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Public Attitudes to Genomics: Vignette Studies, 2004
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.These vignette studies form part of a wider project to provide a basic understanding of current attitudes among the public towards a range of new genetic technologies. Public attitudes and behaviour toward developments in this area of science are likely to be conditional, at least in part, upon...
Strategic Science: Research Intermediaries and the Governance of Innovation, 2009-2011
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This is a qualitative data collection. In recent years a range of often debates about have demonstrated the potential for new technologies to become the focus of widespread concern and anxiety. The Strategic Science project considered the social ramifications of new technology through an examination of...
OECD Patent Statistics, 1976-2016
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Patent Statistics are presented in the following tables:
Indicators of international co-operation.
This dataset presents statistics on Indicators of international co-operation in patents (EPO, USPTO and PCT): where EPO stands for European...
Enlisting the Help of Friendly Bacteria: Probiotics and Visions of Health, Nutrition and Science in a Modern World, 2007
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This is a qualitative data collection.
Probiotics are defined as a culture of bacteria which will, when consumed, colonise the stomach and have a beneficial effect on the host. In the past they were used almost exclusively in hospitals for treatment of health conditions associated with the digestive...
Co-developing risk assessment across disciplines and borders: Gene drive mosquito field trials in Uganda 2019
Gene drive is an emerging biotechnology that can be used to bias the inheritance of a specific genetic trait in any population of sexually reproducing organisms. In Uganda, and in other African countries, there is interest in the possibility of using synthetic gene drives to reduce the population of the mosquito species Anopheles gambiae which is the primary transmitter of...
Cross border acquisitions of UK biotechs, 2011
In-depth interviews of dyads in cross border acquisitions of UK biotechs. Interviews took place in 2011 with key decision makers in the target firms and acquiring firms. Data was gathered from the target firms on their proprietary technology, their capabilities and the motivation for the sale of the company. Data was gathered from the acquiring firms on their proprietary...
Data on food systems stakeholders' perspectives on future-proofing crops
This dataset includes qualitative information from focus group discussions with farm-level, agri-businesses and consumer experts on crop improvement strategies for future-proofing.Data were collected in a series of online workshops based on a semi-structured protocol that facilitated the appraisal of Cropbooster-P options and impact assessment and was supported by whiteboard...
Accountability and the Governance of Expertise : Anticipating Genetic Bioweapons, 2002-2003
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This collection is made up of 25 semi-structured and open-ended interviews with either commercial and academic research scientists or science policy officials in the UK and US. The interviews discussed a 'case study' into the possible malign applications of research into acetylcholine and muscarinic...
Public Understanding of Genomics and the Dynamics of Opinion Change: a Panel Study, 2003-2004
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.At a time when gene technologies are gaining increasing prominence, this research enabled a better understanding of how the dynamics of public attitudes towards genomics are underpinned by factual knowledge. It examined the extent to which a more knowledgeable public adopts attitudes that are more...
Genetics, Genomics and Genetic Modification in Livestock Agriculture: Emerging Knowledge-Practices in Making and Managing Farm Livestock, 2007-2010
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This is a qualitative data collection. This research aimed to examine how beef cattle and sheep breeding practices are changing as genetic and genomic techniques become more prevalent in the livestock sector. It examined: the relationships between genetic and 'traditional' breeding techniques, changes in...
Knowledge Production and Collaboration in the Life Sciences: Interviews with Scientists in Industry, Universities and the National Health Service, 2005-2006
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This is a qualitative dataset.
This study examined the human behaviour underpinning collaboration in the life sciences. It focused on collaboration between universities and industries; and regional collaboration. It sought to explain the incidence of knowledge production in terms of individual career...