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Inequality measures based on election data 1871 and 1892 for Swedish municipalities
The data contains inequality measures at the municipality-level for 1892 and 1871, as estimated in the PhD thesis "Institutions, Inequality and Societal Transformations" by Sara Moricz. The data also contains the source publications:
1) tabel 1 from “Bidrag till Sverige official statistik R) Valstatistik. XI. Statistiska Centralbyråns underdåniga berättelse rörande kommunala...
The housing market in Amsterdam, 1550-1850
This dataset has been created for research on the historical development of the costs of renting houses in Amsterdam, from 1550 until 1850. The first file gives rent index figures and the second file lists the houses and rent extracted from sources.
Netherlands East Indies trade, 1870-1940
This dataset contains foreign trade figures for Java and the outer provinces of the Netherlands East Indies. Contains annual and regional figures of approximately 65 different commodities. Nineteen different regions are distinguished. Two files contain import figures, two other files contain export figures and a separate file contains more specific information on petroleum...
Leiden Historical Population Databank 1700-1850, Kohier 1748
The MS-Access database KOHIER1748 is almost completely based on the archival source of the "Kohier van het Provisioneel Middel tot remplacant der afgeschafte pagten van 1748" (Regionaal Archief Leiden) of the city of Leiden made up in 1748.This tax assessment register contains data on the almost total population of Leiden in that year, including information on occupation,...
Tax register Leiden 1742
The main source of this dataset is an authentic copy of the 1742 tax register of Leiden. The 1742 tax register of Leiden contains information on the assets of inhabitants of Leiden liable for tax per "bon" (neighbourhood). The tax register mainly concerns the Leiden elite. The original format of the dataset is a Microsoft Access '97 filedatabase containing 35...
Trade and shipping Holland-Russia 1590-1780
Collectie van data met betrekking tot de handel van Nederland met Rusland in de periode 1590-1780. Het betreft de scheepvaart van Nederlanders naar Noord-Rusland (Archangel) en Sint-Petersburg. De route naar Archangel was één van de grote handelsroutes van de Nederlandse Republiek vanaf het einde van de zestiende eeuw tot in de achttiende eeuw.De oorspronkelijke gedachte van...
A quantitative history of the Dutch Cape Colony
Several data series relating to the eighteenth-century Dutch Cape Colony as used for the article 'The Quantitative Cape: A Review of the New Historiography of the Dutch Cape Colony' by Dr. J Fourie, published in the South African Historical Journal in 2014. All data were collected by Dr. J Fourie.Article abstract:The digitisation and transcription of rich archival sources...
Curaçaose cijferreeksen 1828 - 1955
Tussen 1972 en 1980 werden de onderzoeksgegevens verzameld, die o.a. werden verwerkt in de volgende publicaties 'Olie als water - de Curacaose economie in de eerste helft van de twintigste eeuw' (Curacao 1976, Zutphen 1977), in 'Trustee of the Netherlands Antilles - a history of money, banking and the economy with special reference to the Central Bank of the Netherlands...
Dutch-Asiatic shipping, 1602-1795
This dataset contains outward-bound and homeward-bound voyages of Dutch ships between the Netherlands East Indies and the Republic of the United Netherlands from 1602 until 1795. Apart from dates of departure and arrival, the dataset also includes the dates on which the Cape of Good Hope was passed. The information in the dataset is not identical to the data presented in...
Leiden Historical Population Databank, 1700-1850, Census 1808 Leiden
The dataset contains data taken from the census, held in Leiden in 1808. The dataset is a 20% sample of the original census source. The master thesis which is based on this dataset is available as a pdf document (in overig: “Leiden in 1808”, in Dutch).
WaterstaatsArchieven Databestand (WAD), 1255-1980
Data on the history of water board districts in The Netherlands during the period 1255-1980. The data set includes year of foundation and liquidation of water board districts, and information on the archives (name of archive, size in metres, available inventories).
Shipping and trade in the Java Sea, 1870-1940
This dataset contains data on shipping and trade in the Java Sea in the period from 1870 until 1940. The dataset forms the basis of a source publication. The collection of statistics is published as part of the project "The Java Sea Region in an Age of Transition, ca. 1870-1970". In this co-operative project, which started in 1997, researchers from Diponegoro University in...
Trade in the port city of Thessaloniki, 1830-1939
The dataset contains trade information of the city of Thessaloniki during the period 1880-1939. Data included: trade figures, ships and trade products that arrived in the port of the city during this period. The data are based on statistical sources and shed light on the causes of economic growth of Thessaloniki.
