233 studies found in English from a total of 36716

HBO Monitor 2022 afgestudeerden onderzoek

TG Huijgen (Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market)
Onder auspiciën van de Vereniging Hogescholen voert het ROA jaarlijks de HBO-Monitor uit. De HBO-Monitor is een instrument waarmee hogescholen ieder jaar de arbeidsmarktpositie van hun afgestudeerden kunnen vaststellen en waarmee zij kunnen zien in hoeverre hun opleidingen aansluiten op de eisen in de beroepspraktijk. In het afgelopen decennium heeft de HBO-Monitor zich...
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Sectoral composition and the effect of education on wages 1992 : An international comparison

Allen, J., Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Fac. PPSW , ICS Groningen (primary investigator)
Survey data from the ICS archive combined into a new dataset. Differences in the impact of education on labourmarket outcomes in different countries and settings. Education, labour market, wages, income, industrial sectors.
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Monitor Hoger Beroepsonderwijs, HBO Monitor 1998

Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market – ROA; Maastricht University
Labour market position of graduates from the various types of Higher Professional Education. Preliminary training / type of Higher Professional Education / working - and administrative experience / activities after graduation / experiences with entering the labour market / present labour market position / characteristics of present job / further education courses /...
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Monitor Hoger Beroepsonderwijs, HBO Monitor 2008

ROA Researchcentrum voor Onderwijs en Arbeidsmarkt - Universiteit Maastricht
Databestand n.a.v. schoolverlatersenquête onder de gediplomeerde uitstroom van het HBO 2008.Onder auspiciën van de HBO-raad voert het ROA jaarlijks de HBO-Monitor uit. De HBO-Monitor is een instrument waarmee hogescholen ieder jaar de arbeidsmarktpositie van hun afgestudeerden kunnen vaststellen en waarmee zij kunnen zien in hoeverre hun opleidingen aansluiten op de eisen in...
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New Democracies Barometer 1994

Rose, Richard (University of Strathclyde: Center for the Study of Public Policy)
The New Democracies Barometer (NDB) surveys were conducted in the years 1991, 1992, 1994, 1996 and 1998. The aim of the NDB is to evaluate long-terms developments in economic, social and political attitudes. Differences in the attitudes in the new democracies on the one hand and Austria as “control-country” or “referenz-country” on the other hand are presented. Identifying...
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Monitor Hoger Beroepsonderwijs, HBO Monitor 1992

Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market – ROA; Maastricht University
Labour market position of graduates from the various types of Higher Professional Education. Preliminary training / type of Higher Professional Education / work- and administrative experience / activities after graduation / experience with entering the labour market / present labour market position / characteristics of present job / further education courses / transition...
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Monitor Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs - WO-Monitor 2007

ROA, Researchcentrum voor Onderwijs en Arbeidsmarkt - Universiteit Maastricht (primary investigator)
Databestand n.a.v. schoolverlatersenquête onder de gediplomeerde uitstroom van het WO (meetjaar 2007).In 1998 is onder auspiciën van de VSNU de WO-Monitor van start gegaan. Aanleiding hiervoor was de behoefte om over landelijke gegevens te beschikken met betrekking tot de arbeidsmarktintrede van afgestudeerden. De afzonderlijke universiteiten zijn verantwoordelijk voor de...
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Mikrocensus 1974, 2. quarter: Equipment, Human Resources

Statistics Austria (N/A)
The special survey consist of 2 types of questions: on the equipment (including vehicles and machines) and on the labour reserves equipment (including vehicles and machines): This group consists of a list of vehicles and machines. It should be assessed whether a household owns these vehicles and machine or not. This part of the special survey is a accompanying program for...
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Ageing Society 2006 - a Challenge for Enterprises and Society 2006

Hudler-Seitzberger, Michaela (N/A); Stromberger, Christian (N/A); Talos, Emmerich (N/A)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the Austrian enterprises’ strategies and preparations for the ageing employees. ->It is for instance evaluated how older employees are involved in the working-process, which strategies regional enterprises have and which measures they have taken or will take.The main target group of this study are the Austrian small- and medium-sized...
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New Democracies Barometer 1991

Rose, Richard (University of Strathclyde: Center for the Study of Public Policy)
The New Democracies Barometer (NDB) surveys were conducted in the years 1991, 1992, 1994, 1996 and 1998. The aim of the NDB is to evaluate long-terms developments in economic, social and political attitudes. Differences in the attitudes in the new democracies on the one hand and Austria as “control-country” or “referenz-country” on the other hand are presented. Identifying...
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Labour Market Integration of Refugees in Austria (SUF edition)

