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OECD Environment Statistics, 1950-2020
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The OECD Environment Statistics contains selected indicators for monitoring progress towards green growth to support policy making and inform the public at large. The dataset covers OECD countries as well as BRIICS economies, and selected countries when possible.
Within UKDS.Stat, the OECD Environment...
Virtual Tours of an Urban Park Produced Stress Recovery and Emotional Well-Being, 2022
The interest in urban green space as a provider/supporter of mental well-being is still growing. The question has largely moved on from “Will a walk in the park help with mental well-being?” to “Will a walk in any park do?”
Over 1700 participants from the UK and China reported their affective states before and after virtually exploring the same urban park but with lower (5...
Household survey investigating the social impact of biodiversity offset: a case study from Madagascar 2014-2015
This dataset is part of the Ecosystem Services and Poverty Alleviation (ESPA) programme, in particular the P4GES project: Can Paying for Global Ecosystem Services reduce poverty?
The database is the result of a household survey investigating the magnitude and distribution of biodiversity offset project impacts on local livelihood.
170 households in 3 different sites around...
Memory and Prediction in Tree Disease Management: a Comparative Analysis of Dutch Elm Disease and Sudden Oak Death in the United Kingdom, 2007-2010
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The study is part of the Rural Economy and Land Use (RELU) programme.
This interdisciplinary project investigated the uses of memory and prediction in the current management of the threat to biodiversity and landscapes from tree disease epidemics in the UK. Expanding international trade, increased human...
Eating Biodiversity: An Investigation of the Links between Quality Food Production and Biodiversity Protection, 2005-2007
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This is a mixed method data collection. The study is part of the Rural Economy and Land Use (RELU) programme.
This project investigated the links between quality food production and biodiversity protection by asking the question: can production systems that use and maintain biodiverse natural grasslands,...
Implications of a Nutrition-Driven Food Policy for the Countryside, 2005-2008
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This is a mixed method data collection. The study is part of the Rural Economy and Land Use (RELU) programme.
The objectives of the research were to examine the effectiveness of policies designed to promote healthy eating; to examine the potential for the development of sustainable UK food chains capable...
Sustainability of Hill Farming, 2007-2008
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This is a mixed method data collection. The study is part of the Rural Economy and Land Use (RELU) programme.
The project used the Peak District National Park as a case study to examine the impact of hill farming practices on upland biodiversity (using birds as an indicator group); how hill farms were...
Survey of Public Attitudes and Behaviours toward the Environment, 2009
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The 2009 survey is the seventh in a series commissioned by the Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) (formerly the Department of the Environment (DOE) and the Department of Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR)). The aim of the research is to monitor and measure attitudes...
A Stress Recovery Experiment Using 360-degree Videos of an Urban Woodland, 2021
This data was collected as part of an online experiment.
A sample of participants (n = 372) was mildly stressed and then recovered by watching a 360-degree video from a woodland, randomly assigned from 4 different conditions. Each condition showed the same woodland setting, but at different levels of biodiversity.
The data includes Affective States scores (Positive Affect...
Scottish Islands Survey, 2023
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Scottish Islands Survey (2023) gathered views about different aspects of island life from Scottish island residents. The topics explored in the survey aligned with the objectives set out in the Scottish Government’s National Islands Plan (2019), including housing, transport, economic development...
MARIPOLDATAbase (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. Starting in 2018, the MARIPOLDATAbase has systematically catalogued Collaborative Event Ethnography (CEE) observations covering the entire BBNJ (Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction) negotiations until June 2023. By providing primary data on the whole negotiation process, the MARIPOLDATAbase supports empirical scholarly work on diverse...
Forest Owners' Views on Forest Biodiversity Programme METSO and Forest Use 2014
This study surveyed Finnish forest owners' views on the METSO biodiversity programme, principles of forest management, securing biodiversity of forests, and forest use. The survey is part of the METSO collaborative research project funded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (2013-2016). The first questions covered the type of measures that had already been taken to...
Social Networks in Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services 2016-2021
The data includes a compilation of group memberships for experts appointed to the work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), the Future Earth Programme and the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP). The data was collected as part of the Government's analysis,...
Online-Befragung "Biodiversität und Lebensmittelproduktion – Bewusstsein, Einstellungen und Handlungsbereitschaft von Konsument:innen"
Bisher liegen kaum Untersuchungen dazu vor, inwieweit bei Konsument:innen ein Bewusstsein über den Zusammenhang von Lebensmittelproduktion/‑konsum und der Gefährdung von Biodiversität vorhanden ist und wie die gesellschaftliche Sensibilität für dieses Thema gesteigert werden kann. Ziel der in Deutschland durchgeführten Studie ist es daher, gesellschaftliche Werthaltungen zu...
