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Mikrocensus 1995, 3. quarter: Houskeeping - Child Care
The consultants of the social statistic recommended the September 1995 survey to be on the topic of housekeeping and child care. This field had already been the topic of several special programs under the titles living conditions of the female population in 1969 and 1977 and household - children - employment in 1983. The comparison of this survey with those from the...
Mikrocensus 1992, 3. quarter: Accessibility, Time Budgets
This Mikrozensus special program from September 1992 gathers information on the accessibility of facilities and the Austrian populations habits of spending time. The aim is to evaluate the supply of the Austrian population with important institutions in their immediate residential area. Should these institution not exist, it is of interest how much time is needed to reach...
Mikrocensus 1977, 3. quarter: Living Conditions of the Female Population
Similar to the survey of 1969 (Mikrozensus MZ6901) this Mikrozensus special survey provides information on the connection of occupation, housekeeping and childcare. It shows how the developments of the last years (increasing employment of women outside the household, declining birthrates, etc.) have led to changes in the aforementioned fields. Moreover, it should be...
Mikrocensus 1973, 2. quarter: Questions on Families
There is only little statistical information on families in Austria. The Mikrozensus standard survey similar to the population census has the sample unit household; relationships are only visible in connection with the main breadwinner of the household. A family statistic that records family relation across the boarders of the household has yet not been conducted in Austria....
Household Budget Survey 1998-2000
Survey consists of questions about household's expenditure by it's purpose (food, drink, clothing, footwear, rent, etc.), housing conditions, availability of durable consumers goods, heating arrangement, travel, general demographic, economic, and sociological characteristics of population, income, and of one's own production, spent in a household.
Women in Rural Finland 1993
The survey charted women's role and work in different types of rural areas. First, the respondents' economic activity and paid job were studied with questions about occupation, location of workplace, extra income and occasional work. Those who received their income from agriculture specified their farm's production lines and division of labour. Domestic work was queried on...
Paid and Unpaid Work in Families 1998
The survey studied the division of paid and unpaid work in families, and problems related to balancing work and family life (work-life balance). At first, the respondents were asked several questions about their and their spouse's work (e.g. contract, working hours, nature of work). Domestic division of labour was studied by asking the respondents to estimate the time spent...
ISSP 2022: Family, Work and Gender Roles IV: Finnish Data
In 2022, the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) focused on family, work and gender roles. Questions covered issues such as family leave, domestic work and perceptions of gender differences in both employment and childcare. This data consists of a survey of Finns. Respondents were first asked to rate statements on work-life balance and the roles of women and men in...
Welfare and Services in Finland 2006: Families with Children
Welfare and Services in Finland is a panel survey that combines telephone and face-to-face interviews, postal surveys and register data. The aim of the study is to offer up-to-date, reliable and extensive research data on Finnish welfare and the use of welfare services. The topics in this collection round, which was aimed at families with children, included family...
Citizen survey 2002-2003
Citizen survey 2002-2003 (MBU02-03) is a follow up to citizen surveys conducted in 1987 and 1997 (SND 0474, SND 0796). The studies will examine the opportunities for citizens to influence their own situation and to participate in social decision-making.
The study was conducted in the fall of 2002 to spring of 2003, led by researchers at the Department of Government,...
Class structure in Sweden 1980
The purpose of the survey is to describe and measure the Swedish class structure regarding mobility, political activity, attitudes and consciousness. A battery of questions addressed work-related issues such as supervision, decision-making, autonomy, respondents formal position in the hierarchy, ownership, credentials, and income. Other work-related data describe the size,...
Citizen survey 1987 - Family survey
This survey forms part of the report on power ´Maktutredningen´, and deals with the citizen´s possibilities to influence. To study the citizen´s possibilities to affect hers/his own situation six different areas of life were chosen. Questions concerning the citizen´s role as a resident dealt with type of housing, participation in meetings or other activities arranged by...
Citizen survey 1987 - Main survey
This survey forms part of the report on power ´Maktutredningen´, and deals with the citizen´s possibilities to influence. To study the citizen´s possibilities to affect hers/his own situation six different areas of life were chosen. Questions concerning the citizen´s role as a resident dealt with type of housing, participation in meetings or other activities arranged by...
Service survey: Child care in five type municipalities 1993
This survey was carried out within the framework of the research programme ´Demokrati i förändring´. The survey was carried out in four municipalities; Grästorp, Kävlinge, Lidköping and Luleå, and in one district of Göteborg, Centrum. The choice of municipalities was made with regard to the classification of municipalities done in the citizen survey of the research...
