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Chinese scientists, NGO staff and the public's view on trust and accountable science 2014-2017
Between 2014 to 2017, 23 semi-structured interviews and 12 focus groups were conducted with Chinese policy-makers, ethicists, scientists and civil society actors in three Chinese cities: Beijing, Wuhan and Xi’an. These three cities were chosen for they are all important regional research hubs and provide complimentary insights on how scientific dialogues are organised in...
Shifting Forms of Governance and the Grassroots Politics of Separatism, 2022-2024
This project undertook comparative case studies in regions where separatist movements are in flux to understand perceptions of, and engagement in, separatist conflicts from the bottom-up. In-depth unstructured interviews were undertaken with individuals in Catalonia (Spain), Scotland and Wales to explore individuals’ perceptions of, and responses to, debates about secession....
Living with sickle cell or thalassamemia trait: implications for identity and social life
We carried out a two year ESRC funded qualitative study, using focus groups and in depth- interviews, looking at the long term impact of being identified as a carrier of sickle cell or thalassaemia in a sample of 57 adults from different ethnic backgrounds. The dataset also includes data from sample of healthcare professionals on their perceptions and experiences of...
Policy-making of early nature conservation. The Netherlands and the United Kingdom compared, 1930-1960 (PmNC)
The dataset contains the processed and analysed research data from the research project 'Policy-making of early nature conservation. The Netherlands and the United Kingdom compared, 1930-1960', funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 832350.The dataset contains the Data Management Plan, the...
Digital Bills of Rights
A coding of charters, declarations and other normative policy documents in the field of digital governance and digital rights that make up the distinct category of “digital bills of rights”. 321 individual documents (between
China goes global dams project
The aim of this project is to provide the first systematic and comparative analysis of the environmental, social, economic and political impacts of Chinese hydropower dam projects in low and middle income countries, that will inform corporate behaviour of hydropower firms in China and the UK and shape emerging national and international policy responses. The project applied...
Schoolbesturen over governance en de maatschappelijke opdracht van de school - SBN2007
Onderzoek onder schoolbesturen in het basisonderwijs en voortgezet onderwijs om te weten wat hun opvattingen zijn over de maatschappelijke opdracht van de school en wat naar hun mening ‘goed bestuur’ is.Steeds vaker wordt er bij allerlei problemen en vragen vanuit de samenleving een beroep gedaan op de school. Van naschoolse opvang en huiswerkklassen tot gezond ontbijten en...
SCAPE database on participatory and non-participatory environmental decision-making
The SCAPE database comprises 305 coded cases of public environmental governance in North America, Europe and Australasia, spanning several decades up to the year 2014. Its main purpose is to study the effect of different modes of citizen and stakeholder participation on environmental and other outcomes of decision-making. Each case comprises several hundred variables on the...