Datensatz zur Umfrage: Praktiken öffentlicher Wasserversorger in Deutschland zur Förderung von Biodiversität und Ökosystemleistungen in Wasserschutzgebieten
Im Rahmen des Projekts BioWaWi, gefördert durch das BMBF, wurde eine Umfrage unter öffentlichen Wasserversorgern in Deutschland durchgeführt, um deren Praktiken zur Förderung von Biodiversität und Ökosystemleistungen (ÖSL) in Wasserschutzgebieten (WSG) zu erheben. Ziel der Studie war es, Managementansätze für Biodiversitäts- und ÖSL-Fördermaßnahmen zu erfassen und mögliche...
Datensatz zur Umfrage: Praktiken öffentlicher Wasserversorger in Deutschland zur Förderung von Biodiversität und Ökosystemleistungen in Wasserschutzgebieten
Im Rahmen des Projekts BioWaWi, gefördert durch das BMBF, wurde eine Umfrage unter öffentlichen Wasserversorgern in Deutschland durchgeführt, um deren Praktiken zur Förderung von Biodiversität und Ökosystemleistungen (ÖSL) in Wasserschutzgebieten (WSG) zu erheben. Ziel der Studie war es, Managementansätze für Biodiversitäts- und ÖSL-Fördermaßnahmen zu erfassen und mögliche...
Integrated Floodplain Management, 2006-2008
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This is a mixed method data collection. The study is part of the Rural Economy and Land Use (RELU) programme. Data from previous research, carried out by the research team in the 1980s and revisited through the current research, have been included in this data collection.
Agricultural Flood Defence...
Management Options for Biodiverse Farming, 2006-2009
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This is a mixed method data collection. The study is part of the Rural Economy and Land Use (RELU) programme.
In the context of changing external and internal pressures on UK agriculture, particularly those associated with the ongoing reform of the EU Common Agricultural Policy, it is imperative to...
Linking Evidence and Policy for Managing Biodiversity in the Agricultural Landscape, 2011
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The study is part of the Rural Economy and Land Use (RELU) programme.
This project developed and tested a new method for integrating scientific evidence into policy and practice, using wildlife conservation on farmland as a demonstration. The project compiled a list of 118 interventions to benefit...
National Survey for Wales, 2022-2023
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Welsh Government's National Survey for Wales covers a random sample of 12,000 adults a year (aged 16+) living in private households across Wales. The survey provides representative, reliable and up-to-date information about the people of Wales down to local authority level.The survey began in 2012. In...
Q methodology studies on human perspectives for biological conservation 1996-2017
This database synthesises peer-review articles that use Q methodology (an approach to understand human perspectives in a variety of topics) for research questions in biological conservation, from 1996 until 2017. The database was compiled to analyse how the methodology is being applied in conservation, what kind of research decisions were being made, and the quality of...
Incentivising Businesses to Adopt Action for the Protection of Coastal Nature and Biodiversity in Malaysia, 2021-2022
Nexus Action for Mangroves in Selangor, Malaysia: Protection Through Value Creation for Community-Public-Private Partnerships (NexAMS) is an 18-month project aimed at advancing policy and business initiatives for improved, inclusive mangrove protection through sustainable use, and building public-private-community partnerships, focusing on the state of Selangor.
When it...
DECIDE: Delivering Enhanced Biodiversity Information with Adaptive Citizen Science and Intelligent Digital Engagements, 2020-2023
This collection comprises two sets of transcripts of semi structured interviews, one with biological recorders (identified with ‘P’ codes) and the other with end users of biodiversity data collected by biological recorders (Identified with ‘DEU ‘codes). These interviews were recorded in 2021 as a part of the DECIDE project. The biological recorder interviews were collected...
UK Primary and Secondary Science Teachers’ Attitudes and Knowledge About Local Biodiversity, 2022-2023
Biodiversity topics feature in UK primary and secondary science and geography curricula, providing a valuable opportunity for increasing children’s ecological literacy. Studies in other countries have shown that teachers have poor species identification skills, but this topic has not been investigated for the UK. 152 geography and science teachers UK primary (5-11 years) and...
Investigating Children’s Attitudes and Learning About Soil Invertebrates, 2022-2023
Soil invertebrates play a central role in terrestrial ecosystem functioning but public awareness about the importance of soil invertebrates is low and they are neglected in conservation research and policy. This study investigated children’s perceptions of soil invertebrates and the impact of an educational intervention, using a psychometric questionnaire, interviews and...