80 studies found in English from a total of 37402

Constructing new municipalities

Kos, Drago (Faculty of Social Sciences)
The research gathered and analyzed the objective indexes on activity of new municipalities in Slovenia (e.g.: activities of municipality's bodies, cadre policy, work contents of municipality's bodies, cooperation with other municipalities). With self-completed survey send over mail to mayors, deputy mayors, presidents, vice presidents of municipality councils, secretaries...
Study description available in:EN
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Political Participation and Equality in Seven Nations 1966-71

Barbič, Ana; Boh, Katja; Verba, Sidney; (2 more)
This data collection consists of seven parts, six individual country datasets (Austria, India, Japan, the Netherlands, Nigeria, and Yugoslavia), and a comparative crossnational dataset. Personal interviews were conducted from 1966 to 1971 in seven nations, including the United States (the U.S.A. dataset can be found separately in POLITICAL PARTICIPATION IN AMERICA, 1967...
Study description available in:ENSL
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Maribor area study, 1989

Toš, Niko (Faculty of Social Sciences)
Purpose of this survey was to research attitudes of Maribor municipalities citizens towards activity and possible reorganization of municipalities in Maribor social space. Survey is particularly focused on: citizens attitudes towards separation of Maribor into six municipalities in 1982; perception of decision-making level about basic issues that concern citizens; attitudes...
Study description available in:ENSL
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Drie kunnen meer dan één

Metze, Rosalie (Windesheim University of Applied Sciences)
In het project ‘Drie kunnen meer dan één’ hebben we binnen vier zorgorganisaties in het oosten van Nederland gegevens verzameld over de manier waarop cliënten, naasten en professionals de onderlinge samenwerking ervaren. Dit hebben we gedaan middels een enquête in Qualtrics en middels semi-gestructureerde interviews. In deze dataset vindt u de tools die we hebben gebruikt in...
Study description available in:EN
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Emerging Modes of Cooperation between Private Sector Organisations and Universities, 2014

Melink, Mateja (Centre for Spatial Sociology); Pavlin, Samo (Centre for Spatial Sociology); Andreeva, Gergana (Business Foundation for Education, Bulgaria); (12 more)
The EMCOSU programme (Emerging Modes of Cooperation between Private Sector Organisations and Universities) reinforces the link between education activities and HE graduates’ employability needs and the promotion of cooperation with HE tools in particular. Current major national and international mechanisms providing indications to contribute to this aim are closely related...
Study description available in:ENSL
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Parish Support to Asylum Seekers 2016

Church Research Institute; Siirto, Ulla (Diaconia University of Applied Sciences); Niemi, Hanna (Diaconia University of Applied Sciences)
This survey study charted support provided to asylum seekers by Finnish Evangelical Lutheran parishes during and after the 2015 mass influx of people seeking asylum in Finland. Themes included types of immigrant work done in the parish, practices, challenges, and cooperation with other groups. Respondents were employees of parishes responsible for asylum seeker support...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Restricted
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Finnish Local Government 2004: Non-Governmental Organisations 2002

Helander, Voitto (Åbo Akademi University)
In this study, the activities of various non-governmental and voluntary organisations (third sector organisations) were surveyed. The topics included their financing, members, means of influencing, and forms of activity. First, the respondents were asked about their organisations' area of operation, membership in a nationwide union or association, cooperation with other...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Restricted
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Tampere Afternoon Activity Project: Club Leaders 2007

Häikiö, Liisa (City of Tampere. Development Unit for Welfare Services); Vänninmaja, Paula (City of Tampere. Development Unit for Welfare Services)
In the Tampere Afternoon Activity project (Harrastava Iltapäivä) initiated in 2007, the city of Tampere organized voluntary afternoon club activities for pupils from the third grade to the ninth. The activities were organized in co-operation with various organizations, clubs, and churches. In this mid-evaluation, the realization of the goals and practices of the project...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Restricted
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Tampere Afternoon Activity Project: School Staff 2007

Häikiö, Liisa (City of Tampere. Development Unit for Welfare Services); Vänninmaja, Paula (City of Tampere. Development Unit for Welfare Services)
In the Tampere Afternoon Activity project (Harrastava Iltapäivä) initiated in 2007, the city of Tampere organized voluntary afternoon club activities for pupils from the third grade to the ninth. The activities were organized in co-operation with various organizations, clubs, and churches. In this mid-evaluation, the realization of the goals and practices of the project...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Restricted
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Tampere Afternoon Activity Project: Children 2007

