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[S.C. Kriel, J.E. Muller en J.C. Smellentin], Bataviasche Apotheek (1746)
Bataviasche Apotheek Waarin begreepen zyn zodanige enkelde en gecomponeerde geneesmiddelen als 'er in de Hospitaals en Stads Apotheek zullen bewaart worden. BATAVIA, Gedrukt in 't Casteel by 's E. Comps. Drucker C. J. Weichberger, 1746.
Pharmacopaea Amstelredamensis (1683, tweede druk)
Pharmacopaea Amstelredamensis, Of d' Amsterdammer Apotheek, In welke allerlei Medicamenten, zijnde tot Amsterdam in 't gebruik, konstiglijk bereid worden. Als ook Des selfs krachten en manier van ingeven. Tweede Druk. t'Amsterdam, By Jan ten Hoorn, Boekverkoper, over 't oude Heere Logement. 1683.De eerste druk dateert van 1682.
Pharmacopoea Roterodamensis Galeno-Chymica, of Rotterdamsche Galenische en Chymische Apotheek (1709)
Pharmacopoea Roterodamensis Galeno-Chymica, of Rotterdamsche Galenische en Chymische Apotheek. Te Rotterdam, By Barent Bos, En De Wed: van Elias Yvans. 1709. Met Previlegie.
Olaus Magnus: De vvonderlijcke Historie vande Noordersche landen (1562)
De vvonderlijcke Historie vande Noordersche landen beschreuen door den Hoochgheleerden ende Eerweerdighen Heere Olaus de Groote Eertsbisschop van Vpsalen ende Ouerste vande Coninckrijcken van Sweden ende Gothlant. Inde welcke int corte seer claerlijck verhaelt worden alle die verwonderlijcke dingen ende groote nieuwicheden, diemen vindt inde selue Noordersche landen. Nu...
Journalism in socialist Yugoslavia amd media imaginaries in audiences, 2019
The purpose of the study was to get to know, how individuals in their everyday context used the media in socialist Yugoslavia and how has this use contributed to the formation of collective imaginary in Yugoslav society. In order to do so, the main focus was to obtain firsthand information about how and what media did the interviewees use during this historical period, how...
Media history, 2020
The purpose of the research is to investigate the use of radio in a historical perspective in Slovenia and especially its importance for the everyday life of people in the past. The research starts from the theoretical framework based on media and cultural studies. It studies radio as a medium that made radical changes in people's daily lives with its arrival in the 1920s...
Influence of History Lessons on the Shaping of Slovenian National Identity
The research project is set out to explore perceptions of the past and evaluations of several events which constitute a likely basis of state-building and national identity, as well as identify the determinants for these evaluations, in particular the link between perceptions of the present and evaluations of the past, which is beyond individuals' empirical experience and is...
Walvisch van Berckhey: Dat is, Eene beschrijvinghe des grooten Vischs, die tot Berckhey ghestrandet is Anno 1598. den 3. Februarij (1599)
Walvisch van Berckhey: Dat is, Eene beschrijvinghe des grooten Vischs, die tot Berckhey ghestrandet is Anno 1598. den 3. Februarij, met eene verclaringhe der dinghen die daer naer ghevolght zijn. Met noch een cort verhael der geschiedenissen, die van den lesten Augusti 1598. tot nu toe verloopen zijn int Vorstendom Cleve ende omliggende vrije Landen, door de aencomste van...
Pedagogische Tijdschriften in Nederland
The project was setup to create a database of articles in Dutch educational journals since about 1830. The three files contain numerically coded information on articles in Dutch educational journals from the periods 1827 to 1865 (A), 1890 to 1944 (C) and 1950 to 1973 (B). Available are: journal-code, year, volume number, starting page of the article, end page of the article,...
De Nederlandse Dialectenbank, voorheen Soundbites - Transcripties (geanonimiseerd)
De Nederlandse Dialectenbank, voorheen Soundbites, bevat meer dan duizend uur geluidsmateriaal, zoals dit in de afgelopen decennia is verzameld door onderzoekers van het Meertens Instituut (KNAW).Het betreft geluidsbestanden van dialectopnames van binnen en buiten Europa. Het leeuwendeel van de Europese opnames is afkomstig uit het Nederlandse taalgebied: Nederland,...
