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Foundations for the Future: Learning from the Past, 2007-2010
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This is a mixed method data collection. The study is part of the Rural Economy and Land Use (RELU) programme.
The uplands supply a wide range of ecosystem services and are home to many high conservation-value species and habitats. Striking a balance between these various demands and providing rural...
Badger-Bovine Tuberculosis Controversy: Expertise and Experience in Animal Disease Research, 2008-2011
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This research is a case study on the UK public controversy over transmission of bovine TN (bTB) between domestic cattle and wild badgers; and whether badgers should be culled to manage the disease. This work involved integrated analysis of media, cultural sources and interview data to understand how and...
Greater Barcelona Area Ecological Data : Census 1981 and General Elections 1982
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.See documentation for details.
Social science qualitative fieldwork on the three wetland case study sites: Somerset, Bedfordshire and North Lincolnshire 2018
Fieldwork included two discussant focus groups and thirty semi-structured interviews with specialist users of wetlands. The University of Brighton's social science qualitative fieldwork seeks to capture the different perspectives of people whose lives are intimately connected to particular English wetlands, in order to understand the range and diversity of wellbeing...
Student Engagement and Attendance Are Central Mechanisms Interacting With Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education: Evidence From Afghanistan and Pakistan, 2018–2020
We conducted two rounds of one day long group model building workshops – between October 2018 and April 2019 (n=323) and between November 2019 and July 2020 (n=325) respectively – in 40 schools of Badakhshan, Ghazni and Takhar provinces of Afghanistan and 59 schools of Punjab and Sindh provinces of Pakistan. Group model building is a set of Community Based System Dynamics...
Omnibus Survey: Problem-solving skills of parties and image of politicians; pension reform; government environmental improvement programme 1984
No abstract available
New Democracies Barometer 1992
The New Democracies Barometer (NDB) surveys were conducted in the years 1991, 1992, 1994, 1996 and 1998. The aim of the NDB is to evaluate long-terms developments in economic, social and political attitudes. Differences in the attitudes in the new democracies on the one hand and Austria as control-country or referenz-country on the other hand are presented. Identifying...
Omnibusonderzoek 1998 Gemeente Amstelveen - VSO
Satisfaction with neighbourhood / handling of complaints by local authorities / public security / accessibility of municipal offices by phone / r'.s position on the housing market / propensity to remove / traffic security around schools / knowledge about so-called "city-link" ( stedenband ) / separate collection of waste: glass, paper, chemicals, food etc. / exercise...
Policy-making of early nature conservation. The Netherlands and the United Kingdom compared, 1930-1960 (PmNC)
The dataset contains the processed and analysed research data from the research project 'Policy-making of early nature conservation. The Netherlands and the United Kingdom compared, 1930-1960', funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 832350.The dataset contains the Data Management Plan, the...
Public Ambivalence Surrounding Technology for Ecology in Agriculture
Interview transcripts for Public Ambivalence Surrounding Technology for Ecology in Agriculture paper under Synergia Project
New Democracies Barometer 1991
The New Democracies Barometer (NDB) surveys were conducted in the years 1991, 1992, 1994, 1996 and 1998. The aim of the NDB is to evaluate long-terms developments in economic, social and political attitudes. Differences in the attitudes in the new democracies on the one hand and Austria as control-country or referenz-country on the other hand are presented. Identifying...
Omnibus Survey: Image of politicians and form of government; Hainburg power station and Greens in parliament 1985
No abstract available
New Democracies Barometer 1994
The New Democracies Barometer (NDB) surveys were conducted in the years 1991, 1992, 1994, 1996 and 1998. The aim of the NDB is to evaluate long-terms developments in economic, social and political attitudes. Differences in the attitudes in the new democracies on the one hand and Austria as control-country or referenz-country on the other hand are presented. Identifying...
Mikrocensus 1984, 2. quarter: Equipment of Households
This Mikrozensus special survey contains questions on the equipment of households with electric appliances, environmental conditions of housing and the need of repair of the apartment, the existence of holiday apartments or houses, new purchases, the existence of vehicles and season tickets for public transport, indicators for holiday- and spare time habits, financial...
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 2001/2
The questionnaire consists of six clusters of questions. The first cluster contains questions on actual topics. In the second cluster, there are questions on attitudes toward political parties and parliament. In this cluster questions on electoral behavior can also be found. The third cluster is dedicated to questions on joining EU, foreign direct investments, economic...
