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The role of trauma specific behaviours and parenting style in facilitating child psychological adjustment
The PROTECT data collection includes study measures (questionnaires, interviews, tasks), their corresponding scoring guides, and quantitative data extracted from these measures. The collection contains data from three time points: within 6 weeks of the traumatic event, three months after the traumatic event and six months after the traumatic event.
Consent and information...
Discussing Abstract Ideas in Schizophrenia Corpus, 2017-2023
The Discussing Abstract Ideas in Schizophrenia Corpus (DAIS-C) is small, specialised corpus of naturalistic speech featuring speakers with a formal diagnosis of schizophrenia (n=15) and speakers with no self-reported psychiatric or neuroleptic history (n=14). Interviews were unstructured and focused on the broad topics of linguistic creativity and participation in a...
International Rural Gentrification Project: England Data, 2014-2018
The project aimed to thoroughly examine the rural geographies of gentrification in France, the UK, and the USA through a comparative study of its theory, forms, and dynamics. It sought to determine whether rural gentrification could be used as a concept to explain changes in rural areas in these countries. he project began by using the concept of "sociologies of translation"...
Qualitative Interviews with Drug Service Users and Addiction Therapists, 2017-2022
This dataset includes anonymised transcripts of in-depth interviews seven individual interviews with drug service users about their experience with multiple relapses into illicit substance misuse and seven individual interviews with addiction therapists about their experience with supporting service users through multiple relapses into illicit substance misuse. The...
Interviews with MedicineAfrica Participants in Somaliland: Primarily Medical Students, 2020
Our dataset includes 30 semi-structured interviews with Somaliland-based participants. They were conducted online in 2020 and involved three groups of participants: 24 medical students, 3 nursing students, and 3 qualified clinicians. Participants studied for MedicineAfrica courses as part of their degree at a local institution in Somaliland.This project aims to explore the...
Couples Balancing Work, Money and Care: Exploring the Shifting Landscape under Universal Credit, 2018-2020
Our data comprises 186 semi-structured interview transcripts from 2 phases of fieldwork. The first phase of the research comprised 123 individual (88) and joint (35) face-to-face interviews with 90 Universal Credit joint claimants in 53 households, in four areas in England and Scotland, between June 2018 and January 2019. Follow-up interviews were conducted by telephone (due...
Migration for Inclusive African Growth, 2020-2021
The data comprises two forms of data collected across four African countries; Ghana, Nigeria, Mozambique and Kenya. These were:
• The results of a business survey administered to both migrant-owned and non-migrant owned businesses in the four case study countries. The survey data is contained within an Excel spreadsheet with responses organised in four separate sheets by...
High Energy Consumers, the Excess Project: Qualitative Data, 2018-2023
This data collection includes a User Guide and the anonymised transcripts of 30 semi-structured interviews of #60-90 minutes each, with 31 high household energy consumers, about their homes, appliances, infrastructures, vehicles, and everyday life and travel practices that generate household (domestic and travel-related) energy demand. It also includes the anonymised...
Interviews with MedicineAfrica Participants in Somaliland: Primarily Qualified Clinicians, 2021
Interviews were conducted between May and July 2021 with Somaliland-based qualified clinicians who enrolled in a MedicineAfrica-led, three-week Continuing Professional Development (CPD) course that was set up on Covid-19 prevention and treatment. In total, we interviewed 30 participants (27 Somaliland-based qualified clinicians, 2 local coordinators and MedicineAfrica's...
Baseline and Midline Follow-Up Data for Leadership Promotion Interventions in Bangladeshi Garment Sector, 2019–2021
The Early Career Intervention (ECI) project builds on earlier work by the team aiming to increase the share of female supervisors on sewing floor production lines in Bangladesh’s ready-made garment sector. ECI began as a pilot with three factories. The research team asked each of the three factories to nominate up to 50 sewing machine operators for training, with an equal....
Using Digital Forensics in Policing, 2018-2022
This project has examined the application of digital forensics (DF) in police investigations and the operational, organisational and professional opportunities and challenges this presents.
The objectives of the project have been:
1. To appraise current DF provision and processes in four DFUs that are part of a forensic
collaboration – both individually and as part of a...
Beyond Generation Rent: Understanding the Aspirations of Private Renters Aged 35-54, 2019
Much academic and popular attention has been paid to ‘Generation Rent’ – a growing group of young people who are trapped in the private rented sector (PRS) due to challenges in accessing other housing tenures. Yet much less is known about the experiences of older, middle-aged renters (MARs). This is a key gap given the recent growth of the sector. Once a housing tenure...
GCRF Centre for Sustainable, Healthy and Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods: Household Survey and Neighbourhood Focus Group Data from Seven Asian and African Countries, 2021-2022
In order to bring a thorough and comprehensive understanding of social, economic and environmental sustainability challenges faced by cities and local communities in the developing countries, the SHLC team conducted a major household survey followed by a neighbourhood focus group interview in seven Asian and African countries from late 2021 to early 2022. In each country the...
Spatially-Led Video Interviews, 2021-2022
This work develops a spatially-led practice to negotiate and share individuals’ perspectives of their own life course. This technique is designed particularly for researching culture(s) and feeling(s) - everyday life (Highmore, 2011) - attached to a given epoch. The focus of my ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship project is to understand the increasingly suburban and car-oriented...
Family Intervention for Empowerment Through Reading and Education, 2021-2022
The data were collected as part of the FIERCE project, investigating the effects of a reading programme on refugee children's educational trajectories. The data were collected from 322 Syrian refugee families living in Jordan (Amman and Al-Zaatari refugee camp) at three timepoints between February 2021 and May 2022.
We collected a range of measurements on children's...
