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Schoolchildren Interval Study IS II (Older Cohort) 1979-1985, 6th Wave
Typical forms and courses of personality development and social conduct
as well as professional training and work habits of young people and
young adults depending on social factors and social conditions.
General personal orientations:
introversion, extroversion;
general contentment with life;
satisfaction with certain areas of life;
life planning, goals in...
Interval Study Risk 1986-1995 - Leipzig Schoolchildren Study, 8th Wave 1993
Coping with development demands of adolescence, risk situations and
risk behavior of young people in the new states.
Topics: Moral orientations (scale); attitude to structuring life;
transfer into vocational training by junior high school students;
future plans of high school students; motives for choice of
occupation (scale); satisfaction with various areas of life...
Interval Study Capabilities and Courses of Occupation 1985-1995, 9th Wave 1995
Coping with development demands typical for the age,
in particular the transfer into employment,
risk situations and risk behavior of young people in an East German region.
Frequency of trips to leisure events in the last 4 weeks (scale);
frequency of leisure activities (scale);
agreement between demand and leisure selection (scale);
future concepts;...
Living Conditions and Way of Life of Schoolchildren from the View of Apprentices 1979 (Large City)
Value orientations, leisure habits, school achievements,
common relations in school class and family relations.
Topics: Satisfaction with training occupation (scale); influence of
occupation advice center as well as "productive work" in school on
choice of occupation; regard for training goals by the company doing
the training; differences between time in school and...
Youth Study Bosnia and Herzegovina (2014)
Attitudes of Youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina towards: Free time and lifestyle. Belief and affiliation issues. Family and friends. Concerns and aspirations, mobility. Education and profession. Democracy and politics. Governance and development. Internal and foreign policy: Bosnia and Herzegovina and the EU.
Topics: 1. Free time and lifestyle: frequency of selected leisure...
Slovenian Youth 2013
The primary purpose of Slovenian Youth 2013 study was to comprehensively examine the lives of Slovenian youth (16–27-year olds). As with Youth 2010 study, Youth 2013 study represents a conceptual and methodological continuation of the tradition of youth research in Slovenia, with some further refinements. Basis for a methodological approach were studies already carried out...
Junge Menschen aktiv
Diese Befragung zielt auf die Beschreibung des aktuellen Standes freiwilligen Engagements junger Menschen in Städten und Landkreisen. Insbesondere werden neue Formen des Engagements in den Blick genommen: digitales Engagement, episodisches Engagement und Voluntourismus. Die standardisierte Online-Befragung von jungen Menschen im Alter von 16 bis 25 Jahren fand von Dezember...
BIBB Transition Study 2011
Educational pathways of young adults, career biography, school achievement, choice of school, choice of occupation, family background, young people´s application behaviour, initial vocational training; education and waiting loops, transition system, migration background, first threshold.
I. Topics: value orientation (importance of selected values (diligence and ambition,...
Interval Study Risk 1986-1995 - Leipzig Schoolchildren Study, 9th wave 1995
Coping with development demands of adolescence, risk situations and
risk behavior of young people in an Eastern German region.
Topics: Goals in life (scale); moral orientations (scale); proving
oneself in vocational training and high school; problems in transfer
into vocational training and reasons for termination (scale);
problems with transfer into current school...
Interval Study Capabilities and Courses of Occupation 1985-1995, 8th Wave 1993
Analysis of choice of occupation and transfers into training and
employment of young people in the East of Germany.
Change of living conditions since the political turning point in the GDR;
future expectations (scale);
goals in life (scale);
right-left classification;
Sunday question;
residence sought;
expectations of occupation work (scale);
activities in...
