2960 studies found in English from a total of 36716

Inductief denken in verschillende culturen 1983-1985

Vijver, A.J.R. van de, Katholieke Universiteit Brabant * Tilburg, Fac. sociale wetenschappen, vakgroep psychologie (primary investigator)
Assessing the extent to which inductive thinking is universal and which factors in education and home-environment can explain cross-cultural differences. Testing of primary school pupils ( final years ) and secondary school pupils ( starting years ) in Zambia, Turkey and the Netherlands ( Dutch group and Turkish-Dutch group ). Psychological tests measured inductive thinking,...
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Roken, drinken en druggebruik onder scholieren van het Speciaal Onderwijs, het KMBO en door deelnemers aan spijbelprojecten 1990

Zwart, W.M. de, Berben, E.G.M.J., Nederlands instituut voor alcohol en drugs, NIAD * Utrecht (primary investigator)
In addition to an earlier survey "Smoking, alcohol consumption and the use of drugs by schoolchildren from the age of ten" (Steinmetz Archive Nr. P1057) among pupils of regular schools, pupils of schools for special education have been interviewed about this subject. Smoking behaviour / number of cigarettes per day / attitude of parents towards smoking / use of alcohol, kind...
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Milieu, school, en beroep 1958-1960,1973

Peschar, J.L., Rijksuniversiteit Groningen * Groningen, Instituut voor toegepaste psychologie en psychotechniek (primary investigator)
Occupation / job satisfaction / expectations regarding occupation / occupational and educational history / family and religious background / education and occupation of parents / parental attitude to school, schoolwork, achievements, contacts with teachers / contacts with family, friends etc / satisfaction with life in general / typical male and female behaviour / scales for...
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Stadspanelonderzoek Dordrecht januari 1997 - VSO

Weerd, J. van der, Winterwerp, F., Gemeente Dordrecht * Dordrecht, Sociaal Geografisch Bureau (primary investigator)
Panel survey city of Dordrecht January 1997 a. concerning municipal society and administration: attitude towards local politics and local politicians / main problems of municipality to be solved / r.'s opinion about the financial policy of the municipality / getting information about the municipal policy / being aware of 'objection and appeal' facilities, use and...
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Getuigen Verhalen, Schiedamse kinderen op stap, interview 06

Nieuwendijk, C.I.; Gemeentearchief Schiedam (©)
Mevrouw groeide op als oudste van vijf kinderen in een arm Schiedams gezin. Haar vader was huisschilder en in de wintermaanden vaak werkloos. In 1937 werd ze 'te gezond' bevonden om te worden uitgezonden, maar eind 1942 wordt de dan 11-jarige geïnterviewde met haar broertje voor het eerst via school uitgezonden. In het Friese dorpje Rinsumageest verblijft ze vier weken bij...
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GALO, 1971, vaardigheidstesten basisscholen Groningen

Schijf, H., Universiteit van Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Fac. politieke en sociaal-culturele wetenschappen, vakgroep methoden en technieken van sociaal-wetenschappelijk onderzoek, Dronkers, J., Universiteit van Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Stichting centrum voor onderwijsonderzoek, SCO (primary investigator)
Educational test results, school- and family background data of the population of pupils in their final year at primary school in Groningen in 1971. GALO test-score / teachers advice for secondary education / primary school career / school preference of parents / family background / denomination and location of school. Background variables: basic characteristics/ household...
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MiCREATE - Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe. Survey with pupils at Viennese schools (SUF edition)

Wolter, Stella (University of Vienna); Liepold, Mira (University of Vienna); Tatzber, Rosa (University of Vienna); (1 more)
Full edition for scientific use. The data was collected as part of the H2020 project "MiCREATE - Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe". It consists of results of a quantitative survey of about 500 children and adolescents with and without a migration background. The aim of the research was to gain insights into integration measures in the Austrian school...
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Getuigen Verhalen, Schiedamse kinderen op stap, interview 05

