34 studies found in English from a total of 37402
ERRC Praag 

American Literature 1958

GfK Austria (Institut für Markt- und Meinungsforschung, Dr. Walter Fessel)
Thema: Wissen und Anerkennung Amerikanischer Literatur unter Mittelschullehrern
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Technische Informationen in Mittel- und Kleinbetrieben 1955/1956

GfK Austria (Institut für Markt- und Meinungsforschung, Dr. Walter Fessel)
Thema: Technische Probleme und Quellen (Zeitschriften, Bücher etc.) zur Lösung dieser
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Haerlemsche Eerlycke Uren (2 vols., 1661-1663)

Stichting Vrijwilligersnetwerk Nederlandse Taal (©), SVNT; N van der Sijs
Haerlemsche Eerlycke Uren, Bestaende In korte Sin-spreucken, kloecke Antwoorden, en vreemde bejegheninghen: Door-mengt, met sommige Voorvallen: Over ghezet uyt diversche Talen: In 't Hollandts: Tot verkorting van dese lange Avonden. Eerste Deel. Gedruckt tot Haerlem, By Pieter Casteleyn, Boeck-drucker op de Marct in de Kroon. 1661.
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Informationsystem D.P.G. Humbert de Superville: the Essay

European Social Fund/DABURH, Department of History, Leiden University
This dataset offers background information on the Essay of D.P.G. Humbert de Superville (1770-1849). It contains an integral part of The Essay and the related background information. The text is enriched with hypertext links to drawings and paintings described in the Essay. Secondary literature about Humbert de Superville as well as some letters to and from him are included....
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Reading culture in the Netherlands, 1807-1809 and 1847-1849

Drs G.C. Schulte Nordholt, Universiteit Utrecht, Onderzoeksinstituut voor Geschiedenis en Cultuurtrecht
Investigated is the size, structure and consumption of literature and popular "pulp" of the Dutch population in the beginning of the 19th century. The public `reading' behaviour is the main theme of the dataset. It is separated in data on the readers and on the transactions of literature from the client books of the bookshop Van Benthem in Middelburg. The whole dataset is...
Study description available in:EN
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Jan Tamboer: Het Toneel Der Snaaken (1738)

Stichting Vrijwilligersnetwerk Nederlandse Taal (©), SVNT; N van der Sijs
Het Toneel Der Snaaken: Bestaande In veel Nieuwe Geschiedenissen en Kluchten. Voor den Klucht-lievenden Leser by een versamelt door den Geest vermaarden Jan Tamboer. t’Amsterdam. By Gysbert de Groot Keur, Boekverkoper op de Nieuwe Dyk, 1738.
Study description available in:EN
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RWAAI: Repository and Workspace for Austroasiatic Intangible Heritage

Burenhult, Niclas (Lingvistik, Språk- och litteraturcentrum, Lund University); Kruspe, Nicole (Lingvistik, Språk- och litteraturcentrum, Lund University)
The Repository and Workspace for Austroasiatic Intangible Heritage (RWAAI) is a digital multimedia resource dedicated to the maintenance of research materials documenting the intangible heritage of the Austroasiatic communities of Mainland Southeast Asia and India. It is the first resource dedicated to a specific language family in this diverse and dynamic region. RWAAI...
Study description available in:ENSV
Data access:Open
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[Joan de Grieck, samensteller]: De Droeve, ende Blyde Wereldt (1671)

Stichting Vrijwilligersnetwerk Nederlandse Taal (©), SVNT; N van der Sijs
De Droeve, ende Blyde Wereldt. Behelsende vele Treurighe Gheschiedenissen, Belacchelycke Kluchten, Heerlycke Leeringen, ende andere ongemeene Aerdigheden. Uyt verschyde Schryvers by een ghebracht door. I. D. G. Tot Brussel, By Joan de Grieck, Boeckverkooper, by het Beggynhof, 1671.
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Four Replication Experiments of Kidd and Castano (2013)

D. Samur (VU University Amsterdam)
The data is from the published article: Samur, D., Tops, M., & Koole, S. L. (2017). Does a single session of reading literary fiction prime enhanced mentalising performance? Four replication experiments of Kidd and Castano (2013). Cognition and Emotion, 1-15.Abstract: Prior experiments indicated that reading literary fiction improves mentalising performance relative to...
Study description available in:EN
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Finnish Views on and Engagement in Culture and the Arts 2013

Finnish Cultural Foundation
The survey conducted in 2013 by the Finnish Cultural Foundation studied Finnish views on and thoughts about culture and its consumption. The respondents were first asked which cultural facilities and events they had visited in the previous 6 months, in the previous 24 months, less often and which facilities and events they had never visited (e.g. theatres, museum, opera,...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Restricted
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Cultural Education and Cultural Participation in Germany (KuBiPaD)

