10 studies found in English from a total of 37400
Språk og lingvistikk 

Reading Survey in the Normal Population and Among Inmates in Åna Kretsfengsel, 1993

Solheim, Ragnar Gees (Senter for leseforskning, Høgskolen i Stavanger)
"Reading Survey in the Normal Population and Among Inmates in Åna Kretsfengsel, 1993" examined the literacy skills of a group of inmates in Åna kretsfengsel. The background for the project was to conduct an empirical study in connection with a dissertation on reading difficulties and behavior problems. The survey used a shortened version of the 8th grade IEA reading test,...
Study description available in:ENNO

Screen Tablets and Language Stimulation in Kindergartens: Developing Tools to Assess the Effect of Tablet Screens on Linguistic Development, 2015

Kindergartens experience increasing expectations to introduce digital technology, and are increasingly making use of digital technologies in different activities. The kindergartens are crucial arenas for children's language development. Children learn languages first and foremost by using language in social situations, and through direct engagement in different language...
Study description available in:ENNO

Perceived Regional Variation in Spoken Russian Among Young Russians, 2015

Vardøy, Benedikte Fjellanger (Universitetet i Bergen)
The main purpose of the current project is to explore naïve Russian speakers' view on regional variation in spoken Russian. The dataset consists of 59 interviews with Russian adolescents in three Russian cities: Moscow, Perm and Novosibirsk. The main topic of the interview is regional variation in Russian. Other topics include stylistic variation and general variation in...
Study description available in:ENNO

Linguistic Identity and Attitudes in Spanish-speaking Latin America, 2013

The LIAS-project (Linguistic Identity and Attitudes in Spanish-speaking Latin America) aims to study attitudes towards Latin-American Spanish and how they form the linguistic identity of its speakers. Linguistic attitudes result from a complex interplay of social forces and express how language serves individual and collective interests. Norwegians are aware of the imporance...
Study description available in:ENNO


More than 70 historical minority languages are spoken in Europe, and several are in the process of being standardised. Studies of minority language standardisation typically focus on language revitalisation by addressing topics such as types of domain where the minority language is used, identifying domains in need to be strengthened and development of vocabulary, grammars...
Study description available in:ENNO

Language Revitalisation: Attitudes, Engagement and Linguistic Interaction, 2011.

Östman, Jan-Ola (Universitetet i Tromsø)
The project examines the revitalisation of a North- and a Lule-Sámi variety in two communities of speakers from the perspective of linguistic interaction. It asks what speakers do with their languages and why their linguistic acts take the particular forms they do take. An important issue in the context of language revitalisation is the speakers' personal engagement, their...
Study description available in:ENNO

Attitudes Towards the Drammen Dialect, 1994

The primary objective of this project was to map out different attitudes towards the Drammen dialect, and to assess what linguistic characteristics that were connected to negative attitudes towards the dialect. The respondents evaluated people based on language tests, and assessed nine linguistic characteristics, and were asked about their own use of linguistic traits.
Study description available in:ENNO

Traces of History, 2019

Historical linguistics has traditionally focused either on a synchronic description of a language during a certain period, or it has focused on changes that have taken place. This project aims at turning the perspective 180 degrees, and ask the following question: What characterizes structures that do not change? From a typological point of view, V2 is extremely rare and...
Study description available in:ENNO

Neat Theories, Messy Realities: How to Apply Absolute Definitions to Gradient Phenomena, 2014

"Neat Theories, Messy Realities" is a project that explores the structures of languages. Traditional definitions of language phenomena such as allomorphy (a type of relation between the forms of a language and their meanings) are stated in terms of absolute criteria. However, such definitions are inadequate for describing the real complexity found in language data. As a...
Study description available in:ENNO

Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC) 2012

Statistics Norway
Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) is an international survey initiated by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. The project started in 2008, and the survey has now been carried out in 24 countries. Approximately 5000 respondents aged between 16 and 65 years participated in the Norwegian survey. The data collection...
Study description available in:ENNO