Nieuwendijk, C.I.; Gemeentearchief Schiedam (©)
Meneer was bijna 11 jaar toen de oorlog uitbrak. Hij was de op één na jongste in een gezin met zeven kinderen. Samen met zijn jongste broer had hij te lijden van het voedseltekort tijdens de hongerwinter. De huisarts drong er bij zijn moeder op aan de twee jongens uit te zenden. Zij konden in Groningen terecht bij familieleden van een zwager. Zij werden getransporteerd door...
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European Values Study 2018 Austria (SUF edition)

Kritzinger, Sylvia (University of Vienna: Department of Government); Aichholzer, Julian (University of Vienna: Department of Government); Glavanovits, Josef (University of Vienna: Department of Government); (3 more)
Full edition for scientific use. The EVS 2018 Austria study is part of a EVS 2018 study that focuses on values in European countries. This is the 4th wave, adding to the 1990, 1999 and 2008 surveys carried out in Austria and other European countries. The dataset includes an additional sample of participants with migration background either from Former Yugoslavia or from Turkey.
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The European Values Study - Austrian COVID-19 Special Edition 2021-22 Including Youth Oversample (SUF edition)

Kritzinger, Sylvia (University of Vienna: Department of Government); Willmann, Johanna (University of Vienna: Department of Government); Rohs, Patrick (University of Vienna: Deparment of Practical Theology); (3 more)
Full edition for scientific use. The COVID-19 pandemic has dealt a heavy blow to many people’s lives and interrupted their normal course of life. The present study thus examines the impact of these changes upon people’s values and attitudes concerning work, partnership and models of femininity, politics, diversity and solidarity, and religion.
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Het gezin met een hartekind 1976

Brekelmans, C., Katholieke Hogeschool Tilburg * Tilburg, Instituut voor sociaal-wetenschappelijk onderzoek, IVA * Tilburg, Bos, J.M., Instituut voor gezondheidszorg * Tilburg (primary investigator)
Experiences of mothers who have child with a heart-defect / school experiences / special care needed / anomy / contacts with relatives and friends / expectations in educating children / educational style / reaction to first information on the defect / general attitude to child and the situation of child away from home. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/...
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Dataset belonging to Measuring Social Status and Social Behavior with Peer and Teacher Nomination Methods (2015)

Y.H.M. van den Berg (Radboud University); T.A.M. Lansu (Radboud University); A.H.N. Cillessen (Radboud University)
In the current study, the correspondence between teacher and peer nomination methods for the identification of preference and popularity was examined. Participants were 733 children in grade 5/6 (M age = 12.05 years, SD = .64; 53.3 percent boys) and their 29 teachers. Participants were recruited for the sixth measurement wave of the Nijmegen Longitudinal Study (NLS) on...
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Scouting Nederland 1974

Westerdiep, A.R., Kropman, J.A., Instituut voor toegepaste sociologie, ITS * Nijmegen (primary investigator)
Members of scouting relationships with best friends / leisure activities / preferences / season / frequency / in company / club / family leisure activities / organizational membership / sport behaviour / general values / motivation to be a scout / what is most important for a scout ( rituals etc. ) / scouting activities and preferences / feeling of belonging to scouting /...
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Sociaal-culturele ontwikkelingen in Nijmegen, 1997

J. Hendrickx (Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen); H. Westerik (Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen); P.L.H. Scheepers (Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen); (1 more)
Survey among the inhabitants of the city of Nijmegen. Whether r. parents were born in the Netherlands / nr. of years living in Nijmegen / r. ecclesiastic involvement and Christian persuasion / being attracted to yoga, reincarnation, astrology, transcendent mediation, anthroposophy, zen, and new age movement / r.'s opinion concerning characteristics of the Dutch / use of...
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Geregistreerd partnerschap in Nederland 1999

Scherf, Y., n/a * Amsterdam (primary investigator)
Effects of the legislation on registered partnership, which came into force on January 1st 1998/ and characteristics, motivation, and experiences of people who concluded a registered partnership in 1998. Role of practical reasons: inheritance, pension, ownership of house, financial security, children, fiscal reasons / role of sentimental reasons: recognition of...
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Televisiekijken in relatie tot agressief en prosociaal gedrag bij kinderen 1979-1981

