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Household survey of climate change perception and adaptation strategies of smallholder coffee and basic grain farmers in Central America 2004-2014
The data archived here were collected as part of a household survey of smallholder coffee and basic farmers’ perceptions and adaptations to climate change. The data includes information from 860 smallholder coffee and maize/bean farmers in Guatemala, Honduras and Costa Rica. The main objective of the household survey was to explore how smallholder farmers are being affected...
Futures Commodity Prices and Electricity and Utility Stock Prices, 2005
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The objective of the project was to provide econometric analysis and theory for modelling energy and soft commodity prices. This necessitated data analysis and modelling together with theoretical econometrics, dealing with the specific stylised facts of commodity prices. In order to analyse energy and...
Integrated Rural Survey of Kenya, 1982
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The main aims of this study were to assess the structure of rural household income in Kenya in 1982; to discover changes since 1975 in agriculture and assets with special attention to the impact of the coffee boom; to assess access to government services and health, education, water, wood and sewage.Main...
Household Budget Survey of Rural Tanzania, 1983
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The main aims of this study were to assess the structure of rural household income in Tanzania in 1983; to discover changes since 1975 in agriculture and assets with special attention to the impact of the coffee boom; to assess access to government services and health, education, water, wood and...
Conflicts Over Land and Resources in the Bosawas Natural Resource Reserve North-Central Nicaragua, 1995
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of the study was to investigate the invasion of indigenous lands within Bosawas and to establish the root causes of land invasion in terms of the origins and economic circumstances of the incomers; to examine the impact of land invasion upon Mayangna indigenous communities; to investigate...
Household Survey for Evaluation of Livelihoods and Sustainable Markets Project in Ethiopia, 2014
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Household Survey for Evaluation of Livelihoods and Sustainable Markets Project in Ethiopia, 2014 data were collected by Oxfam GB as part of the organisation's Global Performance Framework. Under this framework, a small number of completed or mature projects are selected at random each year for an...