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Case study political socialization with mother-child couples in Vienna 2012 (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. A case study on political socialization. The aim of the study was to investigate the similarity in political attitudes and behavior between mothers and their children (dyads) using a standardized survey.
PUMA Survey 2. Insights in societal changes in Austria
Full edition for scientific use. PUMA Surveys consist of separate modules designed and prepared by different principle investigators. This PUMA Survey consists of two modules. Fieldwork was conducted by Statistics Austria.MODUL 1: Subjektives Wohlbefinden in Österreich (Eduard Brandstätter)
Neben traditionellen Maßen, wie etwa dem Bruttoinlandprodukt, haben sich vermehrt...
Quality of measurement of egocentered social networks
The aim of the study was to study quality of measurement (reliability and validity) of measurement of ties in egocentered social networks. It was expected that sensitive questions would have higher quality of measurement on telephone anonymity) and cognitively more demanding questions would have higher quality of measurement in personal interview. Ties with core network...
Youth '93
The study was extended in studies "Youth 1985" and "Youth 1995". Besides the socio-demographics variables the questionnaire includes the following topics: socio-economic position of the respondent and his family, value orientations, attitudes toward future, young people's problems, perception of youth, life perspectives and orientations, personality character, religious and...
Youth '95
The purpose of study was to discover socioeconomic position of a student population, and their reactions and attitudes in the times of intensive societal transformation. It is quantitative study of value orientations, attitudes, life perspectives and orientations, and activity of the most educated part of youth in Slovenia. The broader significance of research is argued...
People's Images of the Rural Finland 2000
The survey studied Finnish images of the countryside and the rural population and examined the differences between rural and urban areas. The respondents were asked whether they agreed or disagreed with various statements about rural life; they also named which characteristics form a part of the Finnish rural landscape at the time of the survey and which characteristics they...
Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development (JYLS): Self-Ratings and Free Time Activities of 20-Year-Olds 1980
The data are part of the Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development (JYLS), in which the same individuals have been followed over 30 years. In this data collection wave, some of the respondents, who were 20 years old at the time, were invited to participate in a theme interview. This dataset contains three self-rating questionnaires and a free time...
Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development (JYLS): Personality Tests of 42-Year-Olds 2001
This Finnish study has continued to follow the same individuals for over 30 years. At this research wave the subjects were 42 years old. Data were collected using an interview, a number of questionnaires based on different tests and methods, a medical examination, and laboratory tests. This dataset contains three personality tests which were given to the participants in...
Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development (JYLS): Personality Tests of 27-Year-Olds 1986
The data are part of the Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development (JYLS), in which the same individuals have been followed over 30 years. At this research stage, 27-year-olds' different areas of life were under observation. The data were collected using a life situation questionnaire and a theme interview. In connection with the interview, the...
Finnish Self-Report Delinquency Study 2016
The survey studied the extent, frequency and nature of self-reported offending among young people in Finland as well as their attitudes towards crime and experiences of being victims. Questions covered truancy, making graffiti, damaging the school's or other property, theft and shoplifting, motor vehicle theft, breaking and entering, copyright infringement online, bullying...
Personality traits and decision-making styles among Swedish obstetricians and gynaecologists
The purpose of the research was to: I) compare the personality traits of obstetricians and gynecologists with those of the general population and II) examine the relationship between obstetricians' and gynecologists’ personality traits, cognitive ability, clinical experience, sex and three decision-making styles (Individual, Team and Flow) during obstetric emergencies
Schoolchildren Interval Study Capabilities 1986-1995, 5th Wave 1990
Influence of leisure time and school interests of schoolchildren on
development of mental capabilities.
Topics: Goals in life; moral orientations; view of future; extent of
leisure time; leisure contents and activities; use of home
electronics; possession of different media; preferred music, reading
material, films and broadcasts; preferred games; wishes for school;...
Interval Study Capabilities: Older Cohort 1985-1995, 4th Wave 1989
Development of mental capabilities in older school age depending on
school requirements, family conditions and leisure activity fields.
Topics: Goals in life; moral orientations; interest in politics;
attitudes to socialism and the GDR; models; achievement readiness in
instruction and social evaluation; self-image of personal
capabilities; interest in individual school...
Schoolchildren Interval Study IS II (Older Cohort) 1979-1985, 2nd Wave
Typical forms and courses of personality development and social behavior
as well as occupational training and work habits of young people and
young adults depending on social factors and social conditions.
General personal orientations:
introversion, extroversion;
general contentment with life;
satisfaction with certain areas of life;
life planning, goals in...
Schoolchildren Interval Study IS II (Older Cohort) 1979-1985, 6th Wave
Typical forms and courses of personality development and social conduct
as well as professional training and work habits of young people and
young adults depending on social factors and social conditions.
General personal orientations:
introversion, extroversion;
general contentment with life;
satisfaction with certain areas of life;
life planning, goals in...
