72 studies found in English from a total of 36702


Rory Fitzgerald (Principal Investigator and ESS ERIC Director); Gianmaria Bottoni (Head of CRONOS2 Central Team); Elissa Sibley (CRONOS2 Central Team); (35 more)
The CROss-National Online Survey 2 (CRONOS-2) is the world’s first large scale, cross-national, probability-based input-harmonised web panel. It took place in 2021-23 and was fielded in 12 countries - Austria, Belgium, Czechia, Finland, France, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden and the United Kingdom - from November 2021 until March 2023. At the end of the...
Study description available in:EN

Citizen Survey 2015, User Part, Extra-Curricular Activities Programme (SFO)

Norwegian Digitalisation Agency
Citizen Survey is one of the largest user surveys of the civil service in Norway. It provides a better knowledge base for assessing performance of public services across sectors and provide insights that can help to develop the public sector in the long term. Citizen Survey says something about how satisfied residents and users are with their municipality and with the major...
Study description available in:ENNO

The Useful Life of Bed-nets for Malaria Control in Tanzania: Attrition, Bio-efficacy, Chemistry, Durability and Insecticide Resistance, 2016 - excel files

Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) are the current first line choice in malaria vector control in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), with most countries adopting universal coverage campaigns with free or subsidised nets. However, there is only limited knowledge from few countries of the effective life of LLINs under user conditions, an essential parameter for determining the...
Study description available in:ENNO

Citizen Survey 2015, User Part, Police

Norwegian Digitalisation Agency; Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation
Citizen Survey is one of the largest user surveys of the civil service in Norway. It provides a better knowledge base for assessing performance of public services across sectors and provide insights that can help to develop the public sector in the long term. Citizen Survey says something about how satisfied residents and users are with their municipality and with the major...
Study description available in:ENNO

Citizen Survey 2013, User Part, University

Norwegian Digitalisation Agency
Citizen Survey is one of the largest user surveys of the civil service in Norway. It provides a better knowledge base for assessing performance of public services across sectors and provide insights that can help to develop the public sector in the long term. Citizen Survey says something about how satisfied residents and users are with their municipality and with the major...
Study description available in:ENNO

Citizen Survey 2015, User Part, Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund

Norwegian Digitalisation Agency
Citizen Survey is one of the largest user surveys of the civil service in Norway. It provides a better knowledge base for assessing performance of public services across sectors and provide insights that can help to develop the public sector in the long term. Citizen Survey says something about how satisfied residents and users are with their municipality and with the major...
Study description available in:ENNO

Citizen Survey 2021, researcher file

The Citizen Survey is a measure of how the citizens of Norway assess public services, their trust in politicians and their assessment and trust in the public administration and the government. Additionally, the survey measures how satisfied the residents are with their lives and how they experience living in Norway and in their municipality. This survey is conducted by The...
Study description available in:ENNO

ICT, disability and employment, 2008

The project will focus on the following main issues : 1 ) What public policy measures are designed to make use of ICT -based tools that can promote the employment of disabled people in Norway , the UK, Netherlands and Denmark ? 2 ) How is diffusion organized in the comparison countries? 3) What specific ICT -tools/aids are mostly used by people with visual, hearing or...
Study description available in:ENNO

Citizen Survey 2013, User Part, Domestic Helper

Norwegian Digitalisation Agency
Citizen Survey is one of the largest user surveys of the civil service in Norway. It provides a better knowledge base for assessing performance of public services across sectors and provide insights that can help to develop the public sector in the long term. Citizen Survey says something about how satisfied residents and users are with their municipality and with the major...
Study description available in:ENNO

Citizen Survey 2015, user part, regular GP

Norwegian Digitalisation Agency
Citizen Survey is one of the largest user surveys of the civil service in Norway. It provides a better knowledge base for assessing performance of public services across sectors and provide insights that can help to develop the public sector in the long term. Citizen Survey says something about how satisfied residents and users are with their municipality and with the major...
Study description available in:ENNO