Wiegman, O., Kutschreuter, M., Baarda, B., Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht * Utrecht, Fac. sociale wetenschappen, vakgroep kinderstudies (primary investigator)
Dutch contribution to a cross-national survey to investigate the effect of television violence viewing on the behaviour of children. This Dutch survey also investigated the effects of tv- shows on pro-social behaviour. Peer-rating of aggressive and pro-social behaviour, popularity / various questionnaires, tests with respect to fantasies, imagination / experience with games,...
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Onderzoek kindercreches, peuterspeelzalen en overblijfcentra 1971

NSS nv v/h Nederlandse stichting voor de statistiek * Den Haag (primary investigator)
The need for day care centres, kindergarten, facilities for lunch at school / living accommodation / outdoor activities / use of day nurseries and the like, reasons / necessity of neighbourhood nurseries and the like. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ consumption...
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Milieugedrag bij kinderen 1993-1995 : Ontwikkeling van een instrument voor het meten van milieugedrag

Lagerweij, N.W. (primary investigator)
Development of a research instrument for environment-minded behaviour of children aged 9 to 12 years. Name of residence / group / several hypothetical situations with environmental aspects and-or values and belief aspects in which the pupil has to choose for "do" or "don't" on a 4 points scale / questions about knowledge of recycling, chemical waste, use of bottle bank,...
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Getuigen Verhalen, Schiedamse kinderen op stap, interview 07

Nieuwendijk, C.I.; Gemeentearchief Schiedam (©)
Mevrouw is in 1935 in Haarlem geboren en een jaar later verhuis naar een benedenhuis in de Boerhaavelaan in Schiedam. Het gezin bestond uit vader, moeder, twee dochters en twee zonen. Vader was koperslager bij een bedrijf in Rotterdam-Hillegersberg. In januari 1945 heeft haar vader haar op de fiets naar Staphorst gebracht, naar de familie Luten, die daar een caf?/herberg...
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Getuigen Verhalen, Schiedamse Bleekneusjes, interview 06

Nieuwendijk, C.I., Gemeentearchief Schiedam (©)
Meneer is opgegroeid in een gezin met vader, moeder, broer en zus. Zijn vader was smid en werkte bij RDM. Zijn ouders werden in 1942 lid van de oud-gereformeerde gemeente. Meneer leed aan astma en werd na bemiddeling door het Rode Kruis in november 1945 uitgezonden naar Zwitserland, waar hij eerst drie weken in een speciaal kamp verbleef om aan te sterken. Vervolgens ging...
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Getuigen Verhalen, Schiedamse Bleekneusjes, interview 07

Nieuwendijk, C.I., Gemeentearchief Schiedam (©)
Meneer heeft tijdens de oorlog aan de Vlaardingerdijk gewoond, waar zijn vader een kapperszaak had. Hij had een jongere broer die kort voor de oorlog werd geboren. Het gezin behoorde tot het Apostolisch Genootschap. Anders dan zijn broer leed hij fysiek onder de armoedige omstandigheden tijdens de hongerwinter. In december 1945 werd meneer uitgezonden naar Engeland. Hij...
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The association between empathy development and bullying behavior in children and early adolescents

T.H.J. van Noorden (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen); G.J.T. Haselager (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen); A.H.N. Cillessen (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen)
The sample consists of 838 children recruited from 34 third- to fifth-grade classrooms of 11 elementary schools. In the first session all children in each classroom individually completed questionnaires simultaneously on netbook computers. Questionnaires included self- and peer reports about bullying and victimisation, empathy, dehumanisation, moral disengagement and...
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Getuigen Verhalen, Schiedamse kinderen op stap, interview 09

