14 studies found in English from a total of 36726

Pre-COOL tweejarigencohort zevende meting

I. van der Veen (Kohnstamm Instituut)
De bestanden betreffen de verzamelde data van de zevende meting van het tweejarigencohort van het cohortonderzoek ‘jonge kind’, het pre-COOL-cohortonderzoek. Het pre-COOL-cohortonderzoek is in 2009 gestart met als doel zicht te krijgen op de effecten van verschillende vormen van kinderopvang en van voor- en vroegschoolse educatie. Het onderzoek is gericht op het beantwoorden...
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Pre-COOL tweejarigencohort: overzicht en samengevoegde bestanden

I. van der Veen (Kohnstamm Instituut)
De bestanden betreffen het tweejarigencohort van het pre-COOL-cohortonderzoek. Dit cohortonderzoek is in 2009 gestart met als doel zicht te krijgen op de effecten van verschillende vormen van kinderopvang en van voor- en vroegschoolse educatie en sluit (deels) aan op het Cohortonderzoek Onderwijsloopbanen 5-18 jarigen, afgekort COOL5-18. Het pre-COOL-onderzoek wordt...
Study description available in:EN
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Pre-COOL tweejarigencohort zesde meting

I van der Veen (Kohnstamm Instituut)
De bestanden betreffen de verzamelde data van de zesde meting van het tweejarigencohort van het cohortonderzoek ‘jonge kind’, het pre-COOL-cohortonderzoek. Het pre-COOL-cohortonderzoek is in 2009 gestart met als doel zicht te krijgen op de effecten van verschillende vormen van kinderopvang en van voor- en vroegschoolse educatie. Het onderzoek is gericht op het beantwoorden...
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Structure Analysis of the School (Schoolchildren Survey)

Hummell, Hans J. (Forschungsinstitut für Soziologie, Universität zu Köln); Klein, Michael (Forschungsinstitut für Soziologie, Universität zu Köln); Wieken-Mayser, Maria (Forschungsinstitut für Soziologie, Universität zu Köln); (1 more)
Social-structural determinants of school success. The attitude to school, the school situation, achievement demands and readiness for achievement from the view of schoolchildren. Topics: The investigation consists of 3 parts: 1. Popularity and grades of subjects; self-assessment of capability of personal level of achievement, achievement development and satisfaction with...
Study description available in:DEEN
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Occupational Orientation and Qualification for High-School Graduates

Hullen, Gert (Hessisches Institut für Bildungsplanung und Schulentwicklung, Wiesbaden )
Retrospective judgement on performance and examination subjects in view of the significance for later professional career of graduates of a model school. Topics: personal school background; education of parents; stages of occupational career; change of originally selected occupation or training path; preference for a different training path; professional aspiration;...
Study description available in:DEEN
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Immigrant children and youths in the German and Israeli educational systems (second transition)

Adler, Irit (Tel Aviv University); Bolotin-Chachashvili, Svetlana (Tel Aviv University); Hämmerling, Aline (Universität Leipzig); (10 more)
The project “Immigrants’ Children in the German and Israeli Educational Systems” studies children and adolescents with and without migration background in the educational systems of Germany and Israel. It focuses on studying recent immigrant groups stemming from the Former Soviet Union (FSU) – Jewish and Ethnic German immigrants – in comparison to “older” immigrant groups –...
Study description available in:DEEN
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Students Interval Study Achievement - Highly-Qualified Students, SIL-WISS 1986

Zentralinstitut für Jugendforschung (ZIJ), Leipzig
Personality structure and conditions of high study achievements among highly-qualified college students. Topics: Moral orientations; technical commitment before start of course of studies; participation in achievement comparisons outside of school; choice of subject, stimulus for application for admission to college; path of education to high school graduation, high...
Study description available in:DEEN
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Educational development in international comparison

Flora, Peter
Focus of this study is the data of the educational system, collected in different European countries. Mainly there is information about the pupils’ number in primary schools, secondary schools and in universities collected. There is no information about the vocational education and adult education, because the differences between these systems are too strong. In order to...
Study description available in:DEEN
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Social Origins and School Career of High School Students

Meulemann, Heiner (Zentralarchiv für empirische Sozialforschung, Universität zu Köln); Wieken-Mayser, Maria (Europäisches Hochschulinstitut, Florenz); Wiese, Willi (Zentralarchiv für empirische Sozialforschung, Universität zu Köln)
Determination of school grades from the classes 9 and 10 of high school as well as from leaving certificates (high school graduation grades); change of school and school degree; repeating a school year; planned college subjects; college goals and occupation desired at high school graduation. Demography: class attended by schoolchild in school year 1968/69; school year of...
Study description available in:DEEN
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Immigrant children and youths in the German and Israeli educational systems (third transition)

Adler, Irit (Tel Aviv University); Bolotin-Chachashvili, Svetlana (Tel Aviv University); Hämmerling, Aline (Universität Leipzig); (10 more)
The project “Immigrants’ Children in the German and Israeli Educational Systems” studies children and adolescents with and without migration background in the educational systems of Germany and Israel. It focuses on studying recent immigrant groups stemming from the Former Soviet Union (FSU) – Jewish and Ethnic German immigrants – in comparison to “older” immigrant groups –...
Study description available in:DEEN
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Youth in Europe 1977 (Federal Republic of Germany, France, Great Britain)

Blücher, Viggo Graf (EMNID, Bielefeld); Schöppner, Klaus-Peter (EMNID, Bielefeld)
International comparative study on socialization, education practices or professional image and moral orientation of young people. Topics: Chronological recording of the primary socialization authorities in individual phases of life; characterization of upbringing style of parents; decision structure within family; description of experiences in kindergarten and boarding...
Study description available in:DEEN
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Voortgezet Onderwijs Cohort Leerlingen Schoolloopbanen - VOCL - cohorten 1965 - 2003

Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek - CBS
Data Voortgezet Onderwijs Cohort Leerlingen Schoolloopbanen - VOCL.Op dit moment kunnen alleen de documentatiefiles gedownload worden. De data zijn uitsluitend via on-site of remote-access faciliteiten van het Centrum voor Beleidsstatistiek van het CBS beschikbaar: cvb@cbs.nlLeverbare cohorten:- Cohort 1965-1999- Cohort 1977-1989- Cohort 1982-1998- Cohort 1989-2003- Cohort...
Study description available in:EN
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Verwijzing naar de data van: NSCR School project - follow-up survey T4 (Followup: delinquent behavior after secondary school)

F. Weerman (NSCR - Nederlands Studiecentrum Criminaliteit en Rechsthandhaving); M. Wijkman (NSCR - Nederlands Studiecentrum Criminaliteit en Rechsthandhaving); C. Bijleveld (NSCR - Nederlands Studiecentrum Criminaliteit en Rechsthandhaving)
NSCR-Schoolproject is the umbrella for a research program with four partial studies, aimed at enhancing insights into the development of delinquency and other problem behavior of adolescents, and the role of peer network formation among students, psycho-social development, and reactions from the school on problem behavior. The NSCR Schoolproject aimed to enhance insights...
Study description available in:EN
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Graduates of Special Schools 1990

Zentralinstitut für Jugendforschung (ZIJ), Leipzig
Occupational and personality development of highly gifted young people, who have completed special school support facilities. Topics: High school graduation completed ahead of time; service in the NVA; application for college and outcome of the application; current study year and elected subject area; study years skipped; support measures realized such as special study...
Study description available in:DEEN
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