Factors and Forms of Development of Young People in the GDR (1968 - 1980) IS 1 - 1977 10th Wave - Cross-Section)
Recording typical forms and courses of personality development of GDR-youth
in the 70's as well as their significant determinants.
employment and work proving its worth (BAB):
attitude to chosen occupation;
job satisfaction;
sense of well-being, recognition in work brigade, sense of responsibility;
fulfillment of work demands, ability to achieve;
Factors and Forms of Development of Young People in the GDR (1968 - 1980) IS 1 - 1978 (11th Wave - Cross-Section)
Recording typical forms and courses of personality development
of GDR-youth in the 70's as well as their significant determinants.
employment and work proving its worth (BAB):
attitude to chosen occupation;
characteristics of activity exercised;
job satisfaction;
sense of well-being, recognition in the work brigade, sense of responsibility;
fulfilling work demands,...
Childhood, Adolencence, and Becoming an Adult 1991-1997 - Young Adult Longitudinal 1991-1995/96
The current study is divided roughly in five topic areas:
political-social experiences and orientations; youth and becoming adult
as a phase in life in the framework of the course of life; courses of
development and development risks; life styles, cultures and social
reference groups of young people and the social-structural
differentiating of the youth phase.
Childhood, Adolencence, and Becoming an Adult 1991-1997 - Cross-Section 1996
The study is divided roughly in five topic areas: political-societal
experiences and orientations; youth and becoming adult as a phase in
life in the framework of the course of life; courses of development and
development risks; Life styles, cultures and social reference groups of
young people and ultimately the social-structural differentiating of
the youth phase.
Albanian Youth 2011
Attitudes of Albanian Youth towards: Free time and lifestyle. Belief and affiliation issues. Family and society. Concerns and aspirations. Education and employment. Democracy and politics. Governance and development. Albania and the EU integration.
Topics: 1. Free time and lifestyle: frequency of selected free time activities; hours watched TV on a usual day; frequency of...
Youth in a Time of Crisis (Croatia 2012)
Attitudes of Croatian Youth towards: Free time and lifestyle. Belief and affiliation issues. Family and friends. Concerns and aspirations. Education and profession. Democracy and politics. Governance and development. Internal and foreign policy: Croatia and the EU integration
Topics: 1. Free time and lifestyle: frequency of selected leisure time activities; hours watched...
Kosovo Youth Study (2012)
Attitudes of Kosovo-Albanian and Kosovo-Serbian youth towards: Free time and lifestyle. Belief and affiliation issues. Family and society. Concerns and aspirations. Education and employment. Democracy and politics. Governance and development. Kosovo and the EU integration.
Topics: 1. Free time and lifestyle: frequency of selected free time activities; hours watched TV on a...
Youth Study Macedonia 2013
Attitudes of Macedonian Youth towards: leisure and lifestyle. Belief and affiliation issues. Family and friends. Concerns and aspirations. Education and profession. Democracy and politics. Governance and development. Nation and the world: Macedonia and the EU integration.
Topics: 1. Leisure and lifestyle: frequency of selected leisure time activities; hours watched TV on a...
Romanian youth (2014)
Youth’s socio-economic situation. Free time and lifestyle. School and profession. Concerns and aspirations. Values. Religiosity. Democracy and politics, civic and political participation. Governance and development.
Topics: 1. Free time and lifestyle: development of the country in the right or in the wrong direction; hours watched TV every day; internet access; hours per...
Youth in Europe 1977 (Federal Republic of Germany, France, Great Britain)
International comparative study on socialization, education practices
or professional image and moral orientation of young people.
Topics: Chronological recording of the primary socialization
authorities in individual phases of life; characterization of
upbringing style of parents; decision structure within family;
description of experiences in kindergarten and boarding...
Young Germany during COVID-19
Young Germany during COVID-19 is a youth study, which focuses on young people aged 16 to 26 years living in Germany. The study has been conducted in September 2020 and is part of a larger series called Young Europe – The Youth Study of TUI Foundation which aims to shed light on the lifeworld, identity, and attitudes of young Europeans. In the September 2020 wave, 1.011 young...
Immigrant children and youths in the German and Israeli educational systems (third transition)
The project “Immigrants’ Children in the German and Israeli Educational Systems” studies children and adolescents with and without migration background in the educational systems of Germany and Israel. It focuses on studying recent immigrant groups stemming from the Former Soviet Union (FSU) – Jewish and Ethnic German immigrants – in comparison to “older” immigrant groups –...