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Bewoners van nieuwe woningen, 1975
Opinion on newly built houses. Former housing situation / reasons for move / influence of financial support on decision to move / taking decision on choice of new residence / ownership of new house / description of present residence and neighbourhood / evaluation of present residence and neighbourhood in many aspects / financial consequences of buying versus renting a house...
Het proces van sociale integratie van jong-volwassenen 1987-1992
Longitudinal life situation survey of three cohorts of adolescents and young adults, initially aged 18, 22 and 26 years, during 1987 to 1991. Themes: parental family / housing situation / reasons to leave parental home / chances of living on one's own / expected effects on life situation / important values / detailed data on schooling and education / aspects of current...
Warmte-isolatie van woningen 1980-1982/1982-1984 : Continu onderzoek
To collect information about the state of isolation of houses in the Netherlands. Detailed information on house/ ( preferred ) isolation/ occupant and owner of house/ financial aspects costs, subsidy. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ education/ social class/ religion/ consumption of...
Stadspanel Delft 1992 - VSO
Opinion of the inhabitants of Delft about various aspects of living in Delft P1286A: Detailed information concerning r.'s residence / satisfaction with housing situation and district where r. is living / the new municipal housing distribution / neighbouring help / vandalism, noise pollution and other sources of nuisance in neighbourhood / speed checks / use of emergency...
Sociaal-culturele situatie van de Nijmeegse bevolking 1994
Social and cultural situation of inhabitants of Nijmegen.Respondents ecclesiastical involvement and Christian persuasion / respondents orientation on his neighbourhood / sense of belonging to neighbourhood / local, regional and national orientation / safety of neighbourhood / respondents material well-being / use of media, like watching tv and which kind of programs, reading...
Gemeente-enquete Ede 1995 - VSO v2
Opinion of the inhabitants of Ede about various aspects of living in Ede: municipal service: management and maintenance, safety, ( places of ) entertainment, housing. Satisfaction with municipal facilities, social services and maintenance in own quarter / detailed questions about ( maintenance of ) public space / satisfaction with collectioning of refusal / ( reasons for not...
Woningmarktonderzoek Gooiland 1971
Details on type of house present versus ideal / immigration and emigration motivation / place of work / satisfaction with housing condition / detailed list of present accommodations in house / further wishes / opinions on location of house / ownership of house / strategies for finding another house / substudy on the aged / illness behaviour / physical dependence / membership...
Orientatie op Amsterdam 1974
Motivation for migration / visits to Amsterdam, frequency, transport, purpose / frequency and location of shopping, visits to cinema, theatre, cafe, etc. / participation in local clubs, associations / tendency to go out / satisfaction with present residence / opinion on Amsterdam. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household...
Kwaliteit van de quartaire sector, 2002
Quality of education, health care, the police and judicial services and other public provisions in the Netherlands, both objectively and in the public perception. Themes: use of / waiting for general practitioner, medical specialist, hospital / opininion on quality, financing, organization and information of public health sector / perception of change in quality last five...
Stadspanel Delft 1989 - VSO
Opinion of the inhabitants of Delft about various aspects of living in Delft. Detailed information concerning r.'s residence / district where r. is living/ satisfaction, neighbouring help, local amenities / green space planning / environmental issues / smoking in public buildings / traffic, and town and country planning/ parking, pedestrian crossing-lights, bus - and tram...
Sociale positie en voorzieningengebruik van allochtonen 2002 - SPVA 2002
This longitudinal survey concentrates on the socio-economic and socio-cultural position of the four largest ethnic minority groups in the Netherlands: Turks, Moroccans, Surinamese and Antillians/Arubans. It can also give insight in the differences between those groups, and a comparison in time. The survey is accomplished in cooperation with the Netherlands Kinship Panel...
Bevordering doorstroming van oudere bewoners uit onderbezette woningen 1980
Looking for possibilities to promote house-moving of older people, who live in too big houses, to smaller houses. P0601a: description of houses / mortgages / owners / inhabitants / size / year of construction. P0601b: future income / detailed description of present residence / value / mortgage / rent / costs / satisfaction with house and neighbourhood / well-being /...
Bewonersonderzoek Schilderswijk 1977-1978
Which houses are to be renovated or pulled down/ use and appreciation of existing facilities/ wishes of inhabitants about future outline of neighbourhood. Details on housing and living conditions / use and evaluation of existing facilities in neighbourhood / preferred future structure of neighbourhood by inhabitants. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/...
Woningbehoefte onderzoek Drechtsteden 1974
Opinion about condition own house / motivations to move from there / location / characteristics of house sought ( regarding rent ) / distance of major public utilities / opinions about present street and neighbourhood / use of and opinions about public transport and private car ( especially parking near house ) / the environment / social climate / contacts with neighbours /...
Bewoners van nieuwe woningen, 1973
Opinion on newly built houses. Former housing situation / reasons for moving / influences of financial support on decision to move / taking decision on choice of new residence / ownership of new house / description of present residence and neighbourhood / evaluation of present residence and neighbourhood in many aspects / financial consequences of buying versus renting a...