Slovene Public Opinion 2008/1
This is a Slovene replication of EVS08 survey. Broad topics covered are work, the meaning and purpose of life, family life, and contemporary social issues: religious and moral values, role of women, ecology, inequality, education of children etc. Several questions are dedicated to political activity, views of society, integration of individuals into society, measured with...
Slovenian public opinion 2017/1
The content of the study is procedurally equivalent to the European Values study. Various aspects of values and attitudes towards contemporary social problems are covered, such as religious and moral values, regarding the role of women, ecology, inequality, raising children, etc. Several questions are devoted to political activity, views on society, and the degree of...
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1993/2
The emphasis of the study is on replication of Modules from ISSP survey (ADP - IDNo: ISSP93 and ADP - IDNo: ISSP94) on Family and Changing Gender Roles and on Environment. First part of questionnaire addresses attitudes toward role of women in public and private sphere, child care, division of work in a household, gender roles, sexuality and partnership relations, marriage,...
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1995/2
This is a Slovene replication of WVS95 survey. Attached is a series of questions about intergenerational transfer of values and about Slovene regional identity. Broad topics covered are work, the meaning and purpose of life, family life, and contemporary social issues. Respondents were asked to rate the importance of work, family, friends, leisure time, politics, and...
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1998/1
First chapter is a replication of Module from ISSP survey (ADP - IDNo: ISSP99) Social Inequality II, which focused on judgement on social justice and social differences in the country, and whether these should be reduced or not. Interviewees also assess a role of the government in reduction of social inequality. Second chapter covers another Module from ISSP survey (ADP -...
Ecological Thresholds in Coastal Areas - International Expert Survey 2008
The survey charted experts' views on ecological thresholds in coastal areas. First, the perceived importance of various thresholds was examined. The respondents were presented with a two-dimensional graph, which probed their views on the probability of the existence of various thresholds vis-à-vis the capacity of present management and governance structures to prevent...
Deliberative Mini-Public on the Satakunta 2050 Regional Plan
Deliberative Mini-Public's on the Satakunta 2050 Regional Plan aimed to find out the views of Satakunta residents on the future of the region. The data consists of a recruitment questionnaire and pre-, mid- and final questionnaires addressed to the participants of the deliberative mini-publics. The data was collected as part of the Participation in Long-Term Decision-Making...
Dataset: Identifying major factors for success and failure of conservation programs in Europe
In Europe, various conservation programs adopted to maintain or restore biodiversity have experienced differing levels of success. However, a synthesis about major factors for success of biodiversity-related conservation programs across ecosystems and national boundaries, such as incentives, subsidies, enforcement, participation, or spatial context, is missing. Using a...
Swedish agriculture under reorganization - Conditions and strategies of farming households 1992
This is a survey of farming households in three different areas of Sweden. Swedish agriculture is presently undergoing a radical reorganization. Regulation systems are dismantled and free markets are established. The technical development, as well as the environmental problems, makes the future uncertain. The reorganization of agriculture brings about big changes for the...
La Realidad Social en Espana, 1991-1993
Main Topics:This data collection includes questions on social attitudes and behaviour, including lifestyle, religiosity and social ethics, drugs as a social problem, supranational identification, attitudes to science, immigrants, justice and civic rights, old age, political and economic culture, ecology and environment, social ethics, mass media, family and time budget,...
Integrated Floodplain Management, 2006-2008
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This is a mixed method data collection. The study is part of the Rural Economy and Land Use (RELU) programme. Data from previous research, carried out by the research team in the 1980s and revisited through the current research, have been included in this data collection.
Agricultural Flood Defence...
New Democracies Barometer 1998
The New Democracies Barometer (NDB) surveys were conducted in the years 1991, 1992, 1994, 1996 and 1998. The aim of the NDB is to evaluate long-terms developments in economic, social and political attitudes. Differences in the attitudes in the new democracies on the one hand and Austria as control-country or referenz-country on the other hand are presented. Identifying...
Omnibus Survey: Environmental pollution and Zwentendorf nuclear power plant; deployment of interceptors; budget and tax cuts; image of politicians; opposition policy 1985
No abstract available
Social Survey Austria 1993 (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. This is the dataset of the second wave of the Austrian Social Survey that investigates changes in the social structure, living conditions, social attitudes and values of the residential population of Austria. In addition to the Autrian questionnaire part, the dataset includes the modules ISSP-1991 "Religion" and ISSP-1992 "Social Inequality".