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The financialisation of social welfare. The role of credit and financial counselling for social inclusion and exclusion.
This project is based on the idea that the liberalisation of people's access to credit fundamentally changed the way social welfare and risks are produced and distributed. The overall research question is how well individual households are protected against financial risks within the frameworks of the contemporary Norwegian welfare state. The analysis is carried out in three...
Reducing evictions. Evaluation of a project in the municipality of Oslo
In the spring of 2004, Fami (Centre for studies of poverty, minimum security and social integration), which is a collaboration between Fafo and NOVA, won a tender, issued by the Norwegian Directorate for Health and Social Affairs, to evaluate the project "The collaboration project - fewer evictions". Axel West Pedersen from NOVA was the project leader for the...
Bereaved Parents, Siblings and Friends After July 22nd 2011, 2014
The aim of this research project was to gain increased knowledge of the situation of the bereaved after the Utøya massacre. The project examines the occurrence and possible relationships between trauma and sorrow reactions, difficulties after the murders, and self-sufficiency, aid and support measures. The subjective experiences of further need for help and what can be done...
Living Conditions Survey EU-SILC 2021
The living conditions survey EU-SILC is an annual living conditions survey carried out by Statistics Norway. Statistics Norway has carried out living conditions surveys since 1973, and from 1996 surveys have been carried out annually. In 2011, the national living conditions survey was coordinated with the EU-mandated Survey on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC).
GeoHealthAccess - The Geography of Vulnerability and Health Service Access in Southern Africa, 2016
This project aimed to improve access to health care for those who need it the most, as such more knowledge is needed on barriers to access in resource poor contexts. Access to health services is determined by an interaction of individual vulnerability and geographical accessibility. To understand this interaction, information on physical surroundings, such as topography and...