Otte, Gunnar (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz); Lübbe, Holger (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz); Balzer, Dave (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz); (4 more)
Objective: The longitudinal study "Cultural Education and Cultural Participation in Germany (KuBiPaD)" examines patterns of cultural participation in Germany on the basis of a standardized population survey. The study was launched as a cross-sectional survey in 2018 and was expanded into a panel study in 2021. Cultural participation encompasses the consumption, reception and...
Study description available in:DEEN
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British Institute of Public Opinion (Gallup) Polls, 1938-1946

Liddell, I., University of Warwick, Computer Services; Hinton, J., University of Warwick, Department of History; Thompson, P., University of Warwick, Social History Centre
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This dataset comprises data from the 58 surviving BIPO polls conducted between 1938 and 1946.Main Topics:Questions cover domestic, foreign and military affairs, including: - appeasement - the progress and prosecution of the war - whether to sue for peace with Germany, Italy and Japan - satisfaction with...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Historic approaches to policing suspicious behaviour in Britain and their contemporary resonances, 1780-1850

Bland, E, Oxford Brookes University
Despite growing understanding of the police regulation of the urban sphere in nineteenth-century Britain, there is limited understanding of how this type of police was delivered in practice. This research examined the evolution and genealogy of ‘lurking’ and ‘loitering’, two legal terms that formed a prominent part of the police language of suspicion from the later...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Open
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Metadata for Imagining Wellness: Helping Students to Connect, Create and Collaborate in Their Own Wellbeing, 2021

Walker Churchman, G, University of East Anglia
Imagining Wellness supports students to access different literary, historical and visual texts that dealt with mental health in a variety of different ways in order to discover if this helped students to better understand and discuss their own wellbeing and those of their peers. The project functioned as a 12 week participatory course, in which participants had input in...
Study description available in:EN
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Het Leven en Bedryf van de Wyze Gek Klaas Nar (1736)

Stichting Vrijwilligersnetwerk Nederlandse Taal (©), SVNT; N van der Sijs
Het Leven en Bedryf van de Wyze Gek Klaas Nar, Hoofsche Potzemaker, en wonderlyke Tydverdryver van zyne Keurvorstelyke Doorlugtigheid van Saxen.Van verscheide Hovelingen (uit zyn mond) vergadert, te zamen gebragt, en in ’t Hoogduitsch beschreven. Doch nu, Tot Eerlyk en Leerlyk Vermaak, in het Nederduitsch Vertaald. T’Amsterdam, By Gerrit De Groot, Boekverkoper op de Heilige...
Study description available in:EN
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Almanacs in the Northern-Netherlands 1570-1705: a descriptive bibliography

Dr J.L. Salman, Universiteit Utrecht, Onderzoeksinstituut voor Geschiedenis en Cultuur
This datasets contains information on 856 Almanacs in the period of 1570 until 1705. Almanacs were published in Dutch language within the borders of contemporary Netherlands. All kinds of almanacs are described, year almanacs, continuous almanacs and everlasting almanacs. Bibliographic information on the almanacs, and information on publishers, authors and editors of...
Study description available in:EN
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Eyelit: Eye-movement and reader response data during literary reading

H.M.L. Mak (Radboud University); R.M. Willems (Radboud University)
This dataset is an extensive eye tracking dataset of 102 participants reading three Dutch literary short stories each (7790 words per participant). The preprocessed data set includes (1) Fixation report (fixation-level), (2) Saccade report, (3) Interest Area report (word-level), (4) Trial report (aggregated data for each page; stories were split up into 30 pages each), (5)...
Study description available in:EN
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’t Leven en Bedryf van Clement Marot (tussen 1768 en 1794)

Stichting Vrijwilligersnetwerk Nederlandse Taal (©), SVNT; N van der Sijs
't Leven en Bedryf van Clement Marot. Op nieuws vermeerdert en verbetert. t'Amsterdam, By d' Erven Vander Putte, Papier-en-Boekverkoopster, op 't Water, in de Loots-man
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[Simon de Vries:] De Klugtige Tyd-verdryver Waar in De alder-aardigste vermaaklijkheden van verscheide Schrijvers t’zaam gezet zijn (1653)

Stichting Vrijwilligersnetwerk Nederlandse Taal (©), SVNT; N van der Sijs
De Klugtige Tyd-verdryver Waar in De alder-aardigste vermaaklijkheden van verscheide Schrijvers t'zaam gezet zijn. Bestaande in boertige Bedrijven aardige Vragen, vermaakelijcke Antwoorden, en treflijke Zin-spreuken. Tweede Druk Verbetert met ontrent Hondert uitnemende En noit in Neerlands gedrukte lokkernijen. t'UTRECHT, Uyt de Boek-winkel van Simon de Vries. Anno M. DC. LIII.
Study description available in:EN
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Echt Omstandig Verhaal, Wegens het tot Curacao in de Lugt Gespronge Hollands Schip van Oorlog (1778)