Reducing evictions. Evaluation of a project in the municipality of Oslo

Pedersen, Axel West (NOVA - Norsk institutt for forskning om oppvekst)
In the spring of 2004, Fami (Centre for studies of poverty, minimum security and social integration), which is a collaboration between Fafo and NOVA, won a tender, issued by the Norwegian Directorate for Health and Social Affairs, to evaluate the project "The collaboration project - fewer evictions". Axel West Pedersen from NOVA was the project leader for the...
Study description available in:ENNO

Evaluation of the Independent Municipalities Project in Steinkjer, 1990

Sletterød, Niels Arvid (SINTEF)
The project was an evaluation survey of how the ”SATS”-office works when it comes to internal organisation cooperation with the steering group for the office and the three original departments and towards the clients. “SATS” stands for cooperation between the employment agency and the social security office. The data material is a survey among 45 young people under 25 years...
Study description available in:ENNO

Citizen Survey 2013, User Part, Police

Norwegian Digitalisation Agency
Citizen Survey is one of the largest user surveys of the civil service in Norway. It provides a better knowledge base for assessing performance of public services across sectors and provide insights that can help to develop the public sector in the long term. Citizen Survey says something about how satisfied residents and users are with their municipality and with the major...
Study description available in:ENNO

Granted Disability Pension Under Appeal or New Application - Reasons and Justifications, 1994

Grimsmo, Anders (Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet)
The background for "Granted Disability Pension Under Appeal or New Application - Reasons and Justifications, 1994” was the rising rejection rate in disability pension cases from 1989 to 1993. Yet, a large proportion was retired due to disability, after initial rejection of their application. The project objective was to shed light on the reasons why a significant percentage...
Study description available in:ENNO

Attitudes Towards the Development of Society, 1988

The survey is planned and designed by prof. Willy Martinussen and vit.ass Anders Todal Jensen (UIT) and it is a follow-up of the survey "Survey of Work, Welfare and Equal Opportunities, 1980". In particular, the survey aimed at revealing people's attitudes toward welfare, distribution, economic growth, resource conservation and environmental protection and equality. The...
Study description available in:ENNO

Citizen Survey 2015, User Part, Domestic Helper

Norwegian Digitalisation Agency
Citizen Survey is one of the largest user surveys of the civil service in Norway. It provides a better knowledge base for assessing performance of public services across sectors and provide insights that can help to develop the public sector in the long term. Citizen Survey says something about how satisfied residents and users are with their municipality and with the major...
Study description available in:ENNO

Citizen Survey 2013, User Part, Hospital

Norwegian Digitalisation Agency
Citizen Survey is one of the largest user surveys of the civil service in Norway. It provides a better knowledge base for assessing performance of public services across sectors and provide insights that can help to develop the public sector in the long term. Citizen Survey says something about how satisfied residents and users are with their municipality and with the major...
Study description available in:ENNO

Citizen Survey 2013, User Part, Planning and Construction Office

Norwegian Digitalisation Agency
Citizen Survey is one of the largest user surveys of the civil service in Norway. It provides a better knowledge base for assessing performance of public services across sectors and provide insights that can help to develop the public sector in the long term. Citizen Survey says something about how satisfied residents and users are with their municipality and with the major...
Study description available in:ENNO

Citizen Survey 2013, User Part, The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Service (NAV)

Norwegian Digitalisation Agency
Citizen Survey is one of the largest user surveys of the civil service in Norway. It provides a better knowledge base for assessing performance of public services across sectors and provide insights that can help to develop the public sector in the long term. Citizen Survey says something about how satisfied residents and users are with their municipality and with the major...
Study description available in:ENNO

Welfare and level of living among the very frail elderly, 2000

Slagsvoll, Britt (OsloMet)
This dataset is from the study "Welfare and level of living among the very frail elderly". The data are collected through questionnaires and face-to-face interviews. The study deals with service receivers over 70 years of age from 16 municipalities. The elderly people in the sample live either in nursing homes, retirement homes, houses which are adapted or in their own...
Study description available in:ENNO