Olaus Magnus: Toonneel der Noordsche Landen (1652)
Olaus de Groot: Toonneel der Noordsche Landen, daer op in ’t kort en klarelijck al de wonderen en vreemdigheden, die men in die Landen vindt, vertoont worden. Met een korte en klare beschryvingh van Yslandt, en Groenlandt, door Dithmarus Blefkenius, beyde uyt het Latijn vertaelt. Hier is noch voor bygevoeght een kort en beknopt vertoogh van de Noordsche Gewesten, met...
Pharmacopoea Amstelredamensis (1714, zevende druk)
Pharmacopoea Amstelredamensis, of d' Amsterdammer Apotheek, In welke allerlei Medicamenten, tot Amsterdam in 't gebruik zynde, konstiglyk bereyd worden. Als ook desselfs kragten en manier van ingeven. Zevende Druk vermeerdert en verbetert. t'Amsterdam, By Nicolaas ten Hoorn, Boekverkoper over 't oude Heere Logement, 1714.De eerste druk dateert van 1682.
E.A. van Dooregeest en C.A. Posjager: Den Ryper Zee-Postil, Bestaende in XXII. Predicatien toegepast op den Zeevaert (1699)
Den Ryper Zee-Postil, Bestaende in XXII. Predicatien toegepast op den Zeevaert, tot onderwijsinge, vermaninge en vertroostinge in de ware godsaligheyt voor allerley Zeevarende lieden; dog voornamentlijk voor die gene, welk op den Haring en Walvisvangst uitgaen, Verrykt met verscheydene Christelyke gebeden ende dankseggingen na gelegentheyt van dese Neeringen geschikt....
Interviews on the History of the Prosecutor's Office of Helsinki 2013
This qualitative dataset comprises recordings of interviews covering the organisational history of the Prosecutor's Office of Helsinki over the decades, and changes in the prosecutors' work, nature of cases, prosecutor training, and management practices. Other main topics were practices of the office, major changes in the organisation, cooperation with other stakeholders,...
Amateur Researchers as Authors of Finnish Academic Journals 1841-1939
The dataset contains information on the status and roles of authors of Finnish scholarly journals in the period 1841-1939. It contains data from articles published by the oldest Finnish learned societies that accepted amateurs as members, namely the Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica (SFFF), the Finnish Literature Society (SKS) and the Finnish Antiquarian Society (SMY). The...
Postmemory of Family Separation 2021
The survey explores the mental wellbeing of descendants of Ingric people who have experienced forced emigration, ethnic persecution and family separation in Finland today. The data focuses on the descendants' family relationships and their connection to their Ingric background, as well as on wartime experiences. First, the survey asked about the respondent's family...
The Narratives of Finland: Exhibition Creator Interviews 2021-2022
The data consists of interviews with the creators of the Narratives of Finland exhibition at the National Museum of Finland. The data was collected as part of a study that examined how images of Finnishness have been constructed in official and unofficial historical culture. The interviews explore the perspectives of the creators of the Finnish National Museum's Narratives...
Observing the 1980s: Mass Observation Project Correspondents' Writings, 1981-1990
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Mass Observation Project (MOP) is a unique UK-based writing project which has been running since 1981. It exists to:Provide a structured programme within which 'ordinary' people can write directly about their lives in the knowledge that what they send in will be archived for posterity and used for...
Database of Australasian Government Loans Offered by Public Sale in London, 1857-1914
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The project’s main aims:
1.To contribute to knowledge by engaging in a study of the relationship between Australia, New Zealand and international capital markets 1850-1950 which would focus on three key themes:
i.The history of Australia and New Zealand as borrowers and debtors.
ii.The rise and...
De Nederlandse Dialectenbank - Stamboeken Vrije Gesprekken
De Nederlandse Dialectenbank, voorheen Soundbites, bevat meer dan duizend uur geluidsmateriaal, zoals dit in de afgelopen decennia is verzameld door onderzoekers van het Meertens Instituut (KNAW).Het betreft geluidsbestanden van dialectopnames van binnen en buiten Europa. Het leeuwendeel van de Europese opnames is afkomstig uit het Nederlandse taalgebied: Nederland,...
