research project ‘Optimising Outcomes from Procurement and Partnering for COVID-19 and Beyond: Lessons from the Crisis’ (Nov 2020 – Feb 2022; ESRC ref: ES/V015842/1) examining how local authorities responded to the COVID-19 crisis through their commissioning and procurement. Viewing procurement as a ‘lever’ to...
Perceptions of Autistic and Non-Autistic Adults in Employment Interviews: The Role of Behavioural Impression Management and Interview Structure, 2019-2022
Unless appropriate adaptations are made, social communication and interaction differences mean that employment interviews can be particularly challenging for autistic people. This also makes autism a valuable test case for the influence of Impression Management (IM) on interviewer perceptions of candidates. Two studies are reported, investigating: 1) the extent to which...
Spatially-Led Video Interviews, 2021-2022
This work develops a spatially-led practice to negotiate and share individuals’ perspectives of their own life course. This technique is designed particularly for researching culture(s) and feeling(s) - everyday life (Highmore, 2011) - attached to a given epoch. The focus of my ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship project is to understand the increasingly suburban and car-oriented...
UK Small Businesses’ Experience of COVID Regulation: Interviews With Business Owners, 2021-2022
These data were generated as part of a 12-month ESRC-funded research project examining the impact of the new and changed regulations arising from the COVID-19 pandemic on the UK small business community. Researchers from Newcastle University and the University of Birmingham, in collaboration with the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), conducted a survey and follow-up...
The English plastic bag charge and behavioural spillover
In order to reduce the number of plastic bags circulated, on the 5th of October 2015 England introduced a five pence (£0.05) fee to shoppers for each single-use plastic bag purchased from large retailers. Similar bag charges have been enacted in other countries, including in Wales and Scotland. The study examines people’s shopping attitudes and behaviours, views on the...
Cross border acquisitions of UK biotechs, 2011
In-depth interviews of dyads in cross border acquisitions of UK biotechs. Interviews took place in 2011 with key decision makers in the target firms and acquiring firms. Data was gathered from the target firms on their proprietary technology, their capabilities and the motivation for the sale of the company. Data was gathered from the acquiring firms on their proprietary...
Middle leaders as catalysts for improving teacher practice: knowledge exchange and evaluation data
Evaluation and Knowledge Exchange data collected as part of the project
Our approach was to use workshops and intersessional activity to support the participants in:
exchanging research and practitioner knowledge;
using this knowledge to develop tools that could enhance both their practice and the practice of colleagues.
Methods to evaluate the impact of our approach...
Performing Identities: Post-Brexit Northern Ireland and the Reshaping of 21st-Century Governance, 2019-2020
Transcripts from interviews completed in the course of this ESRC-funded project.
Participant Action Research (PAR) is a methodology frequently employed to assess the extent to which law is a culturally constructed phenomenon, an approach rooted in critical and feminist evaluations of rules governing personal relations (Sachs, 1992). This is an innovative methodology in the...
The Mood and Health Study, 2018-2019
This study fits into the field of behavioural medicine which tries to better understand the mind-body connection. That is, why does what we think and feel affect our bodies in ways which can cause us to become unwell? Quantitative research has repeatedly shown that depression is associated with the onset and progression of multiple different physical illnesses. However, we...
Pandemic Communication in Times of Populism, Brazil, Poland, US, Serbia, 2020-2023
The study focuses on the role of journalists, public health officials, government communication officers, and political leaders in health crisis communication during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The qualitative data set consists of qualitative interviews with key individuals involved in health crisis communication during the COVID-19 pandemic in the four countries, conducted...