141 studies found in English from a total of 36820

Slachtoffers van delikten 1973

J.P.S. Fiselier (Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen * Nijmegen, Criminologisch instituut)
Experiences with being a victim of some criminal act / specific cases / opinions about punishment of the offender / characteristics of offender.
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Jeugdcriminaliteit, 1986

Junger-Tas, J., Kruissink, M., Ministerie van justitie * Den Haag, Wetenschappelijk onderzoek- en documentatiecentrum, WODC (primary investigator)
Self-reported criminal activities of Dutch youth aged between 12 and 17 and related values and beliefs, opinions and behaviour. school-motivation / nationality of parents / ( sideline ) job / job satisfaction / unemployment / value orientation and goals in life: importance of marriage, family life, self-realization, social behaviour, career / attitudes towards politics,...
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Leefbaarheidsmonitor 1996 Den Haag - VSO

Wensveen, P., Verdurmen, J., Oudijk, C.H., Centrum voor Onderzoek en Statistiek, COS * Rotterdam (primary investigator)
Satisfaction with neighbourhood / separate collection of waste: glass, paper, chemicals, food etc. / satisfaction with cleansing department and some special municipal projects to improve the quality of life / perception of crime in neighbourhood / inconveniences by drug abuse / satisfaction with dwelling, propensity to remove / feelings of unsafety / experience with...
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Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland 2004 - CV'04

Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau - SCP
Trend study on changes in social and cultural opinions and attitudes of the Dutch population regarding a wide range of topics.Safety and crime / satisfaction with life / social contacts / spending leisure time / possessions and income / prosperity / health and handicaps / work / use of internet / economic well-being / values and beliefs / satisfaction with government /...
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Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland 2002 - CV'02

J.W. Becker (Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, SCP * Den Haag (primary investigator))
Trend study on changes in general opinions and attitudes of the Dutch population regarding a wide range of topics.Face to face interview: Opinion on government plans to postpone retiring age / working without financial necessity / sidejobs of pupils and students / working after age 65 / early retirement - VUT - schemes / expected retirement age / volunteer work / most...
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Jeugdonderzoek Venlo 1999 - VSO

Schoeber, J., Gemeente Venlo * Venlo (primary investigator)
Survey designed to gain insight in the life situation of the Venlo youth population in preparation of long-term policy planning. Themes: health / wellbeing and satisfaction / smoking and drinking: tobacco, sigarettes, alcohol : frequency, quantities, parent attitude / drug use: type, frequency, use known to parents ? / gambling , stealing / safety, victimization /...
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Slachtofferenquete WODC, 1976

Dijk, J.J.M. van, Steinmetz, C.H.D., Ministerie van justitie, Wetenschappelijk onderzoek- en documentatiecentrum, WODC * Den Haag (primary investigator)
Determining number of Dutch citizens who fell victim to crime/ reaction of police to notification of crime/ opinion of population on crime. Nr. and nature of crimes r fell victim to / theft of bike, moped, car / theft of purse and amount of money lost / burglary / physical violence kind and severity of injuries / when walking ever hit by moped, car through no fault of r /...
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Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland 1997 - CV'97

J.W. Becker (Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, SCP * Den Haag (primary investigator))
Trend study on changes in general opinions and attitudes of the Dutch population regarding a wide range of topics. Part of the survey contains also variables from the replication of the International Social Survey Program concerning work orientation topics. Preferences concerning spending time: work, domestic work, family, friends, leisure activities / general attitude to...
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Straftoemetingsonderzoek 'Barend' 1965

Enschede, Ch.J., Universiteit van Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Seminarium Van Hamel voor strafrecht en strafrechtspleging (primary investigator)
Type and measure of punishment in 9 varieties of one crime by a man called "Barend". Background variables: occupation/employment
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Track down methods to fight against criminality : Centerdata Telepanel

CenterData, Universiteit Brabant, Tilburg
This survey is part of Centerdata's Telepanel project. Telepanel consists of approx. 2000 households, surveyed weekly. Besides the Centerdatabase offers opportunities to compose tailor-made datasets. Opinion about investigation methods of police in cases of soft-drugs business, hard-drugs business, fraud, membership extreme right organizations, membership extreme left...
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Slachtofferenquete WODC, 1979

Dijk, J.J.M. van, Steinmetz, C.H.D., Ministerie van justitie, Wetenschappelijk onderzoek- en documentatiecentrum, WODC * Den Haag (primary investigator)
Determining number of Dutch citizens who fell victim to crime/ reasons for ( not ) notifying police of crimes. Number and nature of crimes / theft of bike, moped / theft from car/ theft of car / theft of purse and amount of money lost / burglary / sexual violence / physical violence kind and severity of injuries / when walking ever hit by moped, car by no fault of oneself/...
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European Values Study 1999/2000 - EVS'99/2000 : Release I - September 2003 (ZA Study 3811)

