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The financialisation of social welfare. The role of credit and financial counselling for social inclusion and exclusion.
This project is based on the idea that the liberalisation of people's access to credit fundamentally changed the way social welfare and risks are produced and distributed. The overall research question is how well individual households are protected against financial risks within the frameworks of the contemporary Norwegian welfare state. The analysis is carried out in three...
Models for economic assessments of forest-based bioenergy and second-generation biofuel production: Model and input
This is a PhD project with the aim of further developing forest sector and energy sector models. The model covers the entire Norwegian forest sector, with forest dynamics, logging, transport, industry and final consumption. The model is spatial with a time resolution of one year. Responsible institution is the Norwegian University of Life Sciences under the Faculty of...
Income- and Property Survey 1997
Statistics Norway carried out extensive income and property surveys in 1958, 1962, 1967, 1970, 1973, 1976, 1979 and 1982. From 1984 Statistics Norway switched to yearly surveys, this change mostly effected the sample size and sampling issues and not the type of information that is collected. The information is mostly decided based on publicly available taxation data. The...
Designing Workable and Effective climate policies - experiment, 2011
There is very little systematic knowledge about the Norwegian general public's perceptions of environmental policy instruments. - Emissions trading schemes and personal carbon offsets have not been afforded the same attention as environmental taxes. - There has been no systematic comparison of the efficiency of policy options when there are constraints on what is politically...
Tourism and Local Labour Markets, 1990, Company Sample
The project's aim was to increase the understanding of the economical and employment connections in the travel-business and the direct effects in the “overnight-stop companies”. The project sheds light over the opportunities of the travel-business and the limits of the possibilities of employment in the districts. One has looked into how the recruitment of workplaces in the...
Income- and Property Survey 1987
Statistics Norway carried out extensive income and property surveys in 1958, 1962, 1967, 1970, 1973, 1976, 1979 and 1982. From 1984 Statistics Norway switched to yearly surveys, this change mostly effected the sample size and sampling issues and not the type of information that is collected. The information is mostly decided based on publicly available taxation data. The...