The Leiden elite, 16th - 19th century
The research focuses on the marriage patterns among elite groups in Leiden compared to those in The United Provinces and other European countries. The main subject of the investigation is to discover when the Western European marriage pattern became the most important one in the Leiden patriciate. The uniqueness of these patterns is determined by comparing them with the...
Toll of Zeeland, 1587-1810
Proefschrift op basis van o.a. deze data, elders in boekvorm verkrijgbaar:Victor Enthoven, Zeeland en de opkomst van de Republiek. Handel en strijd in de Scheldedelta, c. 1550-1621(Leiden: Luctor et Victor, 1996)ISBN 90 803045 1 4
Ground-taxes of Strijen, 18th century
The dataset contains the transcription of the 'Quohieren van Verpondingen' (assessment lists of ground-taxes) from the eighteenth century of the village Strijen in the district 'Hoeksche Waard' in the Netherlands. Data on rent and ground-taxes on real estate in Strijen are included. On occasion of the millennium anniversary of Strijen, the journal 'Ons Voorgeslacht' devoted...
Dutch towns, 1674-1742
This dataset was created to make a comparison between three tax registers from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries ('Klein Familiegeld 1674', 'Familiegeld 1715' and 'Personele Quotisatie 1742'). The data derive from articles and tables created by W.H.F. Oldewelt, as published in the Economisch-Historisch Jaarboek (economic historic yearbook) 24 and 25. The main...
Leiden Historical Population Databank 1700-1850, Population data Leiden 1671-1895
The dataset contains population data of the city of Leiden from 1671 until 1895. These are the yearly population, birth and death totals, as well as birth and death rates for the period 1671 - 1895, marriage totals and marriage rates for the period 1690-1895 and infant mortality rates for the period 1819-1895. These data are partly derived from archival or published...
Dutch business in China, 1896-1941
Dutch multinationals and their political economical environment in China before World War II
The Accounts of the 'Society of The Hague', 1587-1802
This dataset contains information on the bureaucratization of local government of The Hague in the period 1588-1797. It studies the accounts of the 'Sociëteit van 's-Gravenhage'. This society was the result of collaboration of important governmentbodies as the 'Hoge Raad' (Supreme Court), the ' Hof van Holland' (the Court), the 'Rekenkamer der Grafelijkheidsdomeinen' (the...
Database on cargo flows in the port of Rotterdam, 1880-2000
This dataset was created for the research project: Rotterdam-Antwerp, a century and a half of port competition, 1880-2000. The aim of the project was to investigate different variables that influence competition between these ports and their overall effect on cargo flows. This dataset only contains statistics on Rotterdam. (Dataset D0095 contains the data collected on the...
Dutch entries in the pound-toll registers of Elbing, 1585-1700
This dataset contains the transcription of the Dutch entries in the Elbing pound-toll registers in the 1585-1700 period. Data were entered at two different levels, which resulted in two files: a ship and a cargo component. Data such as shipping routes, destinations, names of masters and their ships and traded goods are included in this database. The name of the merchant for...
Amsterdam Convooigeld 1580 and 1584
Import and export in Amsterdam in July-October 1580 en January-June 1584, on the basis of registers of "Convooigeld".
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This data set comprises a list of all extant Prerogative Court of Canterbury wills at The National Archives. Brief details including the testator's name, occupation and address for each of the 1015603 wills have been extracted. The will registers were transcribed and are linked via The National Archives...
Sources for Medieval Ireland in the National Archives of the United Kingdom, c. 1200 - c. 1485
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The aims of the research project from which this digital resource arose were to facilitate more effective research into the history of Anglo-Irish relations in the Middle Ages, with special emphasis on the economic and social aspects of these relations, and to broaden the knowledge base of scholars...
Newfoundland Census Data, Electoral/Census Division Level, 1911, 1935, 1945
Main Topics:This dataset is comprised of selected Division level census counts for the dominion of Newfoundland, Canada derived from the published census reports of 1911, 1935 and 1945. It forms part of a larger project entitled 'The Orange Order in the 20th century: A study in social change'. This wider study explores the relative impact of techno-economic, cultural and...
1831 Census Database as Organised by the Registration Districts of 1851
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The 1831 Census was the fourth national census to be undertaken in Great Britain. Although the amount of information collected in this census was far less than was to be collected in later years, that of 1831 was the first in which detailed occupational statistics were collected on the employment of males...
Cornwall Online Census Project, 1891
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.FreeCEN was started early in 2000 with a pilot project for the 1891 census returns for Devon. The aim of Free Census is to transcribe all the UK 19th century census returns. It is part of Free UKGEN and is a sister project to FreeBMD and Free REG. The intention is that all three of the UK primary sources...