Kittel, Bernhard (University of Vienna); Verwiebe, Roland (University of Vienna)
Full edition for scientific use. In 2015, Austria was one of the EU countries that received the most refugees in relation to its population (including Sweden, Hungary and Germany). One urgent concern for the integration of these migrants is for them to quickly achieve economic independence by integrating them into the labour market. Successful labour market integration...
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New Democracies Barometer 1992

Rose, Richard (University of Strathclyde: Center for the Study of Public Policy)
The New Democracies Barometer (NDB) surveys were conducted in the years 1991, 1992, 1994, 1996 and 1998. The aim of the NDB is to evaluate long-terms developments in economic, social and political attitudes. Differences in the attitudes in the new democracies on the one hand and Austria as “control-country” or “referenz-country” on the other hand are presented. Identifying...
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Life Style: Wirtschafts- und arbeitsmarktpolitische Orientierungen; Textkommentar 2000

GfK Austria (Fessel-GfK, Institut für Marktforschung Ges.m.b.H.)
Mehrere Bände: Thema: Wirtschafts- und arbeitsmarktpolitische Orientierungen (Life Style 2000)
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Registratie uitstroom en bestemming schoolverlaters 2009 - RUBS'09 - BVE Monitor

ROA Researchcentrum voor Onderwijs en Arbeidsmarkt Universiteit Maastricht
Databestand n.a.v. schoolverlatersenquête onder de gediplomeerde uitstroom van het BVE (meetjaar 2009).De BVE-Monitor is gericht op schoolverlaters van de beroepsopleidende leerweg (BOL) en de beroepsbegeleidende leerweg (BBL). De financiering ligt thans bij OCW, SZW, LNV en de deelnemende onderwijsinstellingen. Met het onderzoek wordt de overgang van school naar werk dan...
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Verwijzing naar de data van: WageIndicator continuous web-survey on work and wages 2000 - (ongoing)

Tijdens, K.G. and P.Osse; Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies - AIAS; University of Amsterdam; (1 more)
The WageIndicator Survey is a continuous, multilingual, multi-country web-survey, counducted across 65 countries since 2000. The web-survey generates cross sectional and longitudinal data which might provide data especially about wages, benefits, working hours, working conditions and industrial relations.The survey has detailed questions about earnings, benefits, working...
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Monitor Hoger Beroepsonderwijs, HBO Monitor 2003

ROA, Researchcentrum voor Onderwijs en Arbeidsmarkt, Universiteit Maastricht (primary investigator)
Labour market position of graduates from the various types of Higher Professional Education. Characteristics of higher professional education in 2001/2002 / working - and administrative experience / further education / occupational status / experiences with unemployment / present job and profession / transition from education to present employment / quality of the college...
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Registratie, uitstroom en bestemming schoolverlaters VO-Monitor 2009

Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market – ROA, Maastricht University
Databestand n.a.v. schoolverlatersenquête onder de gediplomeerde uitstroom van het AVO/VMBO (meetjaar 2009).De VO-Monitor is gericht op schoolverlaters van het algemeen voortgezet onderwijs (HAVO, VWO) en het voorbereidend beroepsonderwijs (VMBO). Het onderzoek wordt uitgevoerd door het Researchcentrum voor Onderwijs en Arbeidsmarkt (ROA) van de Universiteit Maastricht. De...
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Registratie uitstroom en bestemming schoolverlaters 1992 - RUBS'92 - BVE Monitor

ROA, Researchcentrum voor Onderwijs en Arbeidsmarkt, Universiteit Maastricht (primary investigator)
Survey concerning the destinations of graduated and non-graduated school-leavers entering further education and the labour market. Educational career / occupational status / further education / characteristics of present job / transition from education to present employment / evaluation of curriculum / job-seeking behaviour / background characteristics of respondent....
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Monitor Hoger Beroepsonderwijs, HBO Monitor 1993

Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market – ROA; Maastricht University
Labour market position of graduates from the various types of Higher Professional Education. Preliminary training / type of Higher Professional Education / working - and administrative experience / activities after graduation / experiences with entering the labour market / present labour market position / characteristics of present job / further education courses /...
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Monitor Hoger Beroepsonderwijs, HBO Monitor 2002

ROA, Researchcentrum voor Onderwijs en Arbeidsmarkt, Universiteit Maastricht (primary investigator)
Labour market position of graduates from the various types of Higher Professional Education. Characteristics of higher professional education in 2000/2001 / working - and administrative experience / further education / occupational status / experiences with unemployment / present job and profession / transition from education to present employment / quality of the...
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Resident population in Portuguese centers, 1890-1991

prof.dr P. Telhado Pereira, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculty of Economy
Included are data on the Portuguese urban centers with a resident population above 5000 inhabitants. The dataset can be used as a demographic criterium to analyse the Portuguese urban system, accepting the administrative boundaries that underlie the official statistics. A detailed check is made of small administrative units, called 'freguesias' for a considerably large...
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Registratie, uitstroom en bestemming schoolverlaters HBO-Monitor 2020