Nieuwendijk, C.I.; Gemeentearchief Schiedam (©)
Mevrouw is als rooms-katholiek kind in 1944 aan het begin van de hongerwinter in een voornamelijk protestants transport terechtgekomen. In Zwolle werden de katholieke kinderen gescheiden van de protestantse en moest zij, als katholiek kind, mee met een wandeltransport, waardoor ze naar eigen zeggen 'zoek' raakte. Ze kwam terecht op een boerderijtje in Enter bij Goor (Twente)...
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Nationaal onderzoek jeugdbladen, 1985

Nanlohy, M.A., Verenigde Nederlandse uitgeversbedrijven, VNU marktonderzoek * Amstelveen (primary investigator)
Information on reading habits, mass media exposure, leisure activities and consumer behaviour of the Dutch youth. Parent: who reads what magazine / presence of home computer and technical toys / children watching commercials on magazines present in household, subscriptions, who pays for subscription, individual: readership of youth magazines, comics, newspapers, recreational...
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Huishoudens in Nederland 1994 - HIN'94

H.B.G. Ganzeboom (primary investigator) (Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht * Utrecht, Fac. sociale wetenschappen); J. Weesie (primary investigator) (Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht * Utrecht, Fac. sociale wetenschappen)
Detailed data on the composition, characteristics and internal organization of dutch households with particular emphasis on married and cohabiting couple relationships. Family of origin / education and training/ occupation / income and savings / marriage and cohabitation / housing / children / cohabitation contracts, prenuptial agreements / wills and life insurance / money...
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Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) - Wave 2

Generations and Gender Programme
The Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) is an individual-level survey which aims to improve understanding of family life, such as partnership formation and dissolution, fertility and intergenerational solidarity. The GGS provides detailed information on: household composition, biological and non-biological children, current and previous partnerships, household organisation...
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Advertising Literacy Activation and Inhibitory Control

R.W. Hoek (Radboud University); E. Rozendaal (Radboud University); H.T. van Schie (Radboud University); (1 more)
Data set for paper by Hoek et al. (2020) on Advertising Literacy Activation and Inhibitory Control.Data are related to published dissertation (Chapter 3):Hoek, R. W. (2020, 8 September). Re-examining the Relation Between Advertising Literacy and Children's Susceptibility to Advertising: An Indirect Measurement Approach. Behavioural Science Institute, Radboud University...
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Dataset belonging to Thin-slice judgments of children's social status and behavior

T.A.M. Lansu (Radboud University); Y.H.M. van den Berg (Radboud University)
The moment a child walks into a new classroom, teachers and classmates form an impression based on minimal information. Yet, little is known about the accuracy of such impressions when it concerns children’s social functioning at school. The current study examined the accuracy of children’s, teachers’ and adults’ impressions of 18 unacquainted children based on thin slices...
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European Values Study 1990, Eastern European Countries - EVS-Eastern Europe'90

Raichev, A., Stoichev, K., n/a * Bulgaria, Koecher, R., Noelle-Neumann, E., n/a * Germany, Titma, M., Saar, A., Klingemann, H.D., n/a * Estonia, Jankiss, E., Manschin, R., n/a * Hungary, Alihaushiene, R., n/a * Lithuania, Janinska-Kania, A., n/a * Poland, Tos, N., n/a * Slovenia, Rehak, J., n/a * Slovakia, Rehak, J., n/a * Czech Republic (primary investigator)
This data collection is designed to enable cross-national comparison of values and beliefs in a wide variety of areas and to monitor changes in values and attitudes of mass publics in European countries. Broad topics covered are work, the meaning and purpose of life, family life, and contemporary social issues. Respondents were asked to rate the importance of work, family,...
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Getuigen Verhalen, Schiedamse Bleekneusjes, interview 09

Nieuwendijk, C.I., Gemeentearchief Schiedam (©)
Meneer zat het grootste deel van de oorlog samen met zijn oudere broer Jan in het Hervormd weeshuis voor half wezen. Zijn moeder was voor de oorlog gestorven en het tweede huwelijk van zijn vader liep snel op een echtscheiding uit. Zijn vader werkte tijdens de oorlogsjaren in Duitsland, waar hij zijn derde vrouw, een danseres, ontmoette. Het leven in het weeshuis was niet...
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