130 studies found in English from a total of 36841

VHMO-data Rotterdam, 1880/'81 en 1920

dr. C.A. Mandemakers, Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis
Social background, school records and social and geographical mobility of students of prepatory secundary and higher education in Rotterdam, cohorts 1880-1881 and 1920.
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The Leiden elite, 16th - 19th century

D.J. Noordam (Leiden University, Department of History)
The research focuses on the marriage patterns among elite groups in Leiden compared to those in The United Provinces and other European countries. The main subject of the investigation is to discover when the Western European marriage pattern became the most important one in the Leiden patriciate. The uniqueness of these patterns is determined by comparing them with the...
Study description available in:EN
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Poor relief in Amsterdam, about 1800-1850

Dr M.H.D. van Leeuwen, Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis
The main subject of this dataset is a socio-historical investigation into the functioning of poor relief in the city of Amsterdam during 1800-1850. The data is based on registration documents of the institutions for poor relief (such as the Lutheran, Jewish and Municipal institutions). Each file contains background information, for example demographic data and social...
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The recruitment of European volunteers for the Dutch colonial army

Dr M.Ph. Bossenbroek, Koninklijke Bibliotheek
The recruitment of European volunteers for the Dutch colonial army. Sample taken from the registers (stamboeken) of the Dutch Colonial army.
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Infant mortality by municipality in the Netherlands, 1841-1939

P. Ekamper (Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI)); F.W.A. van Poppel (Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI))
Infant mortality, live births and infant mortality rates by municipality in the Netherlands in the periods 1841-1860, 1861-1874, 1875-1884, 1885-1894, 1895-1903, 1904-1913, 1914-1923, 1924-1933, 1934-1939.MS Excel dataset including description in English; additional PDF document in Dutch.
Study description available in:EN
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Leiden testaments, 1425-1499

drs P.L. Lekkerkerk
This dataset contains data pertaining to the Leiden population who made their last will known. The research is concentrated on worldly and religious spendings of the Leiden population during 1425-1499. Personal data such as family name, civil status, occupation, fortune and property are included. Data were collected during a doctorate seminar, 'Mecanaat', by prof. Blockmans...
Study description available in:EN
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Prosopography of the medieval administrative elite of The Hague

F.J.W. van Kan (Haags Gemeentearchief)
The relationship of the administrative elite and the 'Landsheerlijke'[sovereign] elite of civil servants. Social mobility, mutation rhythm, concentration of power within the political elite. Units of observation: records (persons).Web application, index file = hal_frm.htm
Study description available in:EN
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Sodomites in the Netherlands, 1352-1811

dr D.J. Noordam, Department of History, Leiden University
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Population census in VOC-Batavia

Dr. A.J. Gooszen
Demografische geschiedenis van Batavia, 1673-1793. Onderzoekseenheden: stadsdelen, wijken, etnische groepen, jaren.
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Strikes in the Netherlands, 1810-1995

J.H.A. van der Velden
The dataset contains data on all known strikes in the Netherlands during the period 1810-1998. Dataset also includes data on other incidents of labour unrest.
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Leiden Historical Population Databank, 1700-1850, Census 1808 Leiden

P. Latour
The dataset contains data taken from the census, held in Leiden in 1808. The dataset is a 20% sample of the original census source. The master thesis which is based on this dataset is available as a pdf document (in overig: “Leiden in 1808”, in Dutch).
Study description available in:EN
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Leiden Historical Population Databank 1700-1850, Kohier 1748

H.A. Diederiks (Universiteit Leiden); H.D. Tjalsma (Universiteit Leiden)
The MS-Access database KOHIER1748 is almost completely based on the archival source of the "Kohier van het Provisioneel Middel tot remplacant der afgeschafte pagten van 1748" (Regionaal Archief Leiden) of the city of Leiden made up in 1748.This tax assessment register contains data on the almost total population of Leiden in that year, including information on occupation,...
Study description available in:EN
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Social and geographical mobility of students in Tiel, cohorts 1880-1881 and 1920

C.A. Mandemakers (Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis)
Only lower education, more comprehensive lower education and VHMO.Units of observation: students.
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Leiden Historical Population Databank, 1700-1850, Indemnity Acts

H.A. Diederiks
The dataset contains data taken from indemnity acts (acten van cautie) for the period 1732 – 1785 of the city of Leiden.Date: 2011-06-20
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Tekstuitgave van de Bredase necrologia en obituaria. Begijnhof (1353) ca. 1500-1626, Norbertinessenklooster Sint-Catharinadal (1271-1960). Grote of OLV kerk: kanunniken en kapelanen (1303-1580)

F.A. Gooskens
De obituaria en necrologia die voor Breda bewaard zijn gebleven zijn sterk met elkaar verweven. Dezelfde personen werden vaak in verschillende registers opgenomen. Vooral het jaargetijdenregister van het begijnhof en de registers voor de Grote- of OLV-kerk zijn sterk met elkaar verbonden. Oorzaak hiervan was dat de begijnen een deel van de memories afwerkten in de Grote...
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Leiden Historical Population Databank 1700-1850, Population data Leiden 1671-1895