Academics during the 90ies - A study of working conditions for members of the Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations (SACO)
The purpose of the survey was to obtain current knowledge about the work situation, as well as deepened understanding for important conditions, for different occupational groups with academic background. A questionnaire was sent to every fiftieth member of the Swedish Confederation of Professional Association (SACO).
The questionnaire was divided into following areas:...
Understanding Society: Waves 7-8, 2015-2016: Special Licence Access, EU Referendum
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.Understanding Society (the UK Household Longitudinal Study), which began in 2009, is conducted by the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER) at the University of Essex, and the survey research organisations Verian Group (formerly Kantar Public) and NatCen. It builds on and incorporates, the...
Household Survey for Evaluation of Indonesia Women's Empowerment Project, 2013
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Household Survey for Evaluation of Indonesia Women's Empowerment Project, 2013 was collected by Oxfam to evaluate the Papua Women's Empowerment (PAWE) project. The overall objective of the project was to improve women's awareness and participation in the decision-making and implementation of a...
Crime Survey for England and Wales, 2014-2015
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) asks a sole adult in a random sample of households about their, or their household's, experience of crime victimisation in the previous 12 months. These are recorded in the victim form data file (VF). A wide range of questions are then asked, covering...
Individual Survey for Evaluation of Uganda Women's Empowerment Project, 2014
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Individual Survey for Evaluation of Uganda Women's Empowerment Project, 2014 was collected by Oxfam GB as part of the organisation’s Global Performance Framework. Under this framework, a small number of completed or mature projects are selected at random each year for an evaluation of their impact,...
Young Lives: an International Study of Childhood Poverty: Round 4, 2013-2014
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Young Lives survey is an innovative long-term project investigating the changing nature of childhood poverty in four developing countries. The study is being conducted in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam and has tracked the lives of 12,000 children over a 20-year period, through 5 (in-person) survey...
Household Survey for Evaluation of Rwanda Women’s Empowerment Project, 2013
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Household Survey for Evaluation of Rwanda Women’s Empowerment Project, 2013 data were collected by Oxfam GB as part of the organisation's Global Performance Framework. Under this framework, a small number of completed or mature projects are selected at random each year for an evaluation of their...
Quarterly Labour Force Survey, January - March, 2016
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.BackgroundThe Labour Force Survey (LFS) is a unique source of information using international definitions of employment and unemployment and economic inactivity, together with a wide range of related topics such as occupation, training, hours of work and personal characteristics of household members aged...
Study of The Labour Party Membership, December 1989 - May 1990
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The first national survey of Labour Party members to analyse: range and type of political activism by Labour Party members; social background characteristics of members; attitudes on issues and values of members; methods of recruitment into Labour Party; activism in pressure groups.Main...
Cohort Study of Incomes In and Out of Work, 1987-1988
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The study examines the incomes in and out of work and labour market experiences of newly unemployed men and women. The main objectives of the survey were to:
i) obtain information on the income replacement ratios of the unemployed.
ii) find out about the social and unemployment characteristics of people...
British Social Attitudes Survey, 1991
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.BackgroundThe British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey series began in 1983. The series is designed to produce annual measures of attitudinal movements to complement large-scale government surveys that deal largely with facts and behaviour patterns, and the data on party political attitudes...
Northern Ireland Social Attitudes Survey, 1991
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Northern Ireland Social Attitudes (NISA) survey series began in 1989, and was conducted every year in which the British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey was fielded until 1996. Supported initially by the Nuffield Foundation, the Central Community Relations Unit (CCRU) and the Policy Planning Research...
British Social Attitudes Survey, 1983-1991; Cumulative File
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.BackgroundThe British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey series began in 1983. The series is designed to produce annual measures of attitudinal movements to complement large-scale government surveys that deal largely with facts and behaviour patterns, and the data on party political attitudes...
Rural Change in Europe : Research Programme on Farm Structures and Pluriactivity - Merged Data, 1987 and 1991; Baseline and Final Data
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This study sought to reflect the diversity of rural contexts and farm structure across Western Europe. It consists of two surveys - the baseline survey and the final survey.
The baseline survey, conducted in 1987, covered basic conditions, work and income patterns of farm households in different...
Survey of the Solicitors' Profession, 1989
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.To obtain a profile of the structure, organisation and staffing of solicitors' firms; to describe the types of legal and non-legal work carried out by solicitors; to investigate the social background of solicitors including career history and educational qualifications; to explore solicitors' attitudes on...
Women's Working Lives Survey, Northern Ireland, 1990
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This survey was designed to identify the various factors which determine whether or not women participate in paid work and how the unpaid work which women carry out in the home influences their lifetime involvement in the labour market. In addition it was intended that the survey would document the type...