Mental, Neurological, and Substance Abuse Disorders in Guyana's Jails, 1825-2022
The objective of MNS Disorders in Guyana's Jails, 1825 to the Present Day was to develop a historicized analytical approach that addresses a critical but almost entirely neglected aspect of prison systems in the Global South: the definition, extent, experience, and treatment of MNS disorders among inmates and the people who work with them. The project consolidates a previous...
‘Our Stories…’: Co-Constructing Digital Storytelling Methodologies for Supporting the Transitions of Autistic Children: Study Protocol Documents and Example Digital Stories, 2021–2022
The Our Stories project was a methods pilot project co-constructed with different practice-based settings to support different transitions of autistic children, young people and families. Therefore, most of the documents deposited are methodological protocols for informed consent, video content creation, evaluation, and analysis. There were 4 pilot projects in total, each...
Does Response Selection Determine the Presence of a Task-Switch Cost After Selective Nogo Trials, 2018-2022
The original grant that funded the collection encompasses a variety of studies. The main aim of the project was to investigate whether what we "know" and what we "do" have different effects on our subsequent behaviour investigated by looking at our ability to switch between different tasks. The data set includes trial data from seven experiments that used a cued...
Between Environmental Concerns and Compliance: How Does Media Messaging Affect Motivation and Choice Between Disposable Versus Reusable Facemasks, 2021-2022
Facemasks were a crucial part of the UK strategy to contain and mitigate the transmission of COVID-19. While disposable facemasks present a convenient, low-cost solution, they carry greater associated environmental costs than reusable masks which are less likely to be discarded but require higher financial outlay. Although clearly central, the influence of media messaging –...
Environmental Transects Surveys of Mismanaged Waste in Off-Grid Neighbourhoods of Kisumu, Kenya, and Greater Accra, Ghana, 2021
This data set records mismanaged waste in off-grid neighbourhoods lacking essential services in two cities, namely Greater Accra in Ghana and Kisumu in Kenya. The underlying study aimed to quantify mismanaged waste patterns and composition in both cities and evaluate the extent to which environmental transect surveys could be used to quantify mismanaged waste in off-grid...
Misophonia in the UK: Prevalence and Norms for the S-Five in a UK Representative Sample, 2020-2022
What is the reality of the misophonic experience in the general population? This is a study on misophonia in a large sample, representative of the UK general population. The study utilises a multidimensional psychometric tool, the S-Five, to study sounds triggering misophonia in everyday activities, the intensity of emotions/feelings related to them, and the norms of key...
Social Identity Model of Protest Emergence, an Agent-Based Simulation Model, 2019-2022
I developed an agent-based model (ABM) which is a social simulation method, to explain protest mobilisation through national identity polarisation and how social media and individual social networks contribute in this process. From the simulation code, written in NetLogo, I collected data from multiple simulation runs of various parameter combinations. Then, I cleaned and...
Making Reading Real: Survey Data, 2022
What is the problem I am solving? How would you feel if, while reading this text, letters and words started merging or disappearing, making your reading impossible, and you knew there was nothing you could do to recover your reading ability? Frightening. Devastating. That is precisely the experience of millions of people in the world who have had a stroke or live with...
The Qualitative Election Study of Britain: The EU Referendum Interviews Dataset, 2016
The Qualitative Election Study of Britain: The EU Referendum 2016 Interviews Dataset comprises 15 transcripts of telephone interviews with Qualitative Election Study of Britain panellists from across England (6), Scotland (5) and Wales (4) conducted after the United Kingdom European Union membership referendum (EU Referendum) of 23rd June 2016. Telephone interviews took...
Wages of UK Immigrant Men Across Generations: Who Catches Up, Understanding Society Derivation Code, 2009-2019
This paper that supplements the code available in this collection examines UK immigrant-native wage differentials for men across major first- and second-generation immigrant groups with the UK Household Longitudinal Study (UKHLS) pooling cross-sections over the years 2009–2019. I find that first-generation immigrants with UK human capital experience less of a wage...
Connecting Agropastoral Food Culture Research to Livestock Commercialisation Policy, 2021-2023
This research project aimed to define a new research agenda for connecting policy on livestock sector development to research on agropastoralist food cultures. The project brought together a group of relevant stakeholders - policy makers and implementers, researchers, development actors, and local community representatives - from East and West Africa. Researchers performed a...
Stakeholder Engagement Focus Groups on Digital Mental Health and Peer Support, 2022
Background: Digital mental health (DMH) delivered via peer support is of increasing interest following the pandemic. Such approaches have the potential to alleviate demand and increase access to support. However, little is known about the process of change while using these platforms from initial inputs to long-term impact.
Purpose: This project used co-production to...
House Price Per Square Metre in England and Wales, 1995-2022
This repository is the second updated version of the attribute-linked residential property price dataset in UK Data Service ReShare 854240 ( As with the first updated version (ReShare 855033 in 2021, this updated dataset contains individual property transactions and associated variables...
Interviews on Trials Transparency at Public Research Institutions in the UK, 2020-2021
Ensuring the reporting of clinical research is essential to informed evidence generation in medicine. The UK has seen politicians, funders, and other stakeholder focus on transparency which has translated to pressure on sponsors to ensure greater transparency of their research. This study aimed to collect the institutional perspective to transparency issues in clinical...
Data From the Development and Acceptability Testing of the Carers-ID Online Support Programme, 2021-2022
In order explore the experiences of family carers of people with profound and multiple learning disabilities and voluntary sector organisations during the COVID-19 pandemic, we conducted 38 focus groups – 6 voluntary sector and 32 carer (data includes 38 transcripts). There were a total of 24 participants in the voluntary sector focus groups and 126 in the carer focus...