Stichting Vrijwilligersnetwerk Nederlandse Taal (©), SVNT; N van der Sijs
Echt Omstandig Verhaal, Wegens het tot Curacao in de Lugt Gespronge Hollands Schip van Oorlog, Alphen: Voerende 36. Stukken Kanon, en Bemand met 230 Koppen, wordende Gecommandeert door den Wel Edele Hoog-Geboore en Gestrenge Heere Capitein G. W. H. Baron van der Feltsz: Beneffens de verdere droevige Gebeurtenissen aldaar voorgevallen, op den 15. September dezes Jaars, 1778....
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Changes in the origins of consumed cultural goods: Popularity of domestic and foreign literature

H. Bekhuis (Radboud University Nijmegen)
This dataset is the result of a project creating a detailed description of the trends and cross-national differences in national cultural consumption. It focuses on the consumption of domestic and foreign music, films and literature and its relation with contextual country conditions. Country's globalization level, EU membership, nationalistic climate, national legislation,...
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J. Montanus: De kat gestuurt naar 't Vaage-vuur, haar wederkomst, en verhaal van het zelve [ca. 1700]

Stichting Vrijwilligersnetwerk Nederlandse Taal (©), SVNT; N van der Sijs
De Kat Gestuurt naar 't Vagevuur, Haar wederkomst, en verhaal van 't zelve: door J: Montanus, Gezegt van Bergen. Gedrukt in 't Jaar der Tyding van 't Vagevuur.
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[Janus Montanus:] De wonderbare Reystogt, of De Kat in Ambassade, Gezonden aan het Hoff, in het Vaagevuur (between 1758 and 1761)

Stichting Vrijwilligersnetwerk Nederlandse Taal (©), SVNT; N van der Sijs
De wonderbare Reystogt, of De Kat in Ambassade, Gezonden aan het Hoff, in het Vaagevuur, En derzelver wederkomst by haar Meester, door welke zy was afgezonden, verhalende derzelver wedervaren in dat wonderbare Weerelds-deel; de Wet die daar geobserveert werd; d'Vonnissen en straffen, die daar aan alle Oproer-Hoofden, en Veragters van de Vrede, en Eenigheid, en in 't generaal...
Study description available in:EN
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Women Proverbs Worldwide

W.J.J. (MINEKE SCHIPPER) Schipper de Leeuw (Leiden University)
The data set contains the data that have been collected for the website Women Proverbs Worldwide, which accompanies the book “Never marry a woman with big feet: women in proverbs from around the world” (Yale University Press, 2003).Date: 2019-07-03
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Realizing the potential of grey literature by recognizing its publishers

D. Farace (GreyNet International, Grey Literature Network Service); S. Biagioni (Institute of Information Science and Technologies); C. Carlesi (Institute of Information Science and Technologies)
A selection of records is made based on three criteria forming the population of this use case. These criteria include: open access compliance, each of the publishing bodies will have already been assigned a ROR ID, and an individual’s email address is provided as the point of contact in the record. Ten of the 25 records in the PUBGREY registry adhere to the established...
Study description available in:EN
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Interviews on Cultural Participation 2018

Heikkilä, Riie (Tampere University. Faculty of Social Sciences)
This dataset consists of individual and group interviews on the cultural habits and leisure time activities of culturally inactive people in Finland. The interviews were conducted as part of the Understanding Cultural Disengagement in Contemporary Finland (DISFIN) project. The study was funded by the Academy of Finland (ID: 307756), Finnish Cultural Foundation, and City of...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Restricted
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Exploring Children’s Responses to Contemporary Biographies About Women, 2020

Couceiro, L, University of Glasgow
These data were generated as part of an ESRC-funded PhD research project undertaken by Louise Couceiro at the University of Glasgow. The project sought to explore how eight children (aged 7-10) in the UK responded to and engaged with four biographical compendiums about women published between 2016 and 2020. Research was undertaken in two phases. Four participants engaged in...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Gustaf Alfred af Hällström: library and purchases of printed works 1845-1861

Hakapää, Jyrki
This dataset comprises a list of printed works owned and purchased between 1845-1861 by Gustaf Alfred af Hällström (1827-1899), a landowner from Vihti and a member of the Diet of Finland. The data also include 44 photographs of the hand-written manuscripts which are archived in the National Library of Finland's archive for the noble families Gadolin and af Hällström. The...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Open
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Learning From GCSE Coursework : English and Geography, 1999-2000

Martin, S., University of Bath, Department of Education
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This research explores the potential of GCSE coursework to promote teaching and learning strategies that foster independent learning, critical thinking and creativity. Although ill-defined, these constructs are highly valued and often invoked as the basis for a high skills economy and for individuals to...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Destined for Success? Educational Biographies of Academically Able Pupils, 1981-1997

Power, S., University of London, Institute of Education, Policy Studies; Whitty, G., University of London, Institute of Education, Policy Studies; Edwards, T., University of Newcastle upon Tyne, School of Education
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This is a mixed methods data collection. This project made use of a sample drawn for an earlier research project to explore the different ways in which 'academically able' students attending different types of secondary school at age 11 in the mid 1980s realised and experienced their subsequent...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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