T.G. Huijgen (Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market)
Onder auspiciën van de Vereniging Hogescholen voert het ROA jaarlijks de HBO-Monitor uit. De HBO-Monitor is een instrument waarmee hogescholen ieder jaar de arbeidsmarktpositie van hun afgestudeerden kunnen vaststellen en waarmee zij kunnen zien in hoeverre hun opleidingen aansluiten op de eisen in de beroepspraktijk. In het afgelopen decennium heeft de HBO-Monitor zich...
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Monitor Hoger Beroepsonderwijs, HBO Monitor 2001

ROA Researchinstituut voor Onderwijs en Arbeidsmarkt Universiteit Maastricht
Labour market position of graduates from the various types of Higher Professional Education. Graduates from Colleges of Higher Agricultural Education and Elementary School Teacher Training Colleges received a separate questionnaire. Preliminary training / type of Higher Professional Education / working - and administrative experience / activities after graduation /...
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REFLEX - REsearch into employment and professional FLExibility

Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market - ROA - Maastricht University (coordinator)
A survey among higher education graduates in fifteen European countries.The REFLEX project focuses on three broad and interrelated questions: (1) which competencies are required by higher education graduates in order to function adequately in the knowledge society; (2) what role is played by higher education institutions in helping graduates to develop these competencies; ...
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Jongeren op de arbeidsmarkt 1982 : Jongerenonderzoek Europese Gemeenschap

Corpeleijn, A.W.F., Meesters, M.J., Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, CBS * Voorburg (primary investigator)
Education / unemployment / occupation / social benefits / job searching. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ education
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Arbeidsmarkt en loonflexibiliteit 1986

Springer, K.A., Compaijen, B., Vermaat, A.J., Vakgroep Algemene Economie, Vrije Universiteit * Amsterdam (primary investigator)
Part one: macro economic time series. OECD national accounts (cu=current prices, co=constant prices): gross domestic product cu/co / private consumption cu/co / increase in stocks cu/co / gross fixed capital formation cu/co / consumption of fixed capital cu / imports cu/co / exports cu/co / compensation of employees cu / operating surplus cu / net indirect taxes cu. OECD...
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Registratie, uitstroom en bestemming schoolverlaters 2011 - BVE-Monitor 2011

Drs. T.G. Huijgen; Research Centrum voor Onderwijs en Arbeidsmarkt - ROA; Universiteit Maastricht
Databestand n.a.v. schoolverlatersenquête onder de gediplomeerde uitstroom van het BVE (meetjaar 2011).De BVE-Monitor is gericht op schoolverlaters van de beroepsopleidende leerweg (BOL) en de beroepsbegeleidende leerweg (BBL). Het onderzoek wordt uitgevoerd door het Researchcentrum voor Onderwijs en Arbeidsmarkt (ROA) van de Universiteit Maastricht. De financiering ligt...
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Registratie uitstroom en bestemming schoolverlaters 2004 - RUBS'04 - BVE Monitor

ROA, Researchcentrum voor Onderwijs en Arbeidsmarkt - Universiteit Maastricht (primary investigator)
De BVE-Monitor is gericht op schoolverlaters van de beroepsopleidende leerweg (BOL) en de beroepsbegeleidende leerweg (BBL). Het onderzoek wordt uitgevoerd door het Researchcentrum voor Onderwijs en Arbeidsmarkt (ROA) van de Universiteit Maastricht. De financiering ligt bij OCW, SZW, LNV en de deelnemende onderwijsinstellingen. Met het onderzoek wordt de overgang van school...
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Registratie, uitstroom en bestemming schoolverlaters HBO-Monitor 2013

T.G. Huijgen
De HBO-Monitor is een instrument waarmee hogescholen ieder jaar de arbeidsmarktpositie van hun afgestudeerden kunnen vaststellen en waarmee zij kunnen zien in hoeverre hun opleidingen aansluiten op de eisen in de beroepspraktijk.De HBO-Monitor bestaat uit een enquête via internet, die ter verhoging van de respons wordt aangevuld met een benadering via een schriftelijke...
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Monitor Hoger Beroepsonderwijs, HBO Monitor 1997

Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market – ROA; Maastricht University
Labour market position of graduates from the various types of Higher Professional Education. Preliminary training / type of Higher Professional Education / working - and administrative experience / activities after graduation / experiences with entering the labour market / present labour market position / characteristics of present job / further education courses /...
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