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Citizen Science
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Participatory Toponym Handling (PTH) Framework
To understand citizen participation in toponyms better, we have developed a framework to guide the handling of toponyms. In this framework, we consider a citizen science ontology to connect participatory toponym handling as part of geographic citizen science.Date: 2020-04-07
Citizen contribution to local public services - Part 4
This dataset relates to the ESRC Citizen Contribution to Local Public Services project. It is the fourth of four datasets created for this project. The project sought to identify how social information could influence volunteering levels in different groups, using four different field experiments. This dataset contains information from the fourth field experiment which...
Experts, Expertise and Citizen Science: A Case Study of Air Quality Monitoring, 2021-2024
Environmental controversies are often about knowledge and expertise as much as they are about politics, rights and life chances. The reason is that the evidence produced by the different groups involved is often part of the controversy, with disputes over what is known and not known, by whom, and with what degree of accuracy being a source of tension rather than consensus....