5 studies found in English from a total of 36841
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Dutch Parliamentary Proceedings 1930-2012, semanticized

M. Marx (Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam); J. van Doornik (Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam); A. Nusselder (Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam); (1 more)
This dataset comprises all the Parliamentary Proceedings of the Dutch Parliament and Senate from 1930 until april 2012 in an enriched XML format. Each document covers a distinct meeting, documents are grouped in folders by decade. This dataset contains the semanticized text in FoLiA annotation.This dataset is part of the 2012 project PoliticalMashup.Date Submitted: 2012-10-25
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Dutch Parliamentary Proceedings 2012-2013 in XML

M. Marx (Universiteit van Amsterdam, Informatica Instituut)
De Handelingen der Staten Generaal uit Parlementair jaar 2012-2013 in XML formaat volgens het http://schema.politicalmashup.nl/proceedings.html schema.De teksten in de paragrafen in de Handelingen zijn opgedeeld in zinnen en vervolgens in woorden.Aan elk woord is het lemma en de woordsoort toegevoegd. Named entities zijn herkend en hun meest waarschijnlijke Wikipedia paginas...
Study description available in:EN
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PoliticalMashup 1814-2012 - Members, Parties, Proceedings

M. Marx (Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam); J. van Doornik (Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam); A. Nusselder (Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam); (1 more)
A mashup is a web application that combines data from more than one source into an integrated experience. This political mashup brings together political information produced by Dutch political parties (their promises and actions: election manifestos, party websites, parliamentary proceedings) and as well information on the reception of political promises and actions...
Study description available in:EN
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Dutch Parliamentary Proceedings 1814-2012, non-semanticized

M. Marx (Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam); J. van Doornik (Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam); A. Nusselder (Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam); (1 more)
This dataset comprises of all of the parliamentary proceedings of the Dutch Parliament and Senate from 1814 until april 2012 in an enriched XML format. Each document covers a distinct meeting, documents are grouped in folders by decade. This dataset contains the non-semanticized text.This dataset is part of the 2012 project PoliticalMashup. For the related datasets see the...
Study description available in:EN
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Dutch Parliamentary Proceedings 1930-2012, named entities

M. Marx (Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam); J. van Doornik (Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam); A. Nusselder (Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam); (1 more)
This dataset comprises all of the detected named entities in the parliamentary proceedings of the Dutch Parliament and Senate from 1814 until april 2012 in a SQL database. The database is organized as a table containing the named entity text, type, paragraph identifier, and date. If relevant and available, it also contains a Dutch wikipedia link, an English wikipedia link, a...
Study description available in:EN
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