Halman, L.C.J.M. , Subfac. Sociale Wetenschappen , Universiteit van Tilburg (primary investigator)
The European Values Study is designed to enable cross-national comparison of values, beliefs and attitudes, as well as preferences and priorities, and the changes in time concerning these issues. Uniform questionnaires were used to interview representative samples in 33 European countries: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,...
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Slachtofferenquete WODC, 1978

Dijk, J.J.M. van, Steinmetz, C.H.D., Ministerie van justitie, Wetenschappelijk onderzoek- en documentatiecentrum, WODC * Den Haag (primary investigator)
Determining number of Dutch citizens who fell victim to crime/ opinion of population on crime, police performance/ kind of contacts with police/ most important problems in neighbourhood. Recent conversations on crime / expected changes for crimes / afraid of what / theft from car / theft of car / theft of purse and amount of money lost / burglary / crime prevention / sexual...
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Gemeente-enquete Ede 1997 - VSO v2

Gemeente Ede
Opinion of inhabitants of Ede about various aspects of living in Ede, the municipal policy and municipal facilities Crime, insecurity, and inconveniences in neighbourhood where respondent is living / quality of life / community centres / participation in arts and culture / information and involvement concerning town and country planning by the municipality / opinion...
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Amsterdammers over misdaad en politie, 1985

Hoenson, L.F.H., Gemeentepolitie Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Bureau organisatie (primary investigator)
General opinion about the police of Amsterdam and their surveillance / perceived chance to become a victim / feelings of insecurity in the whole city, in one's own district and in one's own house / actual victimization / opinion of victims and witnesses about the reaction and way of acting of the police after informing of a crime / solved crimes, caught offenders. Background...
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Amsterdamse omnibus-enquĂȘte IV 1984

Cornelisse-Claassen, T.M., Gemeente Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Bestuursinformatie, afd. onderzoek en statistiek (primary investigator)
To improve efficiency in performance of municipal departments Intention to move: preferred location and type of residence / receipt of one time benefit for the poorest people / sources of income, standing charges / experience with municipal inquiry procedures in neighbourhood / making use of health services, medical complaints, in particular allergies / cockroaches in...
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Angst voor sexueel geweld 1982

Ensink, B., Albach, F., Rijksuniversiteit Leiden * Leiden, Vakgroep vrouwenstudies (primary investigator)
Exploration of the possible discrepancy between the fear of and the occurrence of sexual violence against women. Unsafe places in neighbourhood and municipality / agreement with notions such as: women who are raped usually have provoked it/ many women have an unconscious wish to be raped/ all men are potential rapists/ a lot of men think that a woman means yes if she says...
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Sekse en straftoemeting 1985

Timmerman, H., Breembroek, G., Rijksuniversiteit Groningen * Groningen, Criminologisch instituut (primary investigator)
Relation between sentence in court and sex. Seriousness of delict ( theft ), influence of alcohol, drugs / dismissal of charge / temporary custody / sentence demanded / report by expert / sentence / appeal to higher court, final sentence / recidivism, number of previous convictions. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ occupation/employment
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Criminality in the Netherlands : Centerdata Telepanel

CenterData, Universiteit Brabant, Tilburg
This survey is part of Centerdata's Telepanel project. Telepanel consists of approx. 2000 households, surveyed weekly. Besides the Centerdatabase offers opportunities to compose tailor-made datasets. Victimisation / possession of weapons / opinion about punitive measures in the Netherlands. Background Variables: Age, year of birth /Sex Ownership of house / Nr. of...
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Verdachten onder stress 1968

Bergsma, R.L., Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Criminologisch instituut (primary investigator)
Procedures followed regarding suspects of various types of crimes being interviewed by the Amsterdam police at the police-station / general conditions and attitude / awareness of situation / perspectives for help / relations to family / attitude to family, friends / acquaintances knowing about arrest / occupational background / relations to colleagues, boss / leisure...
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Etniciteit en straftoemeting 1985

Bosma, J.J., Rijksuniversiteit Groningen * Groningen, Criminologisch instituut (primary investigator)
Relation between sentence in court and ethnic origin. Seriousness of delict ( theft ), influence of alcohol, drugs / dismissal of charge / temporary custody / sentence demanded / report by expert / sentence / appeal to higher court, final sentence / recidivism, number of previous convictions / ethnic origin. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/...
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Amsterdammers over misdaad en politie, 1991

