75 studies found in English from a total of 36718

Messung zu Einstellung von Wirtschaftspolitik 1998

GfK Austria (Fessel-GfK, Institut für Marktforschung Ges.m.b.H.)
Thema: Zufriedenheit der Österreicher mit der Wirtschaftspolitik und der Schaffung neuer Arbeitsplätze
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Niederösterreich Bevölkerungsumfrage (Teil 2) 1999

GfK Austria (Fessel-GfK, Institut für Marktforschung Ges.m.b.H.)
Thema: Bevölkerungsumfrage Niederösterreich
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Arbeitswelt und Arbeitsethik 1989

GfK Austria (Dr. Fessel + GFK Institut für Marktforschung)
Mehrthemenumfrage: Hierarchie von Lebenswelten; Arbeit; Kirche; Löhne; Grundeinkommen
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Telefonumfrage Verstaatlichte (Teil 2) 1986

GfK Austria (Dr. Fessel + GFK Institut für Marktforschung)
Mehrthemenumfrage: Meinung der Österreicher zur Wirtschaftslage allgemein, zu Waffenexporten und zur Krise der Verstaatlichten
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Emerging Modes of Cooperation between Private Sector Organisations and Universities, 2014

Melink, Mateja (Centre for Spatial Sociology); Pavlin, Samo (Centre for Spatial Sociology); Andreeva, Gergana (Business Foundation for Education, Bulgaria); (12 more)
The EMCOSU programme (Emerging Modes of Cooperation between Private Sector Organisations and Universities) reinforces the link between education activities and HE graduates’ employability needs and the promotion of cooperation with HE tools in particular. Current major national and international mechanisms providing indications to contribute to this aim are closely related...
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USIS-Study 1955-1963 : Europese peilingen van the USA Information Agency

United States Information Services, USIS * Washington, DC., USA (primary investigator)
Views on political and cultural matters / attitude towards other countries, to political leaders / attitude towards and knowledge of international policy, war and peace, atomic weapons, disarmament, European integration, the NATO, role of USA, USSR and Western Europe / atomic weapons in Western Europe / patterns of interest regarding life in the USA. Background variables:...
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Macro-economic role of military expenditure in OECD countries 1978-1979

Smith, R.P., Deger, S., Birkbeck College, Dep. of economics * London, Great Britain (primary investigator)
A consistent set of economic time series for 12 variables and 14 OECD countries for the years 1953-1973 were assembled to test various hypotheses on the macro-economic role of military expenditure.
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Compendium of data for world-system analysis 1978

Bornschier, V., Heinz, P., Universitaet Zuerich * Zuerich (primary investigator)
Handbook for cross-national analysis on economical, social and political indicators. Data represent a compilation of international comparable statistical information on 123 countries / economic indicators: national accounts, balance of payments, foreign trade, economic dependency, role of multinational corporations, economic policy and structure, energy consumption / social...
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Gal, I., ICS, Fac. PPSW, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (primary investigator)
Contract discipline and contract governance under economic transition. Contract reliability / game theory / governance / the Deadline Game / transaction cost economics / transformation from socialist to market economy in Hungary
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World handbook of political and social indicators III 1982

Taylor, C.L., Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin * Berlin (primary investigator)
Indicators of 155 countries in the world from the fields of politics, economy, public finance, demography and society/ World Handbook III is a continuation for the years 1970 and 1975 of World Handbook II that covered 1950, 1955, 1960, and 1965/ for some selected variables the time-series were continued up to 1978. Revenues and expenditures of central government in...
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Dutch Parliamentary Election Study 1977 (DPES/NKO 1977)

G.A. Irwin (Universiteit Leiden); J. Verhoef (Universiteit Leiden); C.J. Wiebrens (Universiteit Leiden)
The purpose of the national election studies is, to collect numerous data on political attitudes, political opinions, political values and possible changes within, of the Dutch by means of extensive surveys. Pre political interest / exposure to problems in the country / causes of unemployment / inflation / evaluation of government policies / coalition preferences / cabinet...
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Vakbonden en prijzen 1968