Schoolchildren Interval Study IS II (Younger Cohort) 1979-1985, 1st Wave 1979/80
Typical forms and courses of personality development and social behavior
as well as occupational training and work habits of young people and
young adults depending on social factors and social conditions.
General personal orientations:
introversion and extroversion;
general contentment with life;
satisfaction with certain areas of life (scale);
life planning...
Schoolchildren Interval Study IS II (Younger Cohort) 1979-1985, 4th Wave 1982/83
Typical forms and courses of personality development and social conduct
as well as of occupational training and work habits of young people and
young adults dependening on social factors and social conditions.
General personal orientations:
introversion and extroversion;
general contentment with life;
satisfaction with certain areas of life (scale);
Future plans of Berlin Young People 1996
Wishes for the future, occupation and family as well as school
interests and inclinations.
school type;
occupation wish;
information about future occupation;
change of occupation wish in the last few years;
characterization of desired occupation;
possibilities of realizing occupation desired;
place of occupational training;
concepts of the future;
Slovenian Youth 2013
The primary purpose of Slovenian Youth 2013 study was to comprehensively examine the lives of Slovenian youth (16–27-year olds). As with Youth 2010 study, Youth 2013 study represents a conceptual and methodological continuation of the tradition of youth research in Slovenia, with some further refinements. Basis for a methodological approach were studies already carried out...
Finnish Self-Report Delinquency Study 2020
The survey studied the extent, frequency, and nature of self-reported offending among young people in Finland as well as their attitudes towards crime and experiences of being victims. The 2020 version of the survey included new questions concerning hate crimes, online hate speech, cyberbullying and sexual harassment committed by the respondents' friends. The 2020 survey...
Childhood, Adolencence, and Becoming an Adult 1991-1997 - Youth Longitudinal 1991-1995/96
The current study is divided roughly in five topic areas:
political-social experiences and orientations; youth and becoming adult
as a phase in life in the framework of the course of life; courses of
development and development risks; life styles, cultures and social
reference groups of young people and the social-structural
differentiating of the youth phase.
Finnish Youth Survey 2010
The main themes of the Finnish Youth Survey 2010 were safety and security, national defence, the conscription system, foreign policy, social values, immigration and racism, and national identity. First, the respondents were asked how much insecurity they felt regarding their own situation and future (regarding health, income, loneliness, social exclusion, job prospects,...
Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development (JYLS): Personality Tests of 50-Year-Olds 2009
This Finnish study has continued to follow the same individuals for over 40 years. At this research wave the subjects were 50 years old. Data were collected using an interview, self-ratings based on various tests and methods, a Life Situation Questionnaire, a life history calendar, a medical examination, and laboratory tests. This dataset contains three personality tests...
Senior Year Longitudinal Section (Panel 1969-1978)
The socialization and development of attitudes relevant to occupation of high school graduates in the course of later studies.
Topics: Most of the scales or tests in part repeated on every wave have been collected in the form of indices.
The following questionnaires were used: statistics questionnaire on determination of demography; questionnaire on choice of occupation,...
Study on Socialization of Sociology Students (FU Berlin, University of Muenster)
Political attitudes and general personality characteristics of
beginning students in Berlin and Muenster.
Topics: Origin and socialization milieu; course of education;
motivation for studies and reasons for selection of the subject;
occupation prospects; professional image; profile of demands on the
desired occupation; political interest; party preference; membership in
Longitudinal Survey of Adoptive Parents, 2015-2017
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Longitudinal Survey of Adoptive Parents, 2015-2017 is one of the elements of the evaluation of the Adoption Support Fund (ASF) commissioned by the Department for Education. The ASF is an important initiative introduced in 2015 aimed at enabling adopted children and their families to access therapeutic...
Gender and the Vote in Britain, 2007
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.It has been demonstrated that gender has a subtle and pervasive influence upon attitudes and behaviour that should be included in any comprehensive model of vote choice. This study was designed to provide further understanding of the way gender effects political attitudes and voting behaviour.
The survey...
BBC Big Money Test, 2011
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.In the spring of 2011, the BBC Lab UK used the flagship consumer affairs programme Watchdog to launch an online survey, across the nation, of emotional and psychological relationships with money: the Big Money Test. Public response to the survey was good and over the following months more than 109,000...
Wellbeing in Developing Countries: Quality of Life, 2004-2005
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.Wellbeing in Developing Countries is a series of studies which aim to develop a conceptual and methodological approach to understanding the social and cultural construction of wellbeing in developing countries. The Wellbeing in Developing Countries Research Group (WeD), based at the University of Bath,...
Understanding Society: Interviewer Survey, 2014
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Understanding Society: Interviewer Survey 2014 data file is the output of a research project that collected information from interviewers who worked on the Understanding Society data collection for Great Britain in the first round of interviews, which took place over the course of the years 2009 and...