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Consequences of Cash Benefits for Children in Immigrant Families, 2000
It has been a public goal to encourage increased use of kindergartens among children with ethnic minority background. When the cash benefit program was introduced, it was criticized for the possibility of having opposite effects. On the basis of this problem, three questions have been adressed in the FAFO-report "Kontantstøttens konsekvenser for barn i innvandrerfamilier,...
User-based evaluation of the municipal services for children and adolescents with psychological problems 2004, 2007
The project is part of the evaluation of an escalation plan for mental health. The sentral objective is to study how users with mental problems experience cooperation and coordination between different service-providers and agencies. The following questions are sought answered:
• How do users experience the cooperation between different agencies and service providers?
- ...
Equal Opportunities and Long-Term Care - The Mediating Role of the Welfare State, 2013
Population ageing represents fundamental challenges for future long-term care. Needs threaten to exceed the resources of the family and the welfare state. The present gender bias in care provision is hardly sustainable for ageing societies, and new forms of social inequalities may arise and conflict with other priority goals such as a fair distribution of public services and...
Children in Residential Care - a Segregated Group in Education, 1994-95
The purpose of the project was to map elementary education of children and young people living in county child welfare institutions. The reason is that the county, not the primary municipality is responsible for primary schooling for children living in institutions. The project was initiated by the child welfare institutions' cooperation forum. The aim was to identify where...
Living contitions of intellectually disabled people ten years after resettlement in the community, 2001, living at home
The project "Living conditions of intellectually disabled people ten years after resettlement in the community" consists of three surveys:
1. A survey of the living conditions for adults with an intellectual disability who live in their own home/shared houses.
2. A survey of their next of kins' opinions on the services the municipality offers, and their experiences with...
Living conditions for the disabled 10 years after the HVPU-reform, 2001, living conditions
The project "Living conditions of intellectually disabled people ten years after resettlement in the community" consist of three surveys:
1. A survey of the living conditions for adults with an intellectual disability who live in their own home/shared houses.
2. A survey of their next of kins' opinions on the services the municipality offers, and their experiences with...
Elderly care in big cities. Evaluation of the action plan for the elderly 1998-2001 - the work situation for employees in the social care and home care services
The survey was conducted in order to evaluate "the Action plan for welfare services for the elderly 1998-2001". The aim was to study experiences the employed have with how nursing and care services in Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, Kristiansand og Tromsø work.
When the Action plan for welfare services for the elderly 1998-2001 was adopted (19th of June 1997) the National Assembly...
Living contitions of intellectually disabled people ten years after resettlement in the community, 2001, municipal services
The project "Living conditions of intellectually disabled people ten years after resettlement in the community" consists of three surveys:
1. A survey of the living conditions for adults with an intellectual disability who live in their own home/shared houses.
2. A survey of their next of kins' opinions on the services the municipality offers, and their experiences with...
Study on Economic and Social Welfare, 1990.
This survey was initiated by Institute of Social Research (INAS), and carried out by Statistics Norway in 1990/1991. The survey aims to collect representative data on the economic and social welfare of the population, for example by mapping out the economic performances of households. The survey was carried out as a part of the Labour Force Survey, and also includes data on...
Hospital at Home and Integrated Care. The Perspectives of Relatives and Municipality Workers, 2010
Survey of COPD patients and their families. The COPD patients got questions about themselves and if he / she receives help from family or others. The COPD relatives have answered questions about the care they provide for the sick and how much time they spend on this and how it affects their own life situation.
The survey was sent to COPD patients (1118 patients) who had a...
Survey of Living Conditions and Psychological Health Among Inmates in Norwegian Prisons, 2003
In June 2003, Statistics Norway (SSB), at division for interviews, carried out a national interview survey concerning the living conditions and psychological health among inmates in Norwegian prisons. SSB conducted the survey on behalf of the Research Foundation Fafo. The survey was financed by the Ministry of Justice and the Police and the Norwegian Directorate of Health....
Elderly care in big cities. Evaluation of the action plan for the elderly 1998-2001 - care needing elderly people's experiences
The survey was conducted in order to evaluate "the Action plan for welfare services for the elderly 1998-2001".
1000 elderly people in Oslo, Kristiansand, Bergen, Trondheim and Tromsø were contacted and asked how they were doing. 570 persons gave consent to be interviewed. The aim was to study experiences care givers and care receivers have with regard to how nursing and...
From consensus to conflict and variety? On the increase in user-directed personal assistance - Survey, 2002
User-controlled personal assistance (BPA) has since 1994 had trial status through state action plans for the disabled. The number of users has increased rapidly until today. 1 May 2000 a change in the Social Services Act came in effect, stating that BPA is an initiative local authorities are required to have among its services. Tensions and conflicts of interest related to...
Welfare of International Students at the University of Bergen, 1998
The purpose of this survey was to examine and map out the living conditions of international students at the University of Bergen. The survey was carried out in collaboration with the Student Welfare Organization in Bergen (SiB). The aim was to find better solutions and offers that can help international students adapt to the student environment. The project aimed to analyze...