Nederlands instituut voor de publieke opinie en het marktonderzoek, NIPO * Amsterdam (primary investigator)
Trade unions and prices / information and opinion on wage and price policy / opinions on minimum income Hfl. 100 per week / opinions on trade union policy / expectations regarding prices. Background variables: basic characteristics/ organizational membership.
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Solidarity in economic transactions 1991-1994

Ligthart, P.E.M, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Fac. PPSW, ICS (primary investigator)
Solidarity in economic transactions. Bargaining theory / contracting theory / decision making under uncertainty / discrimination model / framing / game theory / relational norms / social values orientation / solidarity / transaction cost theory
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Bezitsvorming 1961

NSS nv v/h Nederlandse stichting voor de statistiek * Den Haag (primary investigator)
Attitude and behaviour regarding saving and investments / preferences for shares and bonds / consumer behaviour. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ education/ social class/ consumption of durables/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure/ organizational membership
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Participatie in een sociale beweging 1978-1979 : Een vakbond mobiliseert

Klandermans, P.G., Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Vakgroep sociale psychologie (primary investigator)
Mobilization and participation of trade union members in actions regarding CAO negotiations 1978-1979. Workers ( union-members ) at three sites of multinational chemical industry AKZO were interviewed during 1978 / 1979 negotiations regarding wage and job agreements. The interviews focused on ( 1 ): Their knowledge and opinions, both in general as with regard to the specific...
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International networks of banks and industry 1970-1976

Fennema, M., Jong, P. de, Kleyn, W.H., Universiteit van Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Subfac. politieke en sociale wetenschappen (primary investigator)
Structural change in international networks of interlocking directorates and other organizational ties between banks and industry. Names of companies, directors and functions.
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Aggregate dataset Eastern Europe 1970-1980

Tausch, A., Universitaet Innsbruck * Innsbruck, Institut fuer Politikwissenshaft (primary investigator)
Aggregate data of economical, military, demographical, social and political indicators concerning 7 Eastern European communist countries. ( Theme 1: population and society ) population density / population growth 1970-1978 / infant mortality and life expectancy / degree of urbanization / amenities running water, central heating etc. / housing conditions / hospital beds and...
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Politieke en sociaal-economische opvattingen in Nederland - POLSECON 1987

J.W. Letterie; E. Suykerbuyk
Political interest, voting behaviour / timing of decision to vote / factors of importance regarding decision who to vote for: party-ideology / party leader / party programme / party candidates / party size / party campaign / party position in opinion polls / reasons not to vote / work in modern society: guaranteed minimum income/ permanent education/ unemployment and...
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Zorgen voor morgen 1975

Schouten, W.H.C., Stichting maatschappij en onderneming * Scheveningen (primary investigator)
Perception of problems in society energy shortage, pollution, inflation, violence, unemployment etc. / urgency of problems / who should solve most urgent problems government, trade-unions, employers, pressure groups, consumers' organizations / scales on political orientation and information. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ occupation/employment/...
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Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland 1987 - CV'87

J.W. Becker (Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, SCP * Den Haag); A.N. Nauta (Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, SCP * Den Haag (primary investigator)); Becker, J.W., Nauta, A.N., Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, SCP * Den Haag (primary investigator) (Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, SCP * Den Haag (primary investigator))
Trend study on changes in general opinions and attitudes of ( parts of ) the Dutch population.Work, income versus leisure / job satisfaction, pressure of work / satisfaction with life, prosperity / social contacts / mass-media, exposure to news and politics / prosperity, materialism / attitude towards consumer credit / expected developments in society / conservatism / need...
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Eigendom 1974 : Een sociologische benadering

Rotshuizen, E.J., n/a * n/a (primary investigator)
Information concerning the following question: a person loses an article ( through loss or theft ), and finds it with someone who obtained it in good faith ( shop, auction, ad, gift ) / respondent is asked to judge whose ownership prevails and whether damages are to be paid in various situations ( cheap or expensive article, first owner rich or poor, loss or theft etc. ) and...
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Relatie tussen onderwijs en arbeidsmarkt in regionaal perspectief 1980