Amsterdamse omnibus-enquête X 1986
To improve efficiency in performance of municipal departments. Attractiveness of Amsterdam / visits to city parks and recreation areas in the surroundings of Amsterdam / listening to radio broadcast of council meeting / intention to move: preferred location and type of residence / negative aspects of Amsterdam, in particular pollution / experience of municipal sanitation...
Staat van het land : GPD enquête 1998
This round of GPD surveys (GPD = Geassocieerde Pers Diensten = Associated Press Services ), a voluntary reply regional newspaper survey, was held in january1998 and covers various topics like lifesituation, work and unemployment, housing, environment, time-spending, income and spending, health and political and social opinions. Themes: Child care / work: status of...
Stadspanel Arnhem 1995 - VSO
Survey among inhabitants of Arnhem. Opinion about shopping facilities, opening hours / police tasks / transport / local broadcasting system / satisfaction with housing conditions Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics
Sociaal-culturele ontwikkelingen in Nijmegen 1998
Survey among the inhabitants of Nijmegen concerning life in general, politics, opinion about society, television, parents and partner Occupation and occupational history / religious matters / ecclesiastical activities / aspects of living in Nijmegen / watching tv and tv programs / reading national and regional newspapers, and news magazines / Radio Nijmegen / environmental...
Safety of People in Supported Housing 2012: Residents
The survey charted the views of people living in supported housing (disabled people, people in psychiatric rehabilitation, and other people requiring supported housing) on safety, particularly housing safety and safety in the neighbourhood. Need for support was also surveyed. The respondents were first asked about the kind of support received, perceptions of safety when...
Safety of People in Supported Housing 2013: Family Members
The survey charted views on the safety, particularly housing safety and safety in the neighbourhood, of people living in supported housing. The respondents were family members, relatives, spouses or other acquaintances of people in supported housing (disabled people, people in psychiatric rehabilitation, and other people requiring supported housing). The respondents were...
Welfare and Services in Finland 2004
Welfare and Services in Finland is a panel survey that combines telephone and face-to-face interviews, postal surveys and register data. The aim of the study is to offer up-to-date, reliable and extensive research data on Finnish welfare and the use of welfare services. In 2004, the survey was conducted as a telephone interview and postal survey. Questions in the telephone...
Welfare and Services in Finland 2006
Welfare and Services in Finland is a panel survey that combines telephone and face-to-face interviews, postal surveys and register data. The aim of the study is to offer up-to-date, reliable and extensive research data on Finnish welfare and the use of welfare services. In 2006, the data were collected through telephone interviews. This dataset concentrates on Finnish...
Welfare and Services in Finland 2009
Welfare and Services in Finland is a panel survey that combines telephone and face-to-face interviews, postal surveys and register data. The aim of the study is to offer up-to-date, reliable and extensive research data on Finnish welfare and the use of welfare services. In 2009, the survey was conducted as a telephone interview and postal survey. Questions in the telephone...
Limited Liability Housing Companies Act's Functionality and Impact 2013: Shareholders
The survey investigated how the new Limited Liability Housing Companies Act 2010 (Asunto-osakeyhtiölaki) functioned in Finland, what its impact had been and how it had been implemented. Separate surveys were conducted for shareholders of limited liability housing companies, members of governing boards, property managers and estate agents. This dataset contains the responses...
Limited Liability Housing Companies Act's Functionality and Impact 2013: Board Members
The survey investigated how the new Limited Liability Housing Companies Act 2010 (Asunto-osakeyhtiölaki) functioned in Finland, what its impact had been and how it had been implemented. Separate surveys were conducted for shareholders of limited liability housing companies, members of governing boards, property managers and estate agents. This dataset contains the responses...
Limited Liability Housing Companies Act's Functionality and Impact 2013: Estate Agents
The survey investigated how the new Limited Liability Housing Companies Act 2010 (Asunto-osakeyhtiölaki) functioned in Finland, what its impact had been and how it had been implemented. Separate surveys were conducted for shareholders of limited liability housing companies, members of governing boards, estate agents and property managers. This dataset contains the responses...
Finnish Student Barometer 2012
The study charted the studies, satisfaction, motivation, well-being, values, and circumstances of students in higher education institutions in Finland. The respondents were first asked general questions about their studies, such as when they expected to graduate and which reasons had potentially slowed studies down. Relating to study progress and skills, questions were asked...
National record of functionally derelict areas in Slovenia, 2023
A Functionally Derelict Area (FDA) is an abandoned or underutilized area with visible effects of prior use and reduced functional value. Derelict areas can exhibit various types and degrees of depreciation based on functional, physical, environmental, social, and other criteria. The development of FDAs or the re-establishment of activities in abandoned areas is influenced by...
Microcensus Ad-Hoc-Module 'Accidents at work and other work-related health problems' 2013 (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. In addition to the core variables of the Microcensus Labour Force Survey (LFS), the LFS also has so-called ad-hoc-modules (AHM) that can vary from year to year. The EU-LFS ad-hoc-module 2013 on ‘Accidents at work and other work-related health problems’ is divided into three submodules: accidents at work, work-related health problems, exposure...