Citizen Survey 2015, User Part, Planning and Construction Office

Norwegian Digitalisation Agency
Citizen Survey is one of the largest user surveys of the civil service in Norway. It provides a better knowledge base for assessing performance of public services across sectors and provide insights that can help to develop the public sector in the long term. Citizen Survey says something about how satisfied residents and users are with their municipality and with the major...
Study description available in:ENNO

Citizen Survey 2013, User Part, Nursing Home

Norwegian Digitalisation Agency
Citizen Survey is one of the largest user surveys of the civil service in Norway. It provides a better knowledge base for assessing performance of public services across sectors and provide insights that can help to develop the public sector in the long term. Citizen Survey says something about how satisfied residents and users are with their municipality and with the major...
Study description available in:ENNO

Citizen Survey 2013, User Part, Extra-Curricular Activities Programme (SFO)

Norwegian Digitalisation Agency
Citizen Survey is one of the largest user surveys of the civil service in Norway. It provides a better knowledge base for assessing performance of public services across sectors and provide insights that can help to develop the public sector in the long term. Citizen Survey says something about how satisfied residents and users are with their municipality and with the major...
Study description available in:ENNO

Citizen Survey 2015, User Part, Norwegian Tax Administration

Norwegian Digitalisation Agency
Citizen Survey is one of the largest user surveys of the civil service in Norway. It provides a better knowledge base for assessing performance of public services across sectors and provide insights that can help to develop the public sector in the long term. Citizen Survey says something about how satisfied residents and users are with their municipality and with the major...
Study description available in:ENNO

Citizen Survey 2015, User Part, Health Clinic

Norwegian Digitalisation Agency
Citizen Survey is one of the largest user surveys of the civil service in Norway. It provides a better knowledge base for assessing performance of public services across sectors and provide insights that can help to develop the public sector in the long term. Citizen Survey says something about how satisfied residents and users are with their municipality and with the major...
Study description available in:ENNO

Citizen Survey 2013, User Part, Academy

Norwegian Digitalisation Agency
Citizen Survey is one of the largest user surveys of the civil service in Norway. It provides a better knowledge base for assessing performance of public services across sectors and provide insights that can help to develop the public sector in the long term. Citizen Survey says something about how satisfied residents and users are with their municipality and with the major...
Study description available in:ENNO

From consensus to conflict and variety? On the increase in user-directed personal assistance - In depth interviews, 2002

Askheim, Ole Petter (INN)
User-controlled personal assistance (BPA) has since 1994 had trial status through state action plans for the disabled. The number of users has increased rapidly until today. 1 May 2000 a change in the Social Services Act came in effect, stating that BPA is an initiative local authorities are required to have among its services. Tensions and conflicts of interest related to...
Study description available in:ENNO

Citizen Survey 2015, User Part, Hospitals

Norwegian Digitalisation Agency
Citizen Survey is one of the largest user surveys of the civil service in Norway. It provides a better knowledge base for assessing performance of public services across sectors and provide insights that can help to develop the public sector in the long term. Citizen Survey says something about how satisfied residents and users are with their municipality and with the major...
Study description available in:ENNO

Citizen Survey 2015, user part, The Norwegian Church

Norwegian Digitalisation Agency
Citizen Survey is one of the largest user surveys of the civil service in Norway. It provides a better knowledge base for assessing performance of public services across sectors and provide insights that can help to develop the public sector in the long term. Citizen Survey says something about how satisfied residents and users are with their municipality and with the major...
Study description available in:ENNO


Roger Jowell (Principal Investigator); Rory Fitzgerald (Central Co-ordinating Team); Caroline Roberts (Central Co-ordinating Team); (60 more)
The European Social Survey (ESS) is an academically-driven multi-country survey, which has been administered in over 30 countries to date. Its three aims are, firstly - to monitor and interpret changing public attitudes and values within Europe and to investigate how they interact with Europe's changing institutions, secondly - to advance and consolidate improved methods of...
Study description available in:EN