Hoenson, L.F.H., Lofers Adema, R.H., Gemeentepolitie Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Bureau organisatie (primary investigator)
Survey among the Amsterdam population regarding: 1: the functioning of the local police/ 2: victimization/ 3: feelings of insecurity/ 4: problems experienced in the neighbourhood and 5: contacts with the police Themes: functioning of the police: reliability, protectiveness, accessibility, effectiveness, surveillance / perceived chance of becoming a victim / feelings of...
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Amsterdamse omnibus-enquĂȘte VI 1985

Cornelisse-Claassen, T.M., Gemeente Amsterdam * Amsterdam, Bestuursinformatie, afd. onderzoek en statistiek (primary investigator)
To improve efficiency in performance of municipal departments. Making use of taxis / sources of income, standing charges / visits to different forms of theatre, cinema, concerts etc. Sources of information about performances, readership of "Uitkrant": theatre program periodical / contacts with general practitioner / legal liabilities regarding health / cockroaches in...
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Stadspeiling Amersfoort 1999 - VSO

Acht, M. van, Boekenoogen, M., Hilhorst van 't Klooster, E., Korpershoek, A., Huurdeman, M.J.M., Gemeente Amersfoort * Amersfoort, Bureau Onderzoek en Statistiek (primary investigator)
Assessment of quality of neighbourhood, inconveniences, crime, traffic safety / advertisements or public places / choice of primary school for r's child / visits to, appreciation of city centre, markets in Amersfoort / positive and negative aspects of Amersfoort / use of Internet , e-mail / refuse collection, environment: saving energy and water. Background variables:...
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Voorlopige hechtenis 1978-1979 : Toepassing, schorsing en zaken met lange duur

Berghuis, A.C., Tigges, L.C.M., Ministerie van justitie, Wetenschappelijk onderzoek- en documentatiecentrum, WODC * Den Haag, Balkema, L.P., Rijksuniversiteit Groningen * Groningen, Juridisch instituut (primary investigator)
Study of application of temporary custody after alteration of the law in 1973, in which this application became more restricted. Temporary custody after alteration of law in 1973 / application / suspension / overstep of time limits.
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International Crime Victim Surveys - ICVS - 1989, 1992, 1996

Dijk, J.J.M. van, Ministerie van justitie * Den Haag, Frate, A. del, Unicri * Rome, Italy, Kesteren, J. van, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden * Leiden, Fac. rechtsgeleerdheid (primary investigator)
The International Crime Victim Survey (ICVS) is the most far-reaching programme of standardised sample surveys to look at householders' experience with crime, policing, crime prevention and feelings of unsafety in a large number of countries. Victim of: theft of or from vehicles, vandalism, robbery, pickpocketing, thefts, sexual harassement or violence, assault Frequency...
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Stadspeiling Nijmegen 1996 - VSO

Schattenberg, G., Moeniralam, H., Zonneveld, J., Gemeente Nijmegen * Nijmegen, Afd. Sociaal Economisch Onderzoek, Star, M. van der, GGD Regio Nijmegen * Nijmegen (primary investigator)
Facilities in the neighbourhood / quality of life, housing and safety victimization / police / social integration and participation in neighbourhood / Nymegen passport: special facilities for lower income groups / the multicultural city / health, eating and drinking habits, smoking, sports, weight and height. Background variables: basic characteristics/ place of birth/...
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Leefsituatie onderzoek, 1983 - LSO'83

Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, CBS * Voorburg (primary investigator)
Description of life situation of the Dutch population over 18 years, both objective as well as experienced by respondents. House, dwelling size / rent / quality / complaints / satisfaction / neighbourhood / shopping and public transport facilities / job, work, labour / function kind of commuting / satisfaction / quality / unemployment / income / cuts in expenditures /...
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Meningen van de Nederlandse bevolking over criminaliteit, 1985

Berghuis, A.C., Ministerie van justitie * Den Haag, Wetenschappelijk onderzoek- en documentatiecentrum, WODC (primary investigator)
Measuring the opinions of the Dutch population regarding criminality. Bicycle theft: victim of, preferred way of punishment / Burglary: victim of, preferred way of punishment / Preference regarding methods to deal with drug-related crimes: thefts by addicts, junks/ heroine smuggling / Rape, sexual violence, assault, stabbing, vandalism, soccer-vandalism / Effectiveness of...
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Gevangenis uit, de maatschappij in 1972

Moerings, L.M., Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht * Utrecht (primary investigator)
Detention period / first offender or recidivist / type of delict / type of prison / social situation before detention / situation during detention / expectations / plans after detention / situation after detention / comparing the three different situations. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation
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