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Survey among members of National Assembly
Main goal of this survey was to discover what role does National Assembly play in Slovene political system. Main emphasis were on interests presenting function, solving conflicts and on legislative function.
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1995/4
These data is Slovene replication of the ISSP 1996, Role of Government III module ISSP85 and repeating in ISSP90 (see also ADP - IDNo: SJMUST89) report citizen's opinions on the functions of their national governments and on what governments should and should not be doing. Topics or thematic coverage include political activity; ISSP Role of Government batteries about...
Omnibus Survey: Sanctions of the EU after the ÖVP/ FPÖ formation of government; increase of retirement age; social partnership; party and politician profiles 2000
No abstract available
Omnibus Survey: European Union and European Constitution; tax reform; energy sources 2004
No abstract available
Omnibus Survey: Leading personalities, image of politicians and government policy; abolition of holidays 1989
No abstract available
AUTNES Content Analysis of Party Manifestos 2017 (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. The AUTNES dataset on party manifestos covers the manifestos of the relevant parties that competed in the Austrian national election 2017. All natural sentences within the manifestos are part of the dataset. The units of analysis are standardized statements derived from these natural sentences by means of a set of unitizing rules. The coding...
Omnibus Survey: Image of politicians and attitude towards Peter's SS past; expectations of the new government; attitude towards the Greens; wage increases 1983
No abstract available
Omnibus Survey: Image of the parties; Election of the Federal President; Government policy; Political events 1934; 1984
No abstract available
Omnibus Survey: Election of the Federal President - Image of politicians - Parliamentarism; Government policy; Business with Viennese; Statistics 1985
No abstract available
Omnibus Survey: Political parties; domestic policy; interceptors; non-wage labour costs 2002
No abstract available
Omnibus Survey: Scandals and image of politicians; political problems; position of the Federal President, generational replacement in politics 1986
No abstract available
AUTNES Content Analysis of Party Press Releases (OTS) 2013 (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. The AUTNES coding of party press releases covers all press releases that were issued by parties gaining at least two percent of the votes in the national election in 2013. The coding procedure applies the AUTNES relational approach of recording subjects, predicates, and objects to press releases. The subject is the person or party that...
Repräsentativbefragung der Österreichischen Bevölkerung Jänner/Februar 1967
Thema: Stimmung und Zufriedenheit mit der Regierung der österreichischen Bevölkerung
Omnibus Survey: European Union; Austrian domestic policy; National Council elections 2008
No abstract available
AUTNES Content Analysis of Party Manifestos: Cumulative File (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. The AUTNES dataset on party manifestos covers the manifestos of the relevant parties that competed in the Austrian national elections 2002-2017. All natural sentences within the manifestos are part of the dataset. The units of analysis are standardized statements derived from these natural sentences by means of a set of unitizing rules. The...
Omnibus Survey: National Council elections 2008; European elections 2009; EU Reform Treaty; Tax reform 2008
No abstract available
AUTNES Content Analysis of Party Press Releases 2017 (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. The AUTNES coding of party press releases covers all press releases that were issued by parties gaining at least two percent of the votes in the national election 2017. The coding procedure applies the AUTNES relational approach of recording subjects, predicates, and objects to press releases. The subject is the person or party that features...
Omnibus Survey: Formation of a free trade union; genetic engineering, genetic engineering petition for a referendum; government tasks; unemployment 1997
No abstract available
Omnibus Survey: National Council elections 2006; BAWAG; tax reform; nursing emergency; ÖGB
No abstract available
AUTNES Content Analysis of Party Newspaper Ads and Campaign Posters 2013 (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. The AUTNES dataset on party newspaper ads and campaign posters contains data on advertisements published in fifteen daily and weekly Austrian newspapers within the last 18 weeks before the 2013 national election as well as all campaign posters. The coding procedure applies the AUTNES relational approach of recording subjects, objects, and...