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Survey among members of National Assembly
Main goal of this survey was to discover what role does National Assembly play in Slovene political system. Main emphasis were on interests presenting function, solving conflicts and on legislative function.Main goal of this survey was to discover what role does National Assembly play in Slovene political system. Main emphasis were on interests presenting function, solving...
The Slovene Parliament - Functions and Efficiency
Main goal of this research was to discover what role does National Assembly play in Slovene political system.Main goal of this research was to discover what role does National Assembly play in Slovene political system.
Power Structures of Finnish Society 1991
In this power structure survey, the Finnish power elite is under observation. The respondents were from the following sectors of the society: politics, administration, business life, organisations, mass media, science, and culture. The study focuses on institutional positions of leadership, roles in various sectors, and not on the persons in these positions as such. The...
Finnish Local Government 2004: Non-Governmental Organisations 1996
The respondents of the survey were representatives of associations and other local non-governmental organisations in target municipalities. The aim of the survey was to study political participation and local interest groups. Most questions pertained to the activities and characteristics of associations and organisations, but the respondents' opinions were probed on certain...
Power Structures of Finnish Society 2001
In this power structure survey, the Finnish power elite is under observation. The respondents were from the following sectors of society: politics, administration, business life, organisations, mass media, science and culture. The study focuses on institutional leadership positions and roles in the various sectors, not on the persons as such. There were 1,285 elite positions...
Finland 1999: Consumer Habits and Lifestyle
The survey asked respondents to compare their expenditure and consumer behaviour (concerning e.g. food, housing, leisure activities, alcohol, travel) to those of the average consumer. The respondents were asked which things and household items they considered necessary and what they would do if they had more money. The survey carried a set of attitudinal statements about...
Decision on Final Disposal of Nuclear Waste 2001
The data consist of documents and parliamentary discussions related to the 2001 decision on building the final disposal facility of nuclear waste, which preceded the decision to build the fifth nuclear power plant in Finland. The archived data contain various documents, records, applications, decisions, plans, reports, and parliamentary discussions related to the...
Politics and Young People 1988
The survey charted young adults' attitudes towards politics, their opinions on the principal matters in politics, and their views on the current political questions. The respondents' interest in politics was queried, as well as how much they thought politics influences various things, and to what extent they trust in decision-makers' ability to solve young people's problems....
Media and Power 2019
The survey charted the relationship between political decision-making and the media in Finland. The survey was conducted as part of the 'Mediatization of governance. A study on media power in economic and environmental policy networks' (MeGo) research project, funded by the Academy of Finland. The respondents included people in influential positions in eight different...
Sustainable Policy-Making: Finnish Policy-Maker Survey 2018
The survey charted Finnish policy-makers' views on political and governmental decision-making, the present state of long-term policymaking in Finland, and civic participation. The survey was conducted as part of the Participation in Long-Term Decision-Making (PALO) research project. Between 2017 and 2022, the project was funded by the Academy of Finland's Strategic Research...
Citizens' Panel on Traffic Planning in Turku: Resident Survey 2021
The Turku/Åbo deliberates research project examined the opinions of people residing in Turku regarding traffic arrangements in the city centre. The data consist of three surveys conducted as part of the project. For the first survey, an invitation to participate was sent to a random sample of 15-79-year-old residents of Turku. The respondents were first asked whether they...
Tackling Biases and Bubbles in Participation: Survey for Decision-Makers 2020
The survey charted the social and political opinions of the Finnish elite. The respondents included members of the political, economic, administrative, research, and media elite. Topics of the survey included the social security system, climate policy, employment policy, immigration, potential ways to revitalize the economy, social activity, and views on democracy. The data...
Deliberative Mini-Public on the Satakunta 2050 Regional Plan
Deliberative Mini-Public's on the Satakunta 2050 Regional Plan aimed to find out the views of Satakunta residents on the future of the region. The data consists of a recruitment questionnaire and pre-, mid- and final questionnaires addressed to the participants of the deliberative mini-publics. The data was collected as part of the Participation in Long-Term Decision-Making...
EVA Survey on Finnish Values and Attitudes Spring 2023
The study charted Finnish people's values and attitudes. The themes of the Spring 2023 survey included the parliamentary elections of spring 2023, politics, foreign policy, taxation, and public finance. First, the respondents were presented with attitudinal statements concerning a variety of social topics, such as politics, immigration, political parties, taxation, the right...
No evidence for testosterone’s causal effect on decision-making under risk and ambiguity: A pre-registered triple-blind single-dose administration study in females
The datasets in this archive contain all processed data of which the results are described in ‘No evidence for testosterone’s causal effect on decision-making under risk and ambiguity: A pre-registered triple-blind single-dose administration study in females’ (Woyke, Ikink, Heuvelmans, Roelofs, & Figner, Hormones and Behavior, 2020, forthcoming). The paper investigates the...