Häikiö, Liisa (City of Tampere. Development Unit for Welfare Services); Vänninmaja, Paula (City of Tampere. Development Unit for Welfare Services)
In the Tampere Afternoon Activity project (Harrastava Iltapäivä in Finnish) initiated in 2007, the city of Tampere organized voluntary afternoon club activities for pupils from the third grade to the ninth. The activities were organized in co-operation with various organizations, clubs, and churches. In this mid-evaluation, the realisation of the goals and practices of the...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Restricted
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Tampere Afternoon Activity Project: Parents 2007

Häikiö, Liisa (City of Tampere. Development Unit for Welfare Services); Vänninmaja, Paula (City of Tampere. Development Unit for Welfare Services)
In the Tampere Afternoon Activity project (Harrastava Iltapäivä in Finnish) initiated in 2007, the city of Tampere organized voluntary afternoon club activities for pupils from the third grade to the ninth. The activities were organized in co-operation with various organizations, clubs, and churches. In this mid-evaluation, the realisation of the goals and practices of the...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Restricted
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Academic Profession in Knowledge Societies (APIKS)

Schneijderberg, Christian (In­ter­na­tio­nal Cen­ter for Hig­her Edu­ca­ti­on Re­se­arch (INCHER), Universität Kassel); Götze, Nicolai (In­ter­na­tio­nal Cen­ter for Hig­her Edu­ca­ti­on Re­se­arch (INCHER), Universität Kassel); Müller, Lars (In­ter­na­tio­nal Cen­ter for Hig­her Edu­ca­ti­on Re­se­arch (INCHER), Universität Kassel)
The German part of the project ´Academic Profession in Knowledge Societies (APIKS)´ is part of an international comparative study of working conditions in science and the attitudes of scientists. The mixed-mode survey (CAWI/Paper-and-Pencil), which took place in winter 2017/18, was conducted for the third time. Similar surveys were conducted in 1992 (Carnegie Study) and...
Study description available in:DEEN
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Replication Data for: "Enforcement may crowd out voluntary support for Covid19 policies, especially where trust in government is weak and in a liberal society"

Schmelz, Katrin ( Universität Konstanz)
How does enforcement affect citizens’ support for anti-Covid-19 policies? A survey conducted with 4,799 respondents towards the end of the first lockdown in Germany suggests that a substantial share of the population will support measures more under voluntary than under enforced implementation. Negative responses to enforcement – termed control aversion – vary across the...
Study description available in:DEEN
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Replication files: Sharing Compromising Information as a Cooperative Strategy

Gambetta, Diego ( Collegio Carlo Alberto); Przepiorka, Wojtek ( Utrecht University)
Well-enforced norms create an opportunity for norm breakers to cooperate in ventures requiring trust. This is realized when norm breakers, by sharing evidence of their breaches, make themselves vulnerable to denunciation and therefore trustworthy. The sharing of compromising information (SCI) is a strategy employed by criminals, politicians, and other actors wary of their...
Study description available in:DEEN
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Media-related Teacher Cooperation as a School Quality Feature in the Digital World (MeLe)

Drossel, Kerstin (Universität Paderborn)
The research project ´MeLe´ (duration: 11/2018-10/2021) investigated media-related cooperation as a central condition for the success of digitalisation processes in the education sector. On the other hand, conditions of success and failure for media-related teacher cooperation itself were analysed. In addition, the findings on media-related cooperation between teachers can...
Study description available in:DEEN
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A kinder, gentler democracy? - Needs and ambitions

Lewin, Leif (Department of Government, Uppsala University)
The project is a joint venture between the Faculties of Social sciences and Medicine at Uppsala University. We try to explain the variation between Swedish municipalities regarding their care for persons with disabilities and we search for the explanation in a much esteemed political science theory on so called consensus democracy. The theory states that if the relation...
Study description available in:ENSV
Data access:Restricted
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Two experiments on cooperation and reputation in networks

R. Corten (Utrecht University)
The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis by Raub and Weesie (1990) that embeddedness in social networks fosters cooperation in repeated dyadic Prisoner’s Dilemmas via reputation effects. Data were collected in two computerized laboratory experiments. In the experiments, subjects played 40 rounds of a game in which they played dyadic Prisoner’s Dilemmas with the...
Study description available in:EN
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Part-Time and Voluntary Fire Brigades 2002: Firefighters

Suominen, Petteri (University of Tampere. Department of Political Science and International Relations)
The survey is part of a research project focusing on the significance of voluntary fire brigades to the Finnish society. Fire brigades studied included part-time fire brigades, voluntary fire brigades and industrial fire brigades. Respondents were asked how long they had acted as fire fighters, was any other relative also a member, what kind of fire brigade it was and did...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Restricted
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Building Institutions in a Vacuum: Devolution and England’s South East, 2002