Diary of Paulus Gevers of his journey to Batavia and Bantam, 1776-1777
The Rotterdam Patriot Paulus Gevers (1741-1797), sets sail on the 8th of December 1776 on the ship of Captain Adrianus Frederik de Graaff, 'De Jonge Lieve', as junior merchant of the 'Kamer Amsterdam' of the Dutch East India Company. He gives an almost daily account of life on board of the ship. On the 30th of March they reach the Cape of Good Hope. On the 14th of April they...
Pharmacopoea Amstelredamensis (1698, vijfde druk)
Pharmacopoea Amstelredamensis, Of d’Amsterdammer Apotheek, In welke allerlei Medicamenten, zynde tot Amsterdam in ’t gebruik, konstiglyk bereid worden. Als ook Desselfs kragten en manier van ingeven. Den vyfden Druk vermeerdert en verbetert. t’Amsterdam, By Jan ten Hoorn, Boekverkoper over ’t oude Heere Logement. 1698.De eerste druk dateert van 1682.
De Nederlandse Dialectenbank, voorheen Soundbites - Transcripties (niet geanonimiseerd)
De Nederlandse Dialectenbank, voorheen Soundbites, bevat meer dan duizend uur geluidsmateriaal, zoals dit in de afgelopen decennia is verzameld door onderzoekers van het Meertens Instituut (KNAW).Het betreft geluidsbestanden van dialectopnames van binnen en buiten Europa. Het leeuwendeel van de Europese opnames is afkomstig uit het Nederlandse taalgebied: Nederland,...
City Museum of Volos
This collection includes interviews conducted in the framework of the research project "Designing the Museum of the City of Volos". They cover various aspects of Volos' history that will be incorporated in future exhibitions of the Museum. The main topics covered in these interviews concern industrial work, multiculturalism, religious groups, the 1940s, immigration and daily...
Random Survey of Public Attitudes to Museums, Archaeology and the Past, 1985
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The aim of this survey was to gauge for the first time public attitudes to, and participation in, <i>heritage presentations</i>; to understand why certain social groups tend to participate and others do not; to gauge public images of and attitudes to archaelogy and the past. The data, covering...
Digging into Early Colonial Mexico: DECM Machine Ready Corpus, 1577-1585
This digital version of the RGs corpus contains only the historical information produced in the 16th century. All the comments and footnotes by René Acuña and Mercedes de la Garza have been removed to provide a clean version of the transcribed documents. This version of the corpus is now ready to be used for Text Mining, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Corpus...
English burial counts 1538-1873
This data collection of monthly and annual counts of burials from English parishes was created to investigate historical mortality regimes in England as part of a research project on Mortality, Migration and Medicalisation led by Richard Smith and Romola Davenport and its precursor pilot project led by Richard Smith on Short-term and spatial variations in infectious disease...
Sindh Is Not a Piece of Territory: Sindhi Belonging in India, 2019-2021
This article was published on the anniversary of India's Republic day in January 2021 for the well-known online publication The Leaflet's special issue on citizenship, for a non-academic audience. The article traces a history of the Sindhi refugee diaspora in India in the aftermath of the partition of India, the absence of a linguistic and ethnically defined territory to...
Digging into Early Colonial Mexico: DECM General Historical Gazetteer, 1577-1800
Digging into Early Colonial Mexico (DECM) is a highly interdisciplinary project that combines techniques from different disciplines, including Corpus Linguistics, Text Mining, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, and Geographic Information Systems to address questions related to the recording of information about indigenous cultures, the Spanish exploration of...
Wellcome Science Education Tracker, 2019
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Science Education Tracker (SET 2019) is the second wave of a survey series that began in 2016 (SET 2016 - see SN 8119). The survey series is commissioned by Wellcome, with additional funding from the Department for Education (DfE), United Kingdom Research and Innovation (UKRI) and the Royal...