Van der Voet & Lerusse 2024 JPART
This is a file containing data and code for the article "Van der Voet, J. & Lerusse, A.V. (2024). Performance information and issue prioritization by political and managerial decision-makers: A discrete choice experiment. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory.
The influence of kill-save ratios and identifiability on moral judgments, Study 2, 2020
This database pertains to the second study (Study 2 / 2020) of the research programme entitled: The influence of kill-save ratios and identifiability on moral judgments. Below is the abstract of the research programme: In moral dilemmas, decision-making can be based on more utilitarian or deontological reasoning. In a classical trolley dilemma, the indecision lies between...
EVA Survey on Finnish Values and Attitudes 2016
The main themes of the survey included differences between population groups, the so-called local labour agreements (increased freedom and flexibility for employers and employees to agree on the terms of employment locally), economic decline in Finland, globalisation, Finnish foreign policy, the EU and eurozone, and civic participation. First, the respondents were asked to...
Private Bills in the Finnish Parliament 1999-2014
This dataset contains information about all private bills and other motions made by Members of the Finnish Parliament in 1999-2014 (four full parliamentary terms, four years each). Motions that Members of Parliament can make include motions for debate, legislative motions, budget iniatives, supplementary budget iniatives, and petitionary motions. The following information is...
Power Structures of Finnish Society 2011
In this power structure survey, the Finnish power elite is under observation. The respondents represented the following sectors of society: politics, administration, business life, organisations, mass media, science and culture. The study focused on institutional leadership positions and roles in the various sectors, not on the persons as such. There were approximately 1,400...
Finnish Local Government 2004: Youth Affairs 1996
The survey focused on the scope, service provision, management, and development policies of youth affairs departments of Finnish municipalities. The respondents were municipal officials responsible for youth affairs. Similar surveys were carried out in 1999 and 2002. First, the respondents were asked how many employees there were in the youth affairs departments of their...
Finnish Local Government 2004: Social Services for Elderly and Disabled 1997: Managers of Service Institutions
This survey is part of the social and health services research in the Finnish Local Government 2004 research programme. The main themes were the administration, service provision and development policies of municipal services for the elderly and the disabled. The respondents were managers of service institutions for the elderly and the disabled in research municipalities....
Finnish Local Government 2004: Social Services for Elderly and Disabled 2000: Local Government Officers
The dataset is part of the social and health services research in the Finnish Local Government 2004 research programme. The main themes were the administration, service provision, and development policies of home help and municipal services for the elderly and the disabled. The respondents were local government officers responsible for services for the elderly and the...
Finnish Local Government 2004: Social Services for Elderly and Disabled 2002: Managers of Service Institutions
This survey is part of the social and health services research in the Finnish Local Government 2004 research programme. The research subjects were administration, service provision, and development policies of municipal services for the elderly and the disabled. The respondents were managers of service institutions for the elderly and the disabled in research municipalities....
Performance of Municipal Services 2004: Personnel
The survey charted the use of the balanced scorecard indicators in measuring the performance of municipal services. The respondents were employees in the local and regional authorities participating in the study. Topics included the activity and state of the work community, performance measures, visions, strategies, aims and personnel management. Relating to the activity and...
Finnish Local Government 2004: Non-Governmental Organisations 2002
In this study, the activities of various non-governmental and voluntary organisations (third sector organisations) were surveyed. The topics included their financing, members, means of influencing, and forms of activity. First, the respondents were asked about their organisations' area of operation, membership in a nationwide union or association, cooperation with other...
Survey of Duchy of Cornwall Tenants, 1985-1986
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The aim of this study was to explore the incidence of alternative income sources for Duchy of Cornwall farm tenants as well as problems encountered and possible future developmentsMain Topics:The following variables are included in this study:
Area (in acres) of tenancy, farming enterprises undertaken,...
Health and Lifestyle Survey, 1984-1985
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.Following a number of feasibility studies and pilot surveys carried out in 1978, the first Health and Lifestyle Survey (HALS1) (held at the UKDA under SN 2218), funded by the Health Promotion Research Trust, was carried out in 1984-1985 on a random sample of the population of England, Scotland and Wales....
Women and Leisure: Constraints and Opportunities, 1984
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The aim of this study was to collect new empirical data on women's access to free time and their leisure experiences. To discover how such access is differentiated by women's economic and social situation and by cultural norms.Main Topics:Variables
Access to free time; amount of free time, participation...
National Survey of Home-Based Workers, 1981
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The aim of this survey was to provide nationally representative information on the personal and domestic characteristics of home-based workers, on the nature and organisation of home-based work, and on related issues such as: employment status, accidents and health problems; pay rates and earnings, trade...