H.D. Tjalsma
The dataset contains population data of the city of Leiden from 1671 until 1895. These are the yearly population, birth and death totals, as well as birth and death rates for the period 1671 - 1895, marriage totals and marriage rates for the period 1690-1895 and infant mortality rates for the period 1819-1895. These data are partly derived from archival or published...
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Resident population in Portuguese centers, 1890-1991

prof.dr P. Telhado Pereira, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculty of Economy
Included are data on the Portuguese urban centers with a resident population above 5000 inhabitants. The dataset can be used as a demographic criterium to analyse the Portuguese urban system, accepting the administrative boundaries that underlie the official statistics. A detailed check is made of small administrative units, called 'freguesias' for a considerably large...
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Registration of loans and gifts in Leiden, 1932-1936

H.D. Tjalsma
This dataset contains information on loans and gifts, occupation, addresses and sex of persons who applied for, and received, loans and gifts of the Crisis Committee of Leiden during the years 1932-1936. The data was collected during an Economic History seminar at Leiden University under the supervision of Professor dr H. de Vries.
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Social, geographical and religious background and academic records of Delft students in the period 1840-1940

C.A. Mandemakers (Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis)
Education, social and religious background.Units of observation: students
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Socio-historical description of Amsterdam, about 1800

H.A. Diederiks
This dataset contains information about the social structure in the nineteenth-century Amsterdam society. It provides data on the type and composition of the households.
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Random Survey of Public Attitudes to Museums, Archaeology and the Past, 1985

Merriman, N., University of Cambridge, Department of Archaeology
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The aim of this survey was to gauge for the first time public attitudes to, and participation in, <i>heritage presentations</i>; to understand why certain social groups tend to participate and others do not; to gauge public images of and attitudes to archaelogy and the past. The data, covering...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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City Museum of Volos

Van Boeschoten, Riki (University of Thessaly); Giakoumaki, Vasiliki (University of Thessaly); Sideri, Eleni (University of Thessaly); (5 more)
This collection includes interviews conducted in the framework of the research project "Designing the Museum of the City of Volos". They cover various aspects of Volos' history that will be incorporated in future exhibitions of the Museum. The main topics covered in these interviews concern industrial work, multiculturalism, religious groups, the 1940s, immigration and daily...
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The Radio

Van Boeschoten, Riki (University of Thessaly)
This collection is about the social history of the radio. Although it has been pushed aside by television, it has played a vital and unique role in the entertainment, information and communication of everyday people. This research was conducted in collaboration with the Radio Museum at Lafkos, Pelion and includes 16 individual interviews of listeners, as well as...
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Homosexuality in Finland in the 1940s and the 1960s, Data Gathered 1994-1998

Juvonen, Tuula (University of Tampere. Department of Social Policy and Social Work)
The study charted the perceptions and beliefs about same-sex relationships in Finland after the wars. The data were collected between 1994 and 1998, and the full data contain 26 interviews, conducted mainly in Tampere. The total length of the dataset is 660 pages. Some of the respondents had been in a same-sex relationship, while some were outside observers. The respondents...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Restricted
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Homosexuality in Finland in the 1940s and the 1960s: Partial Data, Gathered 1994-1998

Juvonen, Tuula (University of Tampere. Department of Social Policy and Social Work)
The study charted the perceptions and beliefs about same-sex relationships in Finland after the wars. The data were collected between 1994 and 1998, and this partial dataset consists of 11 interviews, conducted mainly in Tampere. The total length of the partial data is 223 pages. Only one of the respondents had been in a same-sex relationship; the others were outside...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Restricted
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Catalogue of the Published Papers of the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science, 1857-1886

McGregor, O. Ross, University of London, Bedford College; White, S., Unknown Affiliation; Goldman, L., University of Oxford, St Peter's College
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The National Association for the Promotion of Social Science (or Social Science Association as it was known in short) provided a highly influential forum for the discussion of social, political, economic, educational, sanitary, legal and cultural issues between the 1850s and 1880s. Its debates featured...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Newfoundland Census Data, Electoral/Census Division Level, 1911, 1935, 1945

Kaufmann, E., University of Southampton, Department of Politics
Main Topics:This dataset is comprised of selected Division level census counts for the dominion of Newfoundland, Canada derived from the published census reports of 1911, 1935 and 1945. It forms part of a larger project entitled 'The Orange Order in the 20th century: A study in social change'. This wider study explores the relative impact of techno-economic, cultural and...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Village Records of Chelsworth, Suffolk, 1441-1904

Quinlan, B., Unknown Affiliation
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This dataset is derived from a collection of published and unpublished information collected in preparation for a history of the village of Chelsworth, Suffolk. The data deposited at History Data Service contained information concerning named individuals living in Chelsworth up to the present day....
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Cornish Parish Records: West Penwith and Kerrier, 1580-1903

Donohue, D., Cornwall Online Parish Clerks
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.These transcriptions were produced by a volunteer from the Online-Parish-Clerks of Cornwall Project. Volunteers collect, collate and transcribe records for a chosen parish in the county. The data originates from as many sources as can be accessed, including census, parish registers, cemetery records and...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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