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Peacemaking - What's Law Got to Do with It, 2015-2019
Studying various aspects of the relationship between peacemaking and international law, this project used a wide range of data. For the first aspect, which was to examine assumptions underpinning claims about the contribution of international legal mechanisms towards peacemaking, it looked at official documents, press statements, promotional material and academic literature...
Harvesting the Sun Twice: Crop, Electricity and Water Use Data From the Agrivoltaic Experiments in East Africa, 2022-2023
This data collection provides the crop, energy, water and environmental data collected and analyses as part of the "Harvesting the sun twice" agrivoltaics project in East Africa. Developing agrivoltaic (AV) systems combining energy and food production provides multiple socio-economic, livelihood, and ecological benefits, extending well beyond technology and electrification....
Communicating Strategically about What? Europe and China in the Kenyan Media
European actors are increasingly relying on strategic communication tools in their external relations, especially in key partner countries like Kenya. Based on a large-scale media screening and interviews with media experts, this paper examines which issues related to the EU/Europe and China have received the most media coverage in Kenya over the past decade (2013–2023). The...