Tickell, A., University of Bristol, School of Geographical Sciences; John, P., Keele University, Department of Politics
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The South East region has long been seen as peripheral to the process of devolution in England. Claims that the region lacks a clear identity of its own, that it is in fact a series of economic sub-regions and that London, although governed separately, is the cultural and economic core of the South East,...
Study description available in:EN
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OPCS Surveys of Psychiatric Morbidity : Private Household Survey, 1993

Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, Social Survey Division
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Surveys (APMS) (formerly known as the Surveys of Psychiatric Morbidity) are a series of surveys which provide data on the prevalence of both treated and untreated psychiatric disorders in the adult population (aged 16 and over). The first survey was conducted in 1993,...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Physical Health of Prisoners, 1994

Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, Social Survey Division
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of this study was to collect baseline data on the physical health of sentenced male prisoners, to assess their physical needs, to investigate health-related behaviour, to assess the extent and nature of physical disorder and to compare them with men of equivalent age in the general population....
Study description available in:EN
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Relocalisation and Alternative Food Networks: a Comparison of Two Regions, 2003-2004

Gilg, A. W., University of Exeter, Department of Geography; Ilbery, B., Coventry Polytechnic, Department of Geography; Little, J. K., University of Exeter, Department of Geography
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.Although most foods are derived from the land, the territorial link between product and place in the United Kingdom has been eroded by industrialised farming systems, favourable agricultural support policies and the dominance of increasingly globalised food supply chains by agribusiness, large food...
Study description available in:EN
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Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research in China and Japan, 2006-2007

Sleeboom-Faulkner, M., University of Sussex, Department of Anthropology
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This is a qualitative data collection. The bioethics of human embryonic stem cell research (HESR) is controversial, including in Asia. After the 2001 US-moratorium on the federal funding of HESR, some Asian countries jumped into the 'bioethical vacuum', claiming that Asian countries do not suffer from...
Study description available in:EN
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Collaborative Frameworks in Land Management: a Case Study on Integrated Deer Management, 2006-2009

Irvine, J., Macaulay Institute
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This is a mixed method data collection. The study is part of the Rural Economy and Land Use (RELU) programme. It is widely accepted, at least in principle, that most kinds of natural resources are best handled collaboratively. Collaborative management avoids conflict and enhances the efficiency with which...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Cambridge Centre for Business Research Oxford-Cambridge High-Technology Dataset, 1990-1995

Keeble, D., University of Cambridge, Department of Geography; Lawton Smith, H., University of Oxford; Lawson, C., University of Cambridge, Centre for Business Research; (2 more)
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The project investigates the extent, nature and importance of technological, information and other linkages between firms themselves and between firms, research institutions and other private and public sector bodies in the Cambridge and Oxford regions and addresses the question of how far these...
Study description available in:EN
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Social Capital and Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) Performance, 2000-2002

Cooke, P. N., Cardiff University, Centre for Advanced Studies; Clifton, N. C., Cardiff University, Centre for Advanced Studies
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.In the UK, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) now provide more employment and business turnover than large firms and public organisations together. Statistically, firms with under 250 employees in 1998 employed 57% of the workforce and accounted for 54% of turnover. This fits in with government...
Study description available in:EN
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Cambridge Centre for Business Research SME Dataset, 1987-1995

Kitson, M., University of Cambridge, Department of Applied Economics; Keeble, D., University of Cambridge, Department of Geography; Hughes, A., University of Cambridge, Faculty of Economics and Politics; (3 more)
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The research programme had five objectives: to draw upon and develop recent theoretical contributions to the study of industrial organisation, firm behaviour and organisational change in a way which enabled them to be applied to the study of small firm creation, growth and development; to employ this...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Employee Participation in the British Steel Corporation, 1970

White, P., University of Bradford, Department of Social Sciences; Brannen, P., University of Bradford, Department of Social Sciences; Fatchett, E., University of Bradford, Department of Social Sciences; (1 more)
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The aim of this study was to provide an account of the employee/director experiment in the nationalised steel industry.Main Topics:Attitudinal/Behavioural a) Attitude towards work: most liked/disliked aspects of place of work; importance of working in a team; amount of flexibility and scope for personal...
Study description available in:EN
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Workplace Industrial Relations, 1978

Brown, W., University of Warwick, Industrial Relations Research Unit
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of this survey was to obtain a representative picture of the institutions and conduct of industrial relations in British manufacturing industry in 1978. Apart from obtaining a `map' of industrial relations institutions, this survey was intended to permit the testing of a number of hypotheses...
Study description available in:EN
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British Election Study, May 1979; Cross-Section Survey

Sarlvik, B., British Election Study; Crewe, I. M., University of Essex, Department of Government; Robertson, D. R., British Election Study
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. Main Topics:Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions Vote in general election, other party thought of, vote in local elections, vote in October 1974, February 1974, and 1970. Direction and strength of party identification, level of negative identification. Marks out of ten for parties and leading...
Study description available in:EN
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