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Zentrale Herausforderungen im Alltag aus Sicht von Menschen mit Schwerbehinderung
Menschen mit Schwerbehinderung stoßen in ihrem Alltag häufig auf Barrieren. Diese Barrieren können in unterschiedlichen Bereichen auftreten und vom jeweiligen Lebensabschnitt der betroffenen Person abhängig sein. In der vorliegenden Studie werden daher drei zentrale Forschungsziele verfolgt. Zunächst wird untersucht, wie Menschen mit Behinderung den Stand der Inklusion...
Weg naar de WIA 2007-2009
"De weg naar de WIA" is een omvangrijk onderzoek dat is uitgevoerd door de onderzoeksbureaus APE en Astri. In dit onderzoek zijn ruim 4.000 werknemers en ruim 1.500 "vangnetters" die op 1 oktober 2007 (circa) negen maanden waren ziek gemeld, anderhalf jaar gevolgd. Dat gebeurde door het enquêteren van deze werknemers c.q. vangnetters omstreeks 10, 18 en 27 maanden na de...
1991 UK local area disability free life expectancy aligned to 2001 geography and census question
Between 1991 and 2001, the census question underlying the calculation of disability free life expectancy (DFLE) changed, which initially made it impossible to follow over time how DFLE on a local area level had changed. The main issue here was that the 1991 question led to a wide underreporting of disability and with that an overestimation of DFLE. To solve this problem, we...
The social and ethical implications of genetic screening - Part 1: Spinal muscular atrophy screening survey
This data file contains the responses of 337 participants who completed the SMA Screening Survey (UK). All participants live with Spinal Muscular Atrophy in some capacity (either having it themselves or having it in their family). Participants were asked about their views towards population genetic screening: pre-conception genetic screening, prenatal genetic screening and...
Sport for a better world? A social scientific investigation into the sport for development and peace sector 2014-2017
This data has been collected from 5 international research locations. Data was also collected from European Stakeholders. Data includes anonymised transcribed formal interviews, informal interviews and field notes. A project documentation file includes information on the projects methods, participant information sheet, a blank consent form and fieldwork schedules. In...
Factors that influence the adjustments of workplaces for disabled, 2012
The research was designed on the basis of an original American study, with added questions and two additional parts that focused on the contents of different reasonable accommodation possibilities and on the barriers preventing the accommodation. Research was based on the factor analysis method, in the pilot phase also focus groups as a method of qualitative methodology was...
iQ_EB - Qualification for inclusive, general adult education using the example of blindness and visual impairment - quantitative surveys.
The project develops a concept for the qualification of pedagogical staff for inclusive education in the context of general public further education with a focus on the target group of blind and visually impaired people. The project uses a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods, i.e. surveys and document analyses. The evaluations refer on the one hand to the needs of...
Focus group summaries on the lived economic experience of families with disabilities in northern Vietnam
This dataset provides summary reports of focus group interviews conducted with persons with disabilities in an urban (Dong Da) and semi-urban (Thanh Tri) district of Hanoi, north Vietnam, in September 2013. Six focus group interviews were conducted with three in each location. Where possible, focus groups were organized to elicit information from participants within the same...
Accessibility plans as effective tools for inclusion in schools: Are they working? 2018-2019
The Alliance for Inclusive Education (ALLFIE) has carried out research into the effectiveness of accessibility plans in secondary schools, funded by DRILL (Disability Research on Independent Living and Learning).
Accessibility plans are legal documents that set out how, over time, a school plans to increase access to the curriculum and the physical environment for disabled...
Interviews with Disabled Young People with Life-limiting and Life-threatening Impairments, and Their Parents and Carers, 2017-2020
These semi-structured interviews were collated as part of an ESRC funded project Life, Death, Disability and the Human: Living Life to the Fullest
More details can be found at The interviews were carried out with two groups (1) young disabled people with life limiting impairments (aged mid teens to early 30s) and (2) family members and...
Sensing Nature, 2017
Sensing Nature was a two-year in-depth qualitative research project, based at the University of Exeter, from 2016-2018, to explore opportunities to promote more inclusive nature experiences for wellbeing amongst people with sight impairment in the UK.
In the initial phase of the research the lead researcher has volunteered with a range of activity groups across England,...