Boon, J., Martens, S., Velden, R. van der, Research instituut voor het onderwijs in het noorden, RION * Groningen (primary investigator)
Determining the relation between regional differences of participation in education and regional developments on the labour market and regional differences in social inequality. P0794a: Statistics on 12 provinces in 23 different years ( 1956- 1978 ) counts on different kinds of schools, training facilities, numbers of students and teaching staff. P0794b: 1968 until 1978...
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ISSP National Identity I 1995

Institute for Sociology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Klemensova 19, Bratislava 813 64, Slovak Republic, www.sociologia.sav.sk; Magdalena Piscova, magdalena.piscova@savba.sk
The survey is a part of International Social Survey Programme (ISSP). The ISSP is a continuing annual programme of cross-national collaboration on surveys covering topics important for social research. ISSP module includes nationalism and patriotism, localism and globalism, and diversity, feeling of "closeness" to home country, relations with other countries, treatment of...
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Interaction and national data on the European system 1945-1980 (INDES )

Faber, J., Groenink, R., Universiteit van Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Europa Instituut (primary investigator)
Studying interaction of political and economical processes within and between countries and their influence on international relations since world war II. National file: demographic data / economic data: production / capital formation / imports / exports / expenditures / revenues / consumption / transportation / telecommunication / military personnel and equipment /...
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Prijzen van voedingsmiddelen in de 19e eeuw, 1972-1973

Eijk, C. van der, Veen, F.J. van, Universiteit van Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Instituut voor wetenschap der politiek, IWP, Giele, J.J., Universiteit van Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Documentatiecentrum voor nieuwste geschiedenis (primary investigator)
Material on living conditions of the working class in the 19th century. Prices of food products. Week, month and year prices / indexes / weights of products / measures of products / geographical and time specifications / source / food products.
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Dutch Parliamentary Election Study 1972-1973 (DPES/NKO 1972-1973)

L.P.J. de Bruyn (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen); J.W. Foppen (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen)
To collect data on political opinions and attitudes of Dutch citizens who have the right to vote. Data were collected in order to enlarge insight into characteristics of the Dutch political system changes that occur within the system, and degree of similarity, dissimilarity between the Dutch political system and others." This is the second of the series of National Election...
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Cantril study 1958

Institute for international social research * Princeton, NJ., USA (primary investigator)
Views on political, economic and social matters / expectations for the future / evaluation of the past regarding several countries / most important problems, domestic and international / personal concerns, hopes, fears / attitude towards the cold war and disarmament. Background variables: education/ politics
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Inkomensongelijkheid, inkomenspolitiek en nivelleringsgeneigdheid 1982

Szirmai, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen * Groningen, Fac. Economische Wetenschappen (primary investigator)
Study on attitudes towards income: inequality, levelling of income, income policy, desirability of industrial action. Occupational career / changes in purchasing power / knowledge of actual income distribution and changes in it / equatability of income distribution / relation between income differences and social unrest / methods of levelling incomes / consequences going on...
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Uitvoering van sociale zekerheidswetten 1991

Vos, E.L., Knegt, R., Hugo Sinzheimer Instituut, HSI * Amsterdam (primary investigator)
Evaluation by clients regarding practice of social security laws in the Netherlands. Part of survey: clients of six social security laws: WAO, Sickness, ABP, WW, ABW RWW. Part of survey: quality research in firms. Knowledge of R. regarding period of time entitled to a social security payment / R. turned him/herself first to the wrong organization / how much time went by...
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Kenmerken en achtergronden van de WW-aanvrager PES 2/7 1992-1994

Besseling, J.J.M., Kalb, G.R.J., Kerk, Th. aan de, Kolk, W. van der, Reeuwijk, P.M.C., Verbrugh, H., Zwinkels, W.S., GAK Nederland BV * Amsterdam (primary investigator)
PES-2/7 ( Project Evaluatie Stelselherziening / Evaluation of the revision of the Dutch social security system ) investigates the position of clients of the Unemployment Insurance Act ( WW / Werkloosheidswet ) in the period 1992 to 1994. Two cohorts of applicants for an unemployment benefit were followed for 18 months at maximum. Both cohorts were interviewed twice with an...
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