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Staying Visitors to Bath, June - July, 1961
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.No information recordedMain Topics:No information recorded
Attitudes to Holidays in Scotland and Wales, 1973
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of this survey was to identify the people in the UK who might be attracted to Scotland and Wales for holidays in terms of their characteristics, attitudes and holiday requirements; to obtain systematic information on the potential markets for tourism and to contribute to strategic planning for...
Ideal Holidays, November 1987
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This survey collected information on attitudes towards holidays.Main Topics:Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions
Attitudes towards holidays: preferences for holidays abroad or in the United Kingdom, by the sea or in the country or in towns, quietness or